Richard You CEO for the new model "P20" on the day when Huawei is the best in the smartphone: Mobile World Congress 2018 (page 1/3)

At Mobile World Congress 2018 in Barcelona, Spain, he had the opportunity to meet Huawei's consumer business group CEO Richard You.The interview was on February 16, 2018 (local time) in a format interview for Japanese media, and Mr. You answered in Chinese and was conducted through an interpreter.

Huawei コンシューマー・ビジネス・グループ CEOのリチャード・ユー氏。インタビューの冒頭で、日本企業との良好なパートナーシップをアピールした

Thank you to all the Japanese media.Japan is an important market for Huawei and as an important partner.This is because our products use many Japanese parts.For example, Sony camera sensors, batteries, and displays made by JDI (Japan Display).In addition, we use Japanese products in the wireless field.It has a long -term partnership with Murata Seisakusho, Panasonic, Kyocera, etc.

I have been 25 years since I joined HUAWEI.From the beginning of joining the company, the founder and CEO's Non -Fay (Len Jeenfay) stated that "we should emulate Japan. We must learn Japanese technology."I myself love Japan as well as my children.So, I would like to learn a lot of things with more Japanese people with people in Japan in the future.

――The market share of smartphones is increasing in the global market, but what is HUAWEI's advantage not in Apple and Samsung?

Mr. Huawei uses communication.That is our strength.For example, Huawei Mate 10 Pro is the world's first 4.A smartphone that supports 5G, up to 1.You can communicate with 2Gbps.At the time of the announcement, it was more than six months ahead of other companies.Now that 5G is greeted, we have announced a product that supports 5G ahead of other companies.He also has a very deep understanding of communication because he works globally and has many networks.We also develop chipsets and modems in -house, so we can have a good compatibility with the network.

MWC 2018の開幕前日に開催されたプレスカンファレンスでは、5Gの商用サービス向けのチップセットも発表した

I think it's better than other Asian companies.Although it is self -portrait, I think that architecture and system design are excellent, and I think they are good at industrial design.It seems that other companies often use their own designers, but we have launched a team specializing in design in Europe and the United States to incorporate good points in Europe and the United States.It has a base in Paris, France, Milan, Italy, and London, England.

Huaweiがスマホで世界一になる日、新モデル「P20」への期待 リチャード・ユーCEOが語る:Mobile World Congress 2018(1/3 ページ)

It is also superior to hardware compared to US companies.Many Asian companies are good at hardware, and they have a high ability to make parts.It is an environment where new technologies can be realized before US companies.However, the company name is not said, but some companies in the United States should emulate.It is, for example, business models and eco systems.And so is the innovation ability.

Furthermore, it is also an advantage that our employees are very diligent compared to other companies.Other Asian companies often use their own people, but in the case of our company, various human resources from various countries are invited to management and have them play an active part.I am proud that it is a strength in globalization.

In addition, we are not greedy to talk about the secrets of success.Both partner companies share profits so that they can be injured.Not only in development and manufacturing, but also in the retail (retail) field, profits are firmly shared.So we have a low profit margin.But that has led to long -term development.

―― Huawei is third in smartphone global market share, Samsung and Apple, but when is it likely to overtake the two companies?Also, what if Huawei is not enough?

I've been in this field for a few years, and it's still a few years.Nevertheless, it was initially not in the top 10 in the Chinese market, but has now established the top three positions globally.In China, there is a phrase, "If you aim for the top, if you aim for the inside, you will be down."In other words, even if you aim for the first place, you may be able to be only 2nd or 3rd, but if you aim for 2nd or 3rd place, it will be in the lower ranking.So you have to always seek the best.If you don't have a goal to be better than people, you can't overtake your opponent.

I was originally a wireless network team, but at first I was still low and my competitiveness was low, but after that, I passed Ericson, the top of the industry, and now it is not in the US market.Regardless of, both sales and profits are the best in the world.

When it comes to overtaking the two companies, it may not be appropriate to answer directly, but ask my expectations and goals.As early as possible, I wonder if it can be second in the past 1-2 years.However, I think it will take 4 to 5 years to be the first place.Of course, there is a possibility that it will be faster or extended ...

However, it is very difficult to overtake rivals in the industry.There is a branding, and it must be a brand that will be trusted by consumers and gain trust.It is also important to continuously release innovative products that are better than rivals.

I myself am not so modest, so I am imposed a very challenging goal for team members.Even if it is a goal that seems to be impossible, it is achieved one after another by working together.By setting a high goal, I want to be awakened by fighting spirit and enable impossible things.
