You can talk on the car and LINE!Toyota's first "Connected Car" is the ultimate crown and the young Corolla

Looking at the cars in the movie "Cars", I was able to do it if I thought, "Oh, what a fun. I wish I could talk to my car like this ..."Just a bit.

The new "Crown" and "Corolla Sports", which will be released today from June 26, are Toyota's first "connector car".In translation, it's a "connected car", but these two cars are connected to the owner's LINE account.For example, after setting a destination, if you ask, "Is gasoline enough?"This is really good.

There are many other content that will answer, and they will consider the itinerary together.If you tell the place to drive on LINE, you will tell you the weather at the destination and when you leave.And the destination is set on the car navigation system, and it is a very impressive driver.

But there are various services not only for LINE that Toyota connected cars are connected.Nevertheless, I can't help but introduce everything in this article, so we've introduced three things that I thought.

"My car Security" that saves life

This is an important feature like a seat belt without a joke."D-CALL NET" is the "private car Security type (airbag linked type)", which estimates the severity of the driving data at that time as soon as the airbag is activated, and requests to dispatch a doctor helicopter.It corresponds to.This feature is almost essential for a minute and one second to live and death.

"Agent" with an assistant car

Toyota's "Agent", which is called by one button, is a voice assistant dedicated to car.With the image of talking to Google Assistants and Siri, you can find a nearby ramen shop by talking to a "recommended ramen shop".Is it the most useful when you're looking for a parking lot or gas station?

クルマとLINEで話せちゃう! トヨタ初の「コネクティッドカー」は究極のクラウンと若くなったカローラ

There was a few lags in this demo, but what surprised me was this agent, Toyota.

It is said that everything from server to AI machine learning models is all in -house, so if people actually start using this function, I feel that it will evolve at a great speed.The attitude of preparing hardware (car & server) and software (AI & navigation) on your own is a bit reminiscent of Apple.

This is a nice "Toyota -connected car insurance plan"

At the moment, it seems to be a function that only the crown is supported, but if you use the "Toyota -connected car insurance plan", the insurance premium will be reduced if you drive safely.I was waiting for this!

In terms of mechanism, our way of driving is read by all sensors of the car.And the data is sent to Toyota, and the degree of safe driving is evaluated based on the accurate driving data, and the car insurance premium is discounted according to the results.It is important to drive safely without such a system, but I am glad that it feels somewhat rewarded if it is returned with easy -to -understand numbers and money.I want this system, which is likely to decrease the accident, to spread widely.

The ultimate crown born after a full model change

The 15th generation of the new crown has another face of the top model of the first connector car.Toyota has set an option for the "ITS Connect" that is pushed as "Mobility Company" to this car, which has to take advantage of the tradition and incorporate the state -of -the -art technology.

This technology is a white thing that can be supported by MaaS (mobility as a service) in the future, and in an era where a taxi of an autonomous car can be called, it may be through ITS to send the command to the taxi.。In short, it is a technology that focuses on the era when connected cars are demonstrated.

But aren't there such future technology now?And half the correct answer.Certainly, we can't demonstrate full potential now, but some important features can be used.You can receive information from infrastructure such as traffic lights, or inform the cars equipped with ITS directly to inform each other's existence.

Especially in the latter case, it may be rarely taken care of because it causes a collision that tends to occur due to poorly visible angles, but you will be very grateful when it works.

The new "Corolla Sports" is for young people

It is this Corolla sport that really supports the spread of connected cars.I felt that it was newly developed for young people, and I felt that rationality and coolness were also combined.It is a hand that can be reached while using the basic connector function that can be connected by private car Security, Agent, and LINE.

And in August of this year, a model with an intelligent manual transmission (IMT), which is ashamed of the name "sports", will be released.It seems to Toyota that you don't forget the fun of running.It's a bit derailed, but this hatchback seems to be very convenient.The door is made of resin and is light, and the day behind the day can be detached.

But the real territory of the connector car is still there

I want Toyota to do my best.There is no help for exceptional cars like Tesla model S, but some cars are more connected.From now on, it would be nice if Japanese cars and services were carrying people around the world in the days when autonomous driving cars began to run around, and those who called them with AR glass and the city were overflowing.After all, I want you to have the pleasure of running at any time.

Now.I wonder if I can make friends on the car and LINE now.

PHOTO: Takashi Sasaki Source: Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. (Shigeru Nishitani Richard)