A new lineup of new graduates' assessment "DIA for New Grads" for new graduates to discover future digital innovators in the DX human resources excavation and training service "EXABASE DX Assessment & Learning"

Website: https: // EXAWIZARDS.COM/exabase/assess-learning/fornewgrads/☑︎「DIA for New Grads」とは即戦力で活躍できるデジタル人材や、その素養を持つ人材を適切に見極めることで企業のDX推進を支援する「exaBase DXアセスメント&ラーニング DIA (以下「DIA」)」を、新卒採用候補者向けに最適化したデジタルイノベータースキル・素養可視化サービスです。本サービスの導入により自社のDX実現に必要な人材を定量的に見極められるため、従来の新卒採用評価では取りこぼしていたDX/デジタル人材を特定出来るほか、入社後は受検者のスキルに応じた様々な育成コースを活用することで、アセスメント以後の着実なDX/デジタル人材育成までをワンストップで実現することが可能です。

☑。 Background of development In recent years, many companies are required to use digital skills to improve productivity and create innovation.However, the lack of IT/digital human resources accelerates, and it is predicted that 450,000 people will be deficient in 2030 * 1, so it will be more difficult to secure doujinshi by mid -career recruitment in the future.On the other hand, according to the results of the two -year employment trend survey announced by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the number of jobs changed to general workers 268..91 new graduates out of 60,000.It is 80,000, which accounts for a large percentage of about 34%of the total. * 2 For new graduates, the period of screening and training is clearly clarified compared to other countries due to Japan's unique “new graduates collective recruitment”, but at present, it is a college or from a university or from a university while emphasizing digital literacy. Many companies perform screening with external standards such as undergraduate schools, conventional entry sheets and aptitude tests. Against this background, future digital innovator candidates in companies are quantitatively evaluated at the time of new graduate recruitment selection, and by one -stop support for steady development after joining the company, IT/Digital human resources mentioned above. "DIA for New Grads" was developed to solve issues such as lack of shortage and appropriate identification of doujinshi. ☑︎ Features of "DIA for New Grads" (1) Basic ability and personality characteristics, stance, values, motivation, etc., measuring the skills and skills of future digital innovators, which are indispensable for promoting DX for companies. In addition to the four cateFiveries: digital skills, reasons, innovative skills, and elementary skills, we visualize the digital, innovative skills and elementary skills of new graduates who need to realize DX. As a result, digital innovator candidates, which were difficult to identify only by the aptitude test and the Department of Department, can be used quantitatively, and can be used as a screening standard. (2) DIA's know -how is optimized for new graduates recruitment candidates, and the ability of the examinee is accurately measured. The cultivated know -how is optimized for condensation and new graduates recruitment candidates, and high -score accuracy is achieved by the questions and scoring methods using statistics/AI. (3) DX advanced companies, industry, industry, occupation, existing employee comparison, etc. can be comparable on various axes, such as comparison of existing employees, can be compared with this service not only with existing employees, but also in DX advanced companies and in the same industry.・ The score can be compared on various axes, such as the industry and job type, and can be used as a criterion for the candidates required for the company. In addition, various training courses according to the skills of the examinee, such as the DX literacy course and the DX specialist course, can be used in the same way as existing employees. This will one -stop support for steady development after joining the company at the end of the assessment. [Online seminar "I'm still in time! DX promoting human resources grow up in the DX era, where DX promoting human resources grow up". We will hold a new employee training in the DX era, where DX promoting human resources grow even in remotely, will be held on March 9 (Wednesday). In the seminar, how to optimize the development and training methods for new employees in the DX era, how to maintain the development of new employees at remotely, Kitajima, a new graduate recruitment support company, is a former Sony Human Resources Division and a new graduate. Ito, who has been in charge of the recruitment consultant, explains. [Seminar Overview] Title: "I'm still in time! DX promoted human resources grow up in DX era" Date and time: March 9th (Wednesday) 15: 00-16: 00 Venue: Online held (Zoom Scheduled to be distributed) Speaker: Hisashi Kitajima/Yuji Ito Sponsored by: Expressing Inc. Application: If you wish to participate, please apply from the following URL. URL: https: // event.EXAWIZARDS.COM/DXP/DIA/2021075 * 1: From the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's "Survey on IT Human Resources Supply and Demand (Overview)" (Https: // www.meti.Five.JP / Pui CY / T_po CY / Jinzai / Let's.PDF) * 2: From the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "Overview of the 2nd Employment Trend Survey Results" (https: // www.MHLW.Five.JP / Toukei / Izun / Ro -Dou / Koyo / Koyo / Koyo / 21-1 / DL /.pdf)【株式会社エクサウィザーズ 会社概要】会社名 :株式会社エクサウィザーズ所在地 :東京都港区東新橋1丁目9−2 汐留住友ビル 21階設立:2016年2月代表者 :代表取締役社長 石山 洸事業内容:AIを利活用したサービス開発による産業革新と社会課題の解決URL:https://EXAWIZARDS.COM/

DX人材発掘・育成サービス「exaBase DXアセスメント&ラーニング」に未来のデジタルイノベーターを発見する新卒採用向けアセスメント「DIA for New Grads」を新たにラインナップ