Apple doesn't seem to be interested, but ... Google calls for "Unify message standards"

I want to put together Google, but Apple isn't interested ...

"RCS (Rich Communication Services)" that Google is focusing on popularization. This is an alternative to SMS and MMS, the standard for sending and receiving messages on mobile phones, which literally means "rich communication services" that have richer functions for exchanging messages.

Google is focusing on making this RCS the standard messaging protocol for all mobile platforms. In collaboration with all American carriers such as AT & T and Verizon, we have supported RCS with the official messaging app "Messages" and provided RCS services for Android users. And it seems that he is eagerly hoping that it will also be compatible with the iPhone.


The beginning of the matter is the coverage of professional golfers. A small story about professional golfer Bryson DeChambeau struggling with the only green bubble in the team (on iMessege's group chat, only Android users have a green Messe balloon). is not it. One of his teammates said DeChambeau was the only player on the American Ryder Cup team who didn't have an iPhone. A "green bubble" person (that is, an Android user) who always has one in iMessage is said to ruin group chat.

In response, Hiroshi Rockheimer, senior vice president of Android at the company, indirectly called on Apple for RCS (although not named) on Twitter with a bit of playfulness.

You're implicitly calling on Apple by metaphorizing RCS in a tweet full of heart marks.

This SMS-based protocol is a rich addition to standard text messages that have been around for over a decade. Google has been migrating Android users to RCS for years, but carriers have been slow to respond and there was some confusion before RCS finally took hold.

Many Android users in the United States can take advantage of RCS features such as message read, typing status, and location sharing when communicating with compatible Android devices. In addition, end-to-end encryption supported by iMeesage (a method in which encrypted data is exchanged between the sender and the receiver, and the data is decrypted and viewed only by both terminals. The confidentiality of the data is high). It is possible with RCS.

However, Apple does not seem to support RCS. Because it's not necessary for Apple. It's a kind of derogatory term to call Android users mixed in iMessage's group chat "green bubble", but for Apple, rather than unifying the message standard with Android, "then it's better to use the iPhone." I think it's like that.