See the history of careers in the UK and French, the mobile industry swaying in the DOCOMO complete subsidiary

Speaking of big news in the mobile industry in recent years, NTT's NTT DOCOMO is a wholly owned subsidiary.Immediately after that, it was surprising that Rakuten Mobile's 5G started, but the mobile carrier was in a turbulent period, regardless of the change of the Prime Minister.

In many cases, major overseas careers have started from a state -owned company, but I would like to see the history of Europe, especially in the UK and France, which has been constantly competing by entering the country.

A mobile carrier that continues to be turbulent with NTT DOCOMO's subsidiary by NTT.The example of France has been relatively close to Japan, and has been shared with the three major carriers for many years, but in 2012, the fourth career "Free" by famous entrepreneurs appeared, gaining a certain share.

BRITISH TELECOM is a mysterious route to cut the O2 from the company and then acquire another career EE

British Telecom is a company equivalent to NTT in the UK.Originally dated in the late 19th century, several telegraphs were born under the postal telegraph category.After that, the telephone business started.It started as British Telecom in 1981, three years later, three years later, in 1984.The abbreviated "BT" officially became the company in 1991. ドコモ完全子会社で揺れるモバイル業界、英国とフランスのキャリアの歴史を見る

In mobile communication, CellNet started as a joint venture in 1985.Providing business in Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands, spin -off as MMO2 subsequently.After that, it becomes the current O2.O2 was acquired in 2006 by Telefonica UK, the British business of Telefonica, a Spanish NTT.

Speaking of O2, you may still remember the Lugby World Cup, which was just one year ago.In the soccer, the company's logo was displayed in front of the Arsenal uniform for a while.In terms of connection with Japan, it is a career that started NTT DOCOMO's "i -mode" in the UK (but it ended in just two years).

Returning to BT, BT acquired EE, a major carrier in the country in 2015.It's a bit complicated, but this EE used to be a very British-like company name called “Everything Everywhere”, and the UK business of Orange (Orange UK) in France and T-Mobile (T-Mobile UK) in Germany.Born in 2010.

Both ORANGE and T-MOBILE, each of the former state-owned France Telecom / Deutsch Telekom has been developed independently in the UK.Competition was intensifying due to the coalescence of O2 and Telefonic UK before that, and it was inevitable that efficiency was inevitable.In the UK, network sharing has begun, and the cost of developing all infrastructure in -house has been a heavy burden.In addition, at a 3G frequency auction that led to the collapse of the telecom bubble, each company had exhausted physical strength.

BT is not an O2 born from the company, but a completely different EE in an umbrella, but once a separated mobile business is still necessary, the synergistic effect with fixed communication is, etc.It is likely.

Speaking of the British career, Vodafone.It was 15 years ago that it was being developed in Japan, but many people will remember it.VODAFONE was born in the year after BT privatization (Military communication equipment Racal Electronics is the source), and with the acquisition of MANNESMANN, which owned a mobile network in Germany, it is quickly internationally international.I turned to the deployment.Vodafone Spain (Spain), Vodafone Germany (Germany), and the Middle East, Africa, India, etc., reminiscent of the British Empire, the world map was repainted with a corporate color red.

In the United Kingdom, there is THREE (3), which has newly entered after the start of 3G services.