SIM No replacement The type "Weird SIM" is used in Xperia XZ Premium

SstomachM is a bottleneck when using "Xperia XZ Premium (SO-04J)" operated by cheap SstomachM overseas.Since the SstomachM lock has been unlocked, you can purchase and use a local carrier prepaid SstomachM, but the SstomachM removal and instructions are messed up.However, in the case of cheap SstomachMs, there are few places where you have a great overseas roaming communication service.

stomach don't want to insert the SstomachM, but stomach want to communicate overseas.H seems to be able to solve such a wish.stomach.S.モバイルの「変なSstomachM」です。

This time H.stomach.S.モバイルの「変なSstomachM」を使ってみる

購入したのは「変なSstomachM」の貼るタイプ。普段使っているSstomachMに貼り付けることで、SstomachMを抜き挿ししなくても海外用のSstomachMとして使えるので、シングルSstomachM仕様のXperia XZ Premiumにピッタリです。

まずはXperia XZ PremiumからSstomachMを取り出して、説明書のとおりに変なSstomachMを貼り付けます。同梱されている説明書はAndroid版とiOS版があってわかりやすいのは◎。

Two types of instructions included with OS

台紙からフィルムを剥がして、Xperia XZ Premiumに装着していたSstomachMを台紙にセット

Remove the film as it is and paste it tightly


あとはXperia XZ PremiumのSstomachMトレーに変なSstomachMを貼り付けたSstomachMを挿入するだけ。貼り付けたぶんだけ厚みは増えていますが、すんなり入りました。


SstomachMを装着したら、専用アプリを起動させます。アプリはPlayストアからダウンロード可能。アプリを起動させたら、変なSstomachMを購入時に作成したstomachDとパスワードでログインします。 SstomachM交換不要の貼るタイプ「変なSstomachM」をXperia XZ Premiumで使ってみた

You can purchase plans from each country from the dedicated app.This time, I'm in Thailand, so I tap "Thailand" from "purchase".Then, a one -day fee is displayed, so you can choose the number of days to use.

Tap the country or area where you travel from the purchase button

The basic fee for the day is displayed and the number of days of use can be selected

The number of days of use is 1 to 7 days.There is no discount even if you use it for a long time



Successful to switch

If you tap "Use this plan" from here, it will start communication ... but it will not start no matter how many times you tap.Furthermore, it does not catch radio waves, and the antenna pict remains out of range.

Even if you press the start from this state, it does not work

It is displayed that it cannot be registered even if you try to select a carrier manually

I called the support desk, but it was crowded and "I will go in order" after about an hour.After telling the symptoms, I was able to call back from the operator, but after all, I boarded the flight to return to Japan that night, so this time it was just up.

