About 1 in 6 smartphone users have already encountered security problems ... McAfee survey

On the 12th, McAfee announced the results of the "security awareness in using smartphones" survey. The survey was conducted from August 29th to 30th, and responses were received from 730 samples (365 men and 365 women) of smartphone users in their teens to 60s. According to it, 84.9% of smartphone users answered that they "feel some kind of security concern" when using it. On the other hand, 15.1% of users answered that they were not particularly concerned about security, and this tendency was stronger among females (58.2%) than males (41.8%). Concerns related to security included 1st place: “Malware infection” (57.3%), 2nd place: “Lost smartphone” (47.7%), and 3rd place: “Leakage of personal information” (41.1%). . Furthermore, about one in six people (17.5%) have encountered security problems, with "nuisance calls/emails" (9.9%) leading the way, followed by "virus infection" (2.7%) and "phishing". It has become clear that there are already users who have suffered damage such as "fraud" (2.1%). In addition, more than 80% of smartphone users answered that if they could not find their smartphone and suspected it might be lost, they would feel anxious within an hour. More than one in three (36.4%) said they felt anxious within just 10 minutes. In the unlikely event that data is lost, about half (46.7%) of the users answered that they would pay 3000 yen or more if the data could be recovered, and about 10% (8.1%) of the users I answered, "I can pay more than 10,000 yen." The average amount that can be paid for data recovery is 3,874 yen, which is more than 1,000 yen higher for men (4,447 yen) than for women (3,308 yen). Approximately 90% of users believe that smartphones require security. It is also clear that data restoration (27.8%) is required. On the other hand, they do not feel the need for features such as web filtering (5.2%), remote wipe (6.3%), and web protection (6.7%).

Smartphone users, about 1 in 6 People have already encountered security problems, according to McAfee research