If you quit Docomo, are you scared of the rest? Listen to user Honne at the MVNO study session

How much is the awareness of cheap SIM services expanded? What is the ratio of share of each service? What are the concerns for general consumers who are considering switching from major carriers to cheap SIM services?Do you feel that? This time, the "7th MVNO Study Group" was held by the MMD Research Institute.

■ Cheap smartphone, share NO.1?

Koji Yoshimoto, director of the MMD Research Institute, announced the results of the market research in March 2018 (44,541 respondents).According to that, the recognition of cheap SIM services is 89.It is up to 8%.According to a survey targeting 6,721 MVNO users, the ratio of data SIM is 34..7%, voice SIM is 65.3%.Mr. Yoshimoto said, "The contractor of the voice SIM is 11 year -on -year..5 points have increased.It seems that more users who use cheap smartphones as the main smartphone are increasing. "

If you look at the share of MVNOs including sub brands, Y -Mobile (27) (27).4%), Rakuten Mobile (19).0%), mineo (10.4%), IIJmio (BIC SIM) (7).2%), OCN Mobile ONE (7).0%), UQ Mobile (6).3%).By the way, the top of the overall satisfaction is mineo, followed by IIJmio and OCN Mobile ONE.

The MMD Research Institute conducted a unique survey of three major carriers, sub brands, and MVNO users.Users of major 3 carriers say, "Smartphone dependence is high, but I do not want to think about complicated things in contracts, etc." For sub brand users, "I want to make the usage fee cheaper, but I do not want to struggle so much in the contract.It is said that MVNO users tend to say, "We are thinking about various contracts to reduce the price."According to this result, Mr. Yoshimoto said, "In order for MVNO to acquire new customers in the future, it is necessary to make the contract plan simple."

■ I'm afraid of the disadvantages after I stopped DOCOMO!

In the latter half of the study session, three consumers were considering cheap SIM services and three consumers who are considering cheap SIM services.

Mr. Matsubara is about 15,000 yen for a total of about 15,000 yen for his wife and his child (not included in the device for the terminal).Although I am interested in the cheap smartphone used by my friend, "I have been in docomo for more than 20 years. It seems that there are disadvantages when I quit DOCOMO. MVNOs I'm considering now have some disadvantages.?"When.

Mr. Kobayashi, who has been using au's iPhone 6 for three years, says, "I'm using an au smart path.。

ドコモをやめたら後が怖い? MVNO勉強会でユーザーのホンネを聞く

Mr. Tomioka, who is already in the study stage of the transfer, said, "The cheap SIM is more economical considering the running cost. I have been investigating it myself, but I haven't been able to organize it yet. Cheap SIM colleagues are afternoon.I am in trouble with the slow communication speed in the obi. The timing I use my smartphone is the commuting hours and lunch. Even if the price is cheap, I think it will be stressful if the communication is slow.There is also a feeling that it is good. "

Regarding the communication speed, all three seemed to be concerned.According to Akiho Ueda of Kay Opticom (mineo), "In MVNO, every service will have a similar communication speed. Is it a level that can be endured? I use mineo services.I also watch YouTube. If the image quality is bad, you can watch it. If you can't stand this slow, the cheap SIM service may be tough. "

Mr. Yasunori Matsuda of Big Lobe (BIGLOBE Mobile) said, "If you expand the communication band, the cost will not be possible at a low price. Trade off problems. We have a limited communication speed at our company.I'm working on how I can raise it. "

Ryuji Ihara of Aeon Retail (Aeon Mobile) said, "If you really want to lower the usage fee or be able to put up with the Internet for lunch, you can use it. Even if Aeon recommends customers at the store, lunch is the communication speed.I have confirmed. If you have lunch, you can move to a place where Wi-Fi can be used. "

To Santaro's benefits and balance

In addition to the communication speed, what is likely to be an uneasy factor?

Matsubara said, "I've been using docomo credit cards. What should I do with it? It's no longer just a matter of communication."Mr. Kobayashi said, "Now, in addition to the Apple Store app, I also include au apps. I'm glad if I can use it. I usually get benefits such as Santaro's day, but there are more benefits than that.If there is, we will transfer. "

Mr. Tomioka said, "My friend bought an iPhone that costs more than 100,000 yen when switching to LINE Mobile. I thought it was expensive. If I think for a long time, there will be no big difference from major carriers, but recently, but recently.The recommended Huawei smartphone was recommended. If it is worth the price, I think you can switch to Android. "

■ Family meeting at the end!?

When choosing a mobile phone company, who usually refer to your opinion?Mr. Matsubara says, "I decide on my own while referring to my friend's opinions. What I want to know is the user's true intentions.

Mr. Kobayashi said, "I refer to the word -of -mouth on the Internet. If you narrow down some candidates, it will be a family meeting. I want to change the model and a new contract at the same time, so I do not pass my own opinion.I also care about whether there is a shop that supports me in the living area. "

Mr. Tomioka said, "I think consumers' real reviews are important. If you look up on the net, some articles will only write good things. But if you can know, including bad things, you will be realistic.I can imagine the situation when I used it. The cheap SIM services are still there, and the information is limited. "

■ The contract is a store? Net?

Where are the contracts? Matsubara said, "I think it's okay on the Internet, but when I'm my first time, I want to ask the staff at the store a lot. The net contract seems to be unknown what I had contracted.That's it. "Mr. Kobayashi said, "I will definitely sign a contract at the store. At that time, I signed a contract at that store, so let's go to hear what I do not understand. I want to hear what I do not understand, and I want an answer immediately.. It takes time to sandwich one cushion on the net. "

On the other hand, Tomioka said, "I don't want to wait for the order at the store, so I want to sign a contract online. In a crowded shop, I can't hear the story satisfactorily. I feel stressed there."I did it.

In addition, there are questions such as "Is it possible to migrate photos and other data," "Can LINE talk history can be taken over?"If you insert a SIM card corresponding to your smartphone, you can keep using it as it is, and that an optional service called entertainment free is prepared.

What I felt in the reporter was that the needs of consumers imagined by the business and the actual consumer wonts seem to be some gaps.This roundtable would have been a good place for business operators to hear the voice of consumers.