How does animals recognize time?

If you are a cat, an elephant, or a dioogusokumushi, do you not have to live in time?

It's interesting to think about it.Do animals aware of time?Does some animals feel the flow of time faster or slower than humans?

"GIZ ASKS" asks the intellectuals of various questions and questions.This time we talk about animals and time.

The speed of recognizing the change of the world has varied

Andrew Jackson

The concept of time is philosophical and troublesome in the first place.What I want to know is not the recognition of the animals itself, but what kind of speed of the world that changes every moment.I want to know how fast I can recognize the change if something changes in the world and to react quickly.

To measure this in the laboratory, sit in a chair and place a blinking light bulb.As the blinking speed is gradually increased, the spacing between light and light is narrowed, and when it goes to a certain place, it begins to seem to not flash.

If you try this experiment into animals in the same way, you can see that the difference in appearance is large in the animal world.The slowest is the legs that live in the deep sea, and can only recognize the flashing light four times per second.The fastest is the type of flash that can recognize 250 flashes per second.So, do these animals recognize the flow of time differently?I don't know that.But there will be a tremendous difference in how they recognize the surrounding changes.

For example, if two different species of animals were sitting next to each other, they were sensitive to the fantastic or fine environmental changes, and the other existed on a completely different time axis, whose detailed details were all about.You may not be aware of the change at all because the reaction is too slow.

My favorite example is the fish from the mekazi family.They can dramatically improve their visual acuity by increasing blood supply to the brain and eyes just before hunt.It will be fun to imagine that if a predator with such a outstanding eyesight is swimming around the sea at a fierce speed, it will come across a deep sea leg.For the latter, the former will look like a creature from a different dimension.

There is no receptor specializing in time, but it is detected

Edward a.Wasserman (Professor of Iowa University Psychology / Brain Science. Engaged in research on pigeons's conceptual thinking skills)

Most mysteries about animal sensation have been elucidated.Like humans, animals also perceive light, sound, and smells with dedicated remote receptors such as eyes, ears, and nose.However, how animals perceive time is much more mysterious than this.

Suppose light, sound, or smell will continue for 4 seconds.For example, a 4 -second intercourse starts with a dazzling flash and ends with a loud sound.But how do animals recognize these 4 seconds without a dedicated receptor to detect time?

Of course, the question of how animals are aware of time is assumed that they are actually aware of time.But I don't need to mention this.Already abundant research experiments have been conducted on animals such as rats, rats, pigeons, monkeys, and it has become clear that they are accustomed to time.

There is such an elegant method used in the experiment.Providing stimuli to the five senses from the outside, for example, if it is a light that lasts for one second, if you feel it is "short", you will have a certain reaction and feel the light that lasts for 4 seconds as "long".I will have another reaction.If you respond correctly, you will get a reward, but you will not get the right.Rat learns this task immediately.In addition, even if the stimulus is changed from light to shoe, the correct criterion can be taken over.It seems as if the receptor that senses light and sound is accessing the same place in the brain.

There is even more interesting things.When the light level or the volume increases, it feels longer than that of dark light and quiet sound.This suggests that the brain may scale up or scale the stimulus entering from multiple receptor according to the size and strength according to a certain scale ratio or scale down.

Therefore, the original question, "How does animals recognize time?", Rather, they are developed to another question, "How does animals (and human) sense strength?"I think it is better to let me do it.Solving this mystery seems to be a big challenge for science.

Animals know the future and the past like humans


Animals can only live today and are now caught.And I think there are many people who think that only humans can transcend the present.


However, research on animals "time travel" is underway, and it is gradually knowing whether animals can look back on events that were in the past or to think about the future.The apes and crows seem to have both abilities.

For example, in the experiment, it was confirmed that chimpanzees were used only after the chimpanzees were later.In nature, they carry the stems of the grasser plant they have collected in advance while traveling for a long distance, and when they find a termite nest, they are observed to catch ants using the stems.It seems to have been planned.

He was studying past events, and when he checked if he had remembered the problem only once three years ago, they seemed to remember properly.

Development of sensory system determines the speed of the flow of time

Kevin Health (Researcher of Irish National University, Gulway Macro Ecology Group Researcher)

First of all, it seems that the animals that are babies recognize time in some way.The time is simply the speed of things that happen, and the time is detected by detecting how the world changes by listening, watching, and smelling.The interesting thing is that these sensations determine the ability to detect animal time.

Let's consider visual as an example.Visuals understand the state of the surrounding environment by incorporating photons in the retina.Each of the light -sensitive cells records information on the outside world, for example, the existence of bright lights.Let's say that a change has occurred in the outside world, and the lights have begun to flash with flickering.In order for visual systems to detect this change, it is necessary to recharge once before the photosensitive cells send the information to the brain, and before they can incorporate new photons.If this recharge speed is slower than the flashing speed, the blinking cannot be detected.

The method of measuring how animals perceive the flow of time using this flashing light is called Critical Flicker Fusion.The critical fusion frequency is the frequency of the boundary value that looks like the flashing lights are no longer flashing.An animal with a highly critical fusion frequency can detect the flickering of light even if the flashing speed is fast, and the same light source can only look like a sustainable light for animals with low critical fusion frequency.

People's critical fusion frequency is 60Hz.Light flashing at a higher frequency, for example, a light bulb for AC over 200 Hz, etc. can only be seen as sustainable light.But some animals have higher critical fusion than humans.There are some croba -fellow friends with 300Hz critical fusion frequency.For them, this world has been 300 frames per second.Some creatures are slower, and the starfish (they have eyes too) is less than one frame per second, and the deep -sea fish are less than 10 frames per second.The creatures with low critical fusion will look like the scenery seen from the windows of a high -speed moving car.So, for them, the flow of time is also the same, and it is considered to be the speed that suits the living style of the creature.

Generally speaking, the faster the animals of living, such as birds that quickly fly and catch prey, the faster they have, and the way they perceive more time.Creatures with slow life like deep -sea fish have slow eyes.Humans are located in the middle, between cats (55Hz) and dogs (75Hz).

It is a pity that you cannot detect the passage of time directly from the perspective of black ries and starfish, but by studying what they can do, you can know the limitations of the ability to detect time.prize.

The internal clock is always engraved

Andrew Beale

I don't know if animals perceive time like humans, but their body and physiology are affected by time and body clock."Body clock" is a general term for complex reactions and interactions that occur between cells in the body and cells, unlike the normal clock.It is sometimes referred to as a molecular circadian clock or a molecular clock.These reactions and interactions are held on a 24 -hour cycle, creating circadian rhythm.

The "clock" in this body is set by light.By detecting the day and night cycle with special cells in the eyes, the physiology in the body is linked to the outside world.Thanks to this, our bodies can act suitable for the day cycle, such as secreting sleep hormone melatonin at night.

Considering the human life pattern, you can see that circadian rhythm has an effect on every aspect.Sleep and wake -up, concentration and thinking skills, the ability to break down alcohol (please try it because it is a big difference between day drinking and night drinking), and of course, the time difference blur, all of which are circadian watches in the body and day and night.It happens because you don't.

The animals also have a circadian watch.That's why animals "detect" time at a physiological level, just like humans.

In my paper published in "Nature Communications" in 2013, blind cave fish, Mexicanttra, was blocked by hundreds and thousands of years, and recognized day and night cycle.Despite not, I quickly proved that the circadian watch was maintained at the molecular structure level.Similarly, it has been known that cave fish that live in other areas have circadian rhythm, but many have changed in the process of evolution, and Somalia's cave fish (phretichys andruzzii) is a circadian clock.Although it holds and has a circadian rhythm, he has completely lost its ability to detect light.In this case, it is thought that the passage of time is replaced by light, but is replaced by changes in water temperature and the amount of food.In addition, cave fish living in China (SINOCYCLOCHEILUS SPP).) It is known that it is partially retained, and India's Nemacheilus Evezardi (also indoreOnectes Evezardi) has the effect of Carracadian rhythm.

In summary, even in situations where the external queue, which is cut off by light and informs you of the passage of time, has a cave fish that traces a separate evolution process around the world, holding a circadian clock.I know.In other words, it is important to keep the "time" of the physiological function of the body, regardless of whether it is synchronized with the day and night cycle of the outside world.I don't know if animals are aware of time, but the physiological clocks in all the animals on the earth are always in time.

The two "systems that detect time" interact

Gabriele Andreatta

First, what is time?

The passage of time is always linked to the standard events, such as sunrise, sunrise, full moon, and new moon.On the other hand, you can feel the passage of time by being hungry, adolescent, and older between meals.Both are indispensable factors in considering time, and the life stage where creatures will be greeted in a lifetime are adjusted by the cross talk of these two "systems that detect the passage of time".

In order to detect environmental rhythms such as sunrise, the animals have a unique optical recipient in the species and respond to the strength of light and specific frequency.In the evening, dawn, summer days, and winter days, they have different characteristics, and animals accurately sensing these differences and adjusting their actions accordingly.

In addition, the physiological mechanism is not yet known, but it has also been found to be useful for survival by detecting temperature changes, tide and food supply.

Useful information about these times is used to synchronize the molecular vibration called endogenous clock (Endogenous Clock), and adjusts the rhythm of the body according to the rhythm of the environment.Interestingly, it is known that the molecular vibrator will continue to work without an external queue.The most famous example is a circadian clock, where molecular mechanics operates on a 24 -hour cycle, determining sleep cycles and behavior patterns.

Studies targeting flies and rats have shown that almost all organs have a "clock" and integrates the function of cell tissue in that organs.And each watch is tuned with the external environment by the work of the parent clock in the brain.

The internal clock of the cycle different from the Circus clock has been found, and each is in tune with the rhythm of the tide, the moon cycle, and the open cycle.Although it is not yet fully understood how these watches are moving at the molecular level, some theoretical models have already been suggested.For example, platynereis dumeriLii, a polygamy that lives in the sea, seems to have a clock that has different rhythms between the sun and the moon, and it seems that the two clocks are determining the behavior patterns and breeding season while interacting with each other.。

On the other hand, it is also known that complex endocrine networks have the function of "time passing" in the physical and developed body changes.Showojobae larvae are transformed into adults even if they are placed in the dark after hatching from the eggs.Similarly, polygania that has been cut off by moonlight can breed properly to finish the life cycle.They are lacking in synchronization with the outside world.Without this, you cannot maximize survival and breeding opportunities.However, even if there is no sunlight or moonlight, they know when these creatures should breed and when to go to the next life stage.

Similarly, human beings do not have enough physical strength.In all of these cases, the brain, which is a "parent clock", has been updating the information by checking the growth of the entire body and the organs, and the energy level accumulated in the body, and continues to update the information.I decide whether or not.The same goes for getting older.

After all, everything is a matter of being planned.This is time.Do you measure the passage of time by environmental changes, or to measure due to changes that are occurring in the body?By exchanging these two watches, we can "feel" the passage of time.

Reference: Kotobank