Dembele & Griezmann's discrimination problem later [Part 1]: Griezmann supported by sponsors and journalists

Do you remember the issue of racist remarks directed at Japanese people by famous French soccer players Ousmane Dembele and Antoine Griezmann?

Reference article (Kyodo News): French soccer player, Japan discrimination or video leakage, apology for criticism

I would like to report how this issue is progressing.

I wanted to write this article a little earlier, but the problems related to the Olympic Opening Ceremony flooded in and delayed me even more.

Griezmann (30 years old) belongs to Spain's Barça (Barcelona), but it has been talked about in various ways as a transfer candidate. , What will happen?

In such a vortex, I feel that this discrimination problem has become a problem of the past.

The first part is about Griezmann.

Reference article: Translation is difficult. . . How weird was the Japanese translation of Dembele & Griezmann's remarks: Discrimination problem in the football world

Controversial black disguise

First of all, as a fact check, he didn't say anything in the widely circulated video in question. However, he smiled at Dembele, who made the controversial statement. This was seen as an act that affirmed discrimination, and criticism arose.

Critics also cited Griezmann's previous 2017 impersonation of a black basketball player at a fancy dress party in all black and an afro. And he criticized him for being a man steeped in racism.

Because it is important as a prelude to this problem, I will explain it.

This black “dress up” reminds us of a certain history.

In America in the 1830s, large-scale shows combining theater and music called "minstrel shows" were born. White people painted all black and played black characters, especially slave characters, with great success.

Here black people were humiliated as stupid, lazy, superstitious, and obsessed with sex.

However, Griezmann himself is a big fan of the popular American basketball team "Harlem Globetrotters", so he just imitated it.

This team is dedicated to exhibitions. Exhibitions generally focus on showing demonstrations rather than earnestly competing for victory or defeat.

This team seems to have both sports and comedy. As you can guess by the name "Harlem", it's a team of African Americans.

Griezmann briefly tweeted, "I know I was clumsy. If I hurt anyone, I apologize."

"Are you attacking anti-racist people?"

Now, let's get down to business.

As many of you know, Griezmann made the following statement on Twitter in the video about Japanese discrimination.

At the time, there were reports about why the French team, despite being a favorite to win the European Football Championship, lost without making it to the quarter-finals, or about contract issues with Barça players (including Griezmann). , has been variously discussed.

Why did this video from a few years ago, which was supposed to have disappeared for a while, leaked at this "perfect" timing? I could imagine that there would be people in Europe who would like to create a bad reputation for this star now.

And finally, a journalist appeared to stand up for him.

Walid Kasiew, a sports journalist from Le Monde who knows him well (his name suggests he may be of North African descent).

He wrote:

This issue is even called "The Rainbow Case" in Germany.

He has previously appeared on the cover of a gay magazine to show his support for the LGBT+ community.

China's Huawei deal abruptly terminated

In contrast to Japan's Konami, which quickly terminated the deal, his sponsors, including Puma, remained silent.

In the midst of this, one of his major sponsors, the French betting and betting company PMU (Pari Mutuel Urbain), has expressed its support for him. 9% goes into the national treasury).

According to the same article, the PMU has sent a statement to Le Monde newspaper.

"Antoine Griezmann has made a sincere official apology. PMU, which is adamantly opposed to any form of discrimination, will always be mindful of this and maintain its faith in Antoine Griezmann."

I'm kind of relieved.

I've never seen him as a racist. Unlike Benzema, who returned to the French team after a long time, I have never heard of any dirty scandals, and generally has the image of a ``kind person'' I have it).

I knew from the news that the contract with China's Huawei, which had been ongoing since 2017, was suddenly terminated in December 2020. I should be able to get a huge amount of money.

As in Japan, I think people tend to be tolerant no matter where athletes appear in advertisements. I think it's a very rare case that the contract is canceled for political reasons, probably due to suspicion of oppression of Uyghurs.

[ Part 1]: Griezmann Supported by Sponsors and Journalists " title=" Dembele & Griezmann's Discrimination Problem Afterwards [Part 1]: Griezmann Supported by Sponsors and Journalists" >

The Uyghurs are Muslim, and France has the largest Muslim community in Europe, so I think it's a fitting move for a French star.

There is an atmosphere in the West that makes it difficult to refute when someone denounces that "that person is a racist," unless it is a fabrication based on no facts. Especially now, in the midst of a new tide of anti-discrimination, it is even more so.

I agree with these changes of the times, and I believe that chaos and radical reactions are unavoidable in order for society to evolve dramatically. I optimistically believe that in the long run the world will turn out to be better after all. Besides, it is people's consciences that are difficult to refute.

Sometimes I still feel like I've gone too far.

For example, if I love the late Michael Jackson and imitate everything, including his skin color, would I become a racist? , Is there a cause-and-effect relationship to why my face turned whitish?).

In such a situation, this journalist had the courage to speak out.

Sponsors who supported him

Of course, PMU made a calm judgment and clearly expressed their intention to continue the partnership that started in May of this year.

He still appears at the top of PMU's official website.

Mr. Griezmann is a horse lover who owns his own stables and horses, and has been with PMU for a long time.

Because of the nature of betting and gambling, PMU has an overwhelmingly large number of male customers. Betting tickets are bought by people of all skin colors, from rich to poor.

The fact that PMU continues to use Griezmann as the face of the company suggests that French men, regardless of skin color, generally like him and appreciate what he has done. It will be.

If black people don't like the black people's disguise problem, they should stop it. But if Mr. Griezmann really liked the black basketball team and imitated it, it's strange to criticize him as "racist."

There are parts of this Le Monde article that I personally wonder about, but I still think the reporter is brave.

However, that is also because of Griezmann's behavior up until now. That's why this time, although he had a bad attitude, he didn't say anything, and he apologized properly, so I should forgive him.

Konami immediately canceled the contract with him as an ambassador for "Yu-Gi-Oh!" Some say, ``Griezmann has already been punished by Konami for canceling his contract, and he apologized, so it's okay.''

Social Media and Public Health

This reminds me of what happened in Japan with the Olympic Opening Ceremony.

Reference article (woman herself): Kentaro Kobayashi Reasons why there is less criticism than Keigo Oyamada who resigned even after dismissal

Human reactions seem to be the same in both the East and West. people look at people Especially fans are watching.

Social media tends to be over-emphasized about its shortcomings. It's certainly tiring to have my ugly heart, which I never talk about in my daily life, scattered all over the world. But I think that while working on improving the shortcomings, we should also focus more on the strengths.

On social media, bad deeds of the past are easily exposed, but good deeds are also exposed. I think it's an extremely democratic medium where everyone can raise their voices.

Whether in the East or West, if a person is truly loved, the people who know him and his fans will always support him. Mr. Griezmann's case seemed to me to be an example of such a "west of the ocean."

Will Japan be able to tackle new trends?

In Japan, even the #MeToo movement that has taken the world by storm has not taken root.

In the world "Gender Equality Ranking 2021" announced by the World Economic Forum, Japan is ranked 120th, which is lower than China and South Korea, and is unfavorable for developed countries.

However, with the Olympics issue, it seems that the world has finally woken up to the tide of "new efforts to address human rights issues." It aims to create a society in which “unreasonable discrimination and pressure cannot be tolerated.

In Europe and the United States, it started a long time ago, and even during the period of backlash, I can't help but feel that the mountain has already been overcome, and that we are about to enter a new stage.

What kind of new era will come to Japan from now on? I still haven't found the answer on how to do that.

I would love to hear what other people have to say. "A society where everyone can be themselves and live freely and equally without being subjected to unreasonable discrimination and pressure" -- for such a new society.

* [Part 2] Consider whether Mr. Dembele's remarks should be judged as discrimination. Discrimination against Asians and Japan's right-wing extremism: The soccer problem

Note: What is the "Rainbow Incident"?

First of all, as a whole situation, the European Union (EU) is working hard on the issue of ensuring the human rights of LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, etc.).

Meanwhile, Hungary and Poland are opposing this policy.

Hungary passed a new law banning the depiction of homosexuality that is visible to minors, and it was about to come into force in July.

It was just around the time that the European Football Championship 2020 was held this year, one year behind due to the corona crisis.

In Munich, Germany, the match between Germany and Hungary (Group F) was to be held in late June.

To protest such Hungarians, the mayor of Munich has proposed to surround the stadium with rainbow lights, the colors of the LGBT community.

However, in early June, the European Football Federation rejected the offer. The reason given was that although they shared the values ​​of tolerance across the board, as a "politically and religiously neutral organization" they were unable to deliver targeted messages to specific countries or governments.

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban welcomed the decision, saying European football leaders had shown good sense not to participate in what could be a political provocation against Hungary.

The Slovenian president Ceferin tried to shield himself from criticism by denouncing the 'populist' efforts of those who seek to abuse the sports federation for their own purposes.

There was a big protest in Germany. The German government has decided to paint the large windmill visible from the stadium and other stadiums in rainbow colors. The media and companies were also painted in rainbow colors.

France also announced that the presidential adviser to the Élysée Palace "deplores this decision".

"European Football Association, while a religiously neutral and non-political organization, has values ​​and has often promoted respect and rights of minorities. From this perspective: The Federation has abandoned its values."

``The federation does not want this to be a political act, but it is a political act that has been taken, abandoning its values.''

In this way, he said, "It is in an incomprehensible form."

By the way, the game between Germany and Hungary ended in a 2-2 draw.