Can I use a DOCOMO SIM card between Android and iPhone? : Cheap SIM Q&A (extra edition)

Currently, I am using an Android smartphone from NTT DoCoMo. I'm thinking of buying more SIM lock-free iPhones, but can I still use the SIM card I'm currently using with Android?

I plan to use both Android and iPhone depending on my mood, so it would be nice to be able to use the same SIM card.

"Cheap SIM Q&A" back number

In the case of DoCoMo, if the size of the SIM card matches, you can basically use it as it is. (ITmedia Mobile editorial department Inoue)

You can purchase a SIM lock-free model at the Apple Store for iPhone 5s or later. Also, for iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus and later models, SIM lock can be unlocked under certain conditions even if purchased through a carrier (reference article). On the other hand, it is no longer rare to see SIM lock-free Android smartphones at electronics retail stores.

Because of this, recently there have been questions such as, "Can I use the SIM card from Android to iPhone?" "Can I use the SIM card from iPhone to Android?" ?” is a frequently asked question. The questioner this time falls under the third pattern.

Docomo SIM card for Android and iPhone : Cheap SIM Q&A (Extra Edition)

In the case of NTT Docomo, which the questioner uses, if you have a contract for "sp mode" on the Xi (LTE) line, you can use the same size SIM card (docomo nano UIM card) for both Android smartphone and iPhone. ) can be reused. In the case of SIM lock-free Android smartphones sold without DoCoMo, APN (connection information) settings may be required, but recently more and more models have presets. In a sense, it can be said that it is the carrier with the lowest degree of difficulty in using SIM cards between Android and iPhone.

However, if your contracted packet flat-rate service is "Xi Pake-hodai for iPhone", you cannot reuse the SIM card. If you are currently subscribed to the same plan and want to reuse the SIM card with an Android smartphone, etc., you will need to switch to the new rate plan (Kake-hodai & Pake-aeru).

If you are subscribed to Xi Pake-hodai for iPhone, packet communication using a model other than an iPhone is not possible in Japan (from "Xi Pake-hodai for iPhone" terms and conditions)

In addition, even with MVNO (Virtual Mobile Network Operator) services using Docomo lines, if the SIM card is the same size, it can be used between Android smartphones and iPhones. However, it is essential to install the APN profile on the iPhone side.

In addition, people who use au (KDDI and Okinawa Cellular Phone) and Softbank have asked similar questions, so I plan to answer them later.

"Cheap SIM Q&A" accepts questions about cheap SIM from readers. Anything from basic questions such as "What is a cheap SIM in the first place?" to in-depth questions such as "How is the service used?" The editorial department will answer as much as possible. We look forward to hearing from you!

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