For the time being, KDDI will compete with LINEMO on UQ Mobile Atsushi Ishikawa's "Smartphone Industry Newspaper" Vol.429

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Atsushi Ishikawa's "Smartphone Industry Newspaper"

2021/07/31 (vol.429)

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"table of contents"

1. 1. For the time being, KDDI has not launched countermeasures against LINEMO "3GB 990 yen"

----- First, focus on UQ Mobile of "Denki Set Discount"

2.Huawei announces P50 series for China

----- Does not support 5G, survives only with 4G

KDDIは当面、UQモバイルでLINEMOに対抗 石川 温の「スマホ業界新聞」Vol.429

3. 3.Motorola announces "Motorola edge 20" series 3 models

----- Expectations for further acceleration of career development in Japan

Four.This Week's Release & News

Five.Editor's Note

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1. 1. For the time being, KDDI has not launched countermeasures against LINEMO "3GB 990 yen"

----- First, focus on UQ Mobile of "Denki Set Discount"

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It has become a hot topic that Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga commented in an interview with a magazine about the policy of reducing mobile phone charges, saying, "It is possible to double the burden.

In response to this statement, Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Ryota Takeda, who was asked at a regular press conference, said, "We have taken various steps such as a fair competitive environment and making various menus easier to understand. Competition has become more active than in the past. The number of subscribers to the new rate plan is 15.7 million as of the end of May, and the amount of reduction is estimated to be 430 billion yen on an annual basis. There are a certain number of people who are considering it. If the transfer progresses, the burden reduction may be further expanded.

We would like to work on creating a fair competitive environment to facilitate transfers so that the public can realize the benefits of lower mobile phone charges. "

On the other hand, how do you perceive your career? KDDI President Makoto Takahashi, who held a press conference on July 30, said, "I haven't seen the magazine, but it can be said that the return to customers by reducing the price is the result of competition. By reducing the switching cost, It will be easier for customers to move, and as a result, the four companies will offer cheaper rates. Of course, they will continue to do so. "