Bario Secure -sponsored in March "Introducing a new" VCR "that provides Net Security of SMEs in one package"

Bario Secure Co., Ltd. -March 10 (Thursday) distributed online lectures from 16:00 -Bario Secure Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda -ku, Tokyo; President: Yoshihiko Inami, Securities Code: 4494, Bario Secure) We will hold an online seminar sponsored by our company and give lectures on "VCR", which provides Cyber ​​attack measures for small and medium -sized enterprises in one package. "VCR" is an all -in -one security product + service specializing in information security of small and medium -sized enterprises, and protects the office of SMEs from cyber attacks with a variety of security functions. This time, the new model "VCR116W" (UTM: integrated threat control), which has been upgraded in February 2022, has been on sale, and is equipped with a dual processor to respond to the encrypted communication to a large amount of processing speed. The improvement has been realized, and the sandbox function to stop unknown threats in terms of function is now available as standard. This provides a more stable and secure internet environment than ever before, in response to the introduction of various new applications in recent years and the increase in the amount of communication of each end user due to changes in the work system. In this webinar, we will introduce what the internet security services needed for DX in SMEs. ■ VARIO Webina Overview Date: Thursday, March 10, 2022 16: 00-15: 40 Format: LIVE distribution by online (ZOOM distribution) Participation fee: Free (advance reservation required) sponsored by: Bario Secure Co., Ltd. "Introducing a new" VCR "that provides small and medium -sized business net security in one package" Bario Secure Co., Ltd. Sales Division Integration Service Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Sales Application method: Please apply from the following URL. https: //《バリオセキュアについて》バリオセキュアは、多様なセキュリティ機能を実装したセキュリティアプライアンス機器「VSR-VarioSecure Router」の製造ならびに VSR を使用したマネージドセキュリティサービスの提供と、UTM 機器「VCR-Vario Communicate Router」の販売、EDRサービス、メールセキュリティサービス、テータバックアップ・転送サービスなどを行っています。米国に本社を持つコンピュータセキュリティ監査の最大手である ICSA の Firewall 認定を取得している国内メーカーとして、また、多様なセキュリティソリューションを提供するソリューションプロバイダとして、お客様のニーズにいち早く対応し、常に先進のセキュリティ/ネットワークソリューションをご提供する企業を目指します。【本リリースに関するお問い合わせ先】バリオセキュア株式会社 社長室所在地:東京都千代田区神田錦町1-6 住友商事錦町ビル5F電話 :03-5577-3284(平日9:00~18:00)メールアドレス:pr@Variosecure.Net Corporate Site: https: // バリオセキュア主催ウェビナー3月開催「中小企業のネットセキュリティをワンパッケージで提供する新『VCR』をご紹介」