How to invite friends to LINE? What if I was invited?

The number of LINE users is increasing considerably, but some people haven't started LINE yet.If you have a smartphone user who seems to be interested in LINE, why not invite it with a "invitation" function?

LINE's "Invitation" has convenient usage.If you already have a LINE account and want to be a "friend" on LINE, if you know your phone number or email address, you can easily tell your account.Please use it by all means.

Invite to LINE by SMS

If you invite someone who only knows the phone number to LINE, use "SMS".If you are an iPhone user, you can automatically switch to "iMessage", so you can prevent SMS from charging (when the message application is set to use "IMESAGE").

LINEに友だちを招待するには? 自分が招待されたら?

I will explain how to invite friends to LINE.First, open LINE and tap the friend addition icon at the top right of the "Home" screen.Next, press "Invitation" at the top left of the screen.

If you select "SMS", the phone number saved in the smartphone contact (address book) will be displayed.After checking the friend who wants to invite, tap "Invitation".The dialog comes out about the fact that the usage fee depends on the destination, so please "OK".The text to transition to SMS and invite to LINE will be created, so send the message as it is to complete the invitation.

Invite to LINE by email

If you don't know the other party's phone number, but if you know your email address, invite you to LINE by e -mail.

When you open the LINE, tap the "Friend Add" icon at the top right of the "Home" screen.After pressing "Invitation" in the upper left, select "Email".

When the e -mail address saved in the smartphone contact (address book) is displayed, select "Invitation" on the right side of the email address of the person you want to invite.

What if I received the LINE invitation?

For those who receive LINE invitations by SMS or email, the LINE account of the person invited to LINE will be sent in the URL and QR code.Tap the URL or scan the QR code to display the LINE app startup screen.If you haven't installed LINE yet, download the LINE app.If you are already using LINE, you will see a screen to add your opponent to your friend when you open LINE.