Statement of the first telephone talk with US President Biden and President Xi, concerns about unfair economic practices and intimidating acts

On February 10, US President Joe Biden had a telephone talk with President Xi Jinping in China and opened the summary.This is the first time that the leaders of the United States and China have had the opportunity to discuss since President Biden.


According to the U.S. administration, President Biden tells Xi that his priority is to maintain the "free and open Indian Pacific" in addition to protecting the safety and prosperity of the Americans.。The President also expressed concerns about the Chinese government's unfair economic practices, the crackdown in Hong Kong, the violation of human rights in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, and the intimidating acts in the surrounding areas, including Taiwan.On the other hand, both leaders have exchanged opinions on common issues such as international public health, climate change, and weapons prevention, including measures against new colonovirus.Finally, President Biden emphasized that it will involve realistic and consequences in promoting the interests of American and allies.

In an interview with CBS news held on the 7th prior to the telephone talks, President Biden shows recognition that "extreme competition will continue" between the United States and China, and his policy is "like Mr. Trump. I will not proceed. I will focus on international rules. " However, the additional tariffs on importing Chinese products will not be changed immediately. Even in exports to Chinese companies such as Huawei (Huawei), the governor of Gina Lemond Road Island, who has been nominated as the Secretary of Commerce, "The reason for excluding the company is" excluded. I can't find it at all. " In addition, according to the public officials of Biden, according to the Perspers of the U.S. -China summit, in issues such as claims of territorial rights in Asia, cyber attacks in Asian regions, security in Taiwan, and Hong Kong's autonomy. They are said to be facing a confrontation, like the former Trump administration, but will take a more effective approach with a renewed cooperation with a traditional allies ("New York Times" electronic version of February 10).

As part of its initiatives, the Biden administration has established a Chinese task force in the Pentagon, and will summarize proposals on the China strategy within four months.President Biden visited the ministry on the 10th, saying, "This work requires a supervisory co -op part of the parliament, a strong alliance and friendly relationship in addition to the efforts of the whole government.It is possible to deal with it and ensure Americans to win the future competition. "

(Shinichi Isobe)