How does China respond over the invasion of Ukraine?| THE HEADLINE Login | The Headline

As Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues, voices of Russia are growing in the international community.

The United Nations Security Council (15 countries) voted on Tuesday to accuse Russia's invasion of Ukraine.Despite being rejected by the exercise of Russia, the permanent director, Russia, 11 countries agreed and impressed Russian isolation in the international community.

It was also noted that China, a friendly country of Russian, was abstained, not opposition.It is pointed out that the Chinese government has not taken a clear position and has a "diplomatic tightrope" regarding the Ukrainian crisis, which will continue in February, as well as the security resolution of this security.

Including Russia's invasion of Ukraine, it has been attracting attention in terms of security in East Asia, including speculation that China will be exposed to the use of force in Taiwan.So, what kind of stance is the Chinese government actually facing Ukrainian invasion?And what are the reasons and speculation behind the response?

ウクライナ侵攻をめぐり、中国はどのように対応しているのか? | The HEADLINE ログイン | The HEADLINE

The Chinese government's response over the Ukrainian crisis

The Chinese government has always been in consideration of both Russia and Ukraine, avoiding clear attitudes in the severe Ukrainian crisis.However, as will be described later, this position has changed since March.

Let's look at China's response along the timeline.

First, at the Genkuri Summit, which was held in line with the Beijing Winter Olympics, which opened on February 4, published a joint statement against the expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) after the talks.While supporting Russia's position, who is concerned about NATO's east -going expansion, he avoided referring to Ukraine.

On February 19, when the situation deteriorated, Foreign Minister Wang Yi, China, said, "The sovereign, independence, and territory of all countries should be respected and protected, and Ukraine is no exception."comment.While exposing concerns about NATO's eastern expansion, all parties sites and has a deep discussion, creating a roadmap and timetable to fulfill the Minsk Agreement, making Russian military invasion.I stabbed it.

In addition, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on February 22 with a telephone talk with Secretary of State Anthony Brinken in the United States, "China is carefully watching the Ukraine situation," and repeatedly demanded "self -control" from all parties.Say.

In addition, "the legitimate interests of any country should be respected", and "recognize the importance of performing the" inseparable principle of security "and alleviate the situation through dialogue and negotiations., The difference should be solved. "He did not show the idea of supporting independent approval as his position on the Ukrainian issue.

Meanwhile, on the 24th, after Russia's start of attack, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director Hua Shun Ying, avoided Russia's actions as "invasion."