Huawei, which is not simple, ZTE "exclusion"


Strong in network equipment


 In the first place, many people may not know the real image of the two companies well.Huawei and ZTE are both companies that handle communication equipment centered on mobile phones.The major feature is that both companies work on network facilities such as base stations and antennas and terminals such as smartphones at the same time.

 Especially the strengths are related to network equipment.The two companies were originally manufacturers that handle network facilities, and have expanded the world's sales by providing high -quality equipment at low cost, and has increased market occupancy.Currently, Huawei is ranked first in the industry and ZTE is ranked fourth, and it has a fierce share battle with the long -established Scandinavian in this field, such as Ericsson (Sweden) and Nokia (Finland).


 In Japan, both have been promoting market development while providing base stations to small and medium -sized mobile phone operators.Huawei provided a network equipment to e -access (brand name in the mobile phone sector) who entered the mobile phone business in 2005, ZTE in 2009, Wilcom and the next -generation PHS.The start of joint development has been a foothold for the expansion of the Japanese market.

 Later, e -access and Wilcom became a subsidiary of the SoftBank Group, which merged in 2014 and became Y -Mobile, and merged with domestic telecommunications companies under the SoftBank Group in 2015.

 For this reason, Huawei and ZTE are currently in a deep relationship with SoftBank, and SoftBank is said to have adopted many base stations.

 However, the two companies were trying to strengthen their relationship with mobile phone companies other than Softbank to further expand domestic sales with the next -generation communication "5G" to start next year.For example, Huawei is conducting demonstration experiments on "5G" technology in collaboration with NTT DOCOMO.

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