I have to ban the mansion anymore

No matter what you buy with your own money, you are free!

That's not enough to get rid of climate change!

Until then, the wealthy people have to put up with some non-eco-friendly luxury.

The mansion is one that you have to put up with. Since we build such a thing, the carbon footprint of the top 1% is 175 times that of the bottom 10%. If you want to decarbonize equally, you have to make x from here first.

What is a mansion?

Although there is no clear definition, a "mansion" in the building industry usually refers to a house that is larger than 5,000 square feet (465 square meters). Well, this is controversial, and HomeLight blog founder and architecture critic Kate Wagner likes the following definition:

In short, you understand that a mansion is what you build with good looks, yes.

Mansion footprint

According to a 2020 research report, Americans living in mansions in high-end residential areas emit 25% more greenhouse gases than Americans living in poorer ones. Just because it's big, it wastes energy for cooling, heating, electricity, and water.

Even building materials and materials are wasted. According to a 2019 report, a "super mansion" that exceeds 25,000 square feet (2,323 square meters) cannot be built without cutting down 380 trees. The average house in the United States costs 20 trees, but it costs 380 trees to control greenhouse gases. It also costs extra concrete and glass. Both are building materials that use carbon guns in manufacturing, and their footprints are only increasing.


You also need land. This is to prepare the wasteland by leveling or destroying the house, but "The small mountain disappears due to the development of a high-class residential area, so the mansion area called McMansion is a good example. It disappears from the carbon cycle, and the habitat of wild animals disappears, "says Wagner. Demolition work is, so to speak, an act of returning all the energy required for building to nothing, and although it is not known in the short term, it is an "embodied carbon" that puts a burden on the final income and expenditure.

Moreover, each mansion has a different design. The Drake House in Toronto (50,000 sq ft = 4,645 sq m) has an NBA official size indoor basketball court. The highest ranked Palace of Versailles in Beverly Hills, Jeff Bezos House ($ 165 million = about 18.2 billion yen, floor area 13,600 square feet = 1,208 square meters, site area 36,000 square meters) is like a golf course and an Amazon jungle There are also seven fern botanical gardens. The recently divorced Kim Kandashian & Kanye West mansion ($ 60 million = about 6.6 billion yen) has a minimalist design of wabi and rust, and the bathtub is a huge stone that all kids can put in. It took nearly 6 years to renovate to reduce waste. Until then, all of this is a waste of resources.

Even if that's not the case, the carbon budget is tapering and it's pitch black. It's pitch black, and it's normal for North America to Pakistan to exceed 50 degrees Celsius, and Death Valley is breaking the record of 54.4 degrees Celsius. In British Columbia, Canada, 486 people, mainly the poor, died suddenly in the heat wave, and mussels were also steamed. Three billion animals died or lost their homes in the Australian wildfire last year. The mansion may be comfortable with air conditioning, but it is the powerless poor and wildlife that are the source of wasteful emissions.

Well, it seems that the mansion is not the only source of emissions. In 2019, electricity and air conditioning of buildings accounted for about 38% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. At 10x, energy consumption is directly proportional to size, "says Daniel Aldana Cohen, assistant professor of sociology at the University of Pennsylvania. In particular, American houses are centrally heated, so size = consumption.

In order to avoid an environmental crisis, it is essential to realize carbon neutrality that will reduce emissions to virtually zero by 2030 for the entire economy. It's usually faster to cut from the most wasted place (mansion in a building), isn't it? The less energy you use, the less you need to switch to renewable energy.

It is impossible to say "Abolition of the mansion!" One day, so if you do it, you should set the fixed asset tax rate to 100% for the mansion (house with a floor area of ​​5,000 square feet = about 465 square meters) and then discourage building. A step-by-step approach, such as completely banning the living alone in a mansion around 2025, may be realistic. In the first place, it's too much money to build a mansion, so it's okay to raise the tax rate for the wealthy (this is necessary anyway), and in the first place it's strange that there is such a difference between rich and poor, so it's okay to quit the capitalist economy, but that is It will take time. For the time being, the ban on mansion is the first step ... isn't it?

What happens to conscious mansion owners?

There are people in the world who live in mansion even though they are doing environmental protection campaigns. Do those people have the same rules? Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis may be helpful in this regard.

The two live in a magnificent hut in LA, which is supposed to be a sustainable farm house with "all building materials are recycled materials and all electricity is solar". "Even though it has a floor area of ​​3,000, 5,000, and 10,000 square feet, it cannot be eco-friendly." Although it is different from the mansion McMansion (cheaper than custom-made houses and more refined plastic materials), the efficiency of resource and energy use is not flattering.

An open floor plan with a ceiling that just reaches the heavens. "Everyone is overwhelmed by the chandeliers, so why not build a hut around them?" Mila Kunis laughed casually on TV, but the large corridors and entrance halls (foyer) The appearance of an old-fashioned mansion. The energy required for air conditioning is not stupid.

No matter how much renewable energy is used, it cannot be used inexhaustibly. Besides, the production of this kind of solar panel also requires (insufficient) mineral resources. There may be an infinite number of alternative energies that can be used indefinitely, but until then, we have to keep in mind decarbonization.

"I don't know how much clean and sustainable energy production will grow in 30 years, but it's clear that we can't hope for zero sum unless we hurry to decarbonize for the next 15 years or so." "Solar panels worldwide It will still take 5 to 10 years for mass production, so 1KW cannot be wasted for the time being, "said Aldana Cohen, an assistant professor of sociology.

When carbon-free electricity is wasted due to the bad habits of the wealthy, the clean energy will be exhausted, leading to global prices.

I'm not telling you to sleep with small fish between the boards. Comfort is also required for the living space. But don't you need 1,100 square feet (102 square meters) on the bedroom terrace like Drake? I'm just saying. What time is it like a one-floor adult playroom like Cara Delevingne? Before the French Revolution. In the video below, you can see Carla rejoicing, "I was reborn and cleansed!" From the exit like a drum-type washing machine on the other side, "inspired" through what is called "My Vajaina Tunnel". ..

This year, the French architect Duo of Anne Lacaton and Jean-Philippe Vassal was awarded the highest honor in the architectural world. Instead of demolishing the old apartment "Grand Parc" in the 1960s, which is 10 minutes by train from the center of Bordeaux, the achievement of renovating into a beautiful low-carbon public housing was praised. The trend that Super Rich gets tired of money and builds a bad taste mansion and explodes the housing market is about to reach its limit, and as expected, mansion over 10 billion yen is overbuilt (Miley Cyrus mansion is also a mountain). It burned up in the fire ... Miley's tweet at that time was Classy). I would like to make NO to that and push the magic of transforming such public housing into a luxurious space with low-carbon design power.