I tried to sign Softbank Corp. 5G with SIM card.

 Starting from the end of March this year, companies began to provide 5G services in turn. There is also the impact of corona disaster, at first, can not start, such as the company has issued shares, as long as you see, such as the company's settlement press conference, terminal sales are not very good.

 Having said that, if you sign up for 5G services, the data traffic of NTT DoCoMo and au is essentially unlimited. Softbank Corp. has 50 GB of data traffic on the basis of unlimited video SNS. In remote work and remote work, users with increased data communication seem to be very interested.

HUAWEI P40 Proに装着するが、外出が少ないので、あまり活躍する機会がない

 This is the 5G service of each company, but I have been a little concerned since the beginning of the release of the service content of each company.

 One of them is that 5G's contract is conditional on the purchase of 5G compatible terminals.

 Originally, the domestic mobile phone companies, so far when signing a new contract, basically take the purchase of the terminal as the condition, only the SIM card contract needs to bring the use of the terminal into the storefront and other procedures. This condition seems to have been used in the contract for 5G services.

 However, including the revision of the Telecommunication Law in 2019, the domestic mobile industry should develop in the direction of "separation of line contracts and terminal sales".

 However, what are the basic conditions for purchasing 5G compatible terminals when signing up for 5G services? All mobile phone companies will argue that "if you can bring 5G compatible terminals to the storefront, you can sign up", but in this era, "Please come to the storefront" does not have.

 Although I want to avoid the situation that the 5G line signed with only SIM card will not work, I want to make more effort.

 In this way, the Ministry of General Affairs is more enthusiastic in pursuing the slight difference in terminal sales discounts. Originally, focusing on the restrictions that do not conform to this principle and policy, it is very important to guide companies according to their needs. What do you think?

 Well, as mentioned slightly in the last report on this session, the situation of 5G service contracts conditional on the purchase of 5G corresponding terminals has changed, and Softbank Corp. in the company's online store began to accept 5G service contracts that only use SIM cards.


 I decided to apply there. Because he wants to know what the contract for only 5G service SIM card is, and he also wants to try the HUAWEI P40 Pro, a free smartphone with 5G SIM card that I personally bought by Huawei.

 The registration procedure is simple, display the Softbank Corp. online store page, select "find and buy models", and there are [SIM] items in the list.

 Secondly, it becomes the screen of choosing [model change] [new contract] [replacement (MNP)], this time the new contract is chosen, and the age is over 20 years old. Confirm the receipt by [pick it up at home], and then go to [confirm the SIM to be used].

ソフトバンクオンラインショップで申し込むとき、SIMカードのみを選ぶと、その先に「SoftBank 5Gをご利用になりますか?」という選択肢が表示される

 Next, [Please select the model to use] Select [Android], [Please select the purchase address of the model] you can select [Softbank Corp.] and [other].

 The author bought the HUAWEI P40 Pro in the home appliance store, so I chose [other], but when I got the second-hand goods (though almost none) of the 5G compatible smartphones sold by Softbank Corp., I would choose [Softbank Corp.].

 In the case of which one is selected, you are required to enter the IMEI number of the terminal, but it does not seem to confirm whether it is the 5G corresponding terminal (which is not possible). If it is the actual IMEI number of the terminal, even if it is the 4G corresponding terminal, you can also perform the following steps.


 Then, the image of the SIM card will be displayed. Do you want to use [SoftBank 5G]? So choose [use] here.

 If you move on to the next screen, you will choose the cost plan this time.

 For Softbank Corp., 5G is also common with 4G, offering two charging schemes: "relaxation scheme" and "mini fitness program", but usually choose "relaxation scheme".

 The reason for this is that the small fitness program costs 4980 yen per month, but if the data traffic of the stage system exceeds 2 GB, it will be the same as the relaxation plan of 8480 yen per month.


 However, the author also has NTT DoCoMo, au, Softbank 5G lines, because this line is only used in testing, so I chose a slightly cheaper "small fitness program."

 After the completion of the fee plan and the selection of optional services, the next step is to pay the fee, upload my confirmation file, enter the contact address, and the application will be completed. By the way, I can confirm the submission of the document and log in through the link recorded in the email sent after the completion of the application.

 Well, after this procedure, the SIM card on hand was delivered by express, two days after the registration was completed.

 Immediately remove the SIM card from the lining paper and install it on the HUAWEI P40 Pro. APN shipped with a project called "Softbank4G minimalist style", which should work if selected, but we created and used the "SoftBank5G" project separately just in case.

 The actual performance... What I want to write about, unfortunately, I hardly go to Softbank Corp. 's 5G service area. Now I use 4G to connect, in fact, almost all of them are my own home, so the actual situation is to only connect to the Wi-Fi network.

 Take it with you occasionally, such as eating out, and have not yet benefited from the experience of 5G service skills. The worrying small fitness program also has the lowest level of data traffic.

 With regard to the HUAWEI P40 Pro, as you know, it does not support GMS (Google Mobile Services), but corresponds to a separate HMS (Huawei Mobile Services). Although it has a lot of trouble, it still has an environment that can be used as a sub-terminal.

 For example, maps are supported by NAVITIME, so transfer routes and so on can be searched right away, and Gmail can also be dealt with through a standard mail app and a "CosmoSia" email app developed by ACCESS.

 Of course, although there are aspects that can be used as a secondary terminal, it can also be used to some extent when it feels inconvenient. With regard to cameras, it is still at the top of the industry, so it is fun to take pictures. But I can't go out...

 There are also some things that people care about. For example, recently, "novel coronavirus contact confirmation app (COCOA)" has become a topic several times, but the HUAWEI P40 Pro does not support the Google Play store, so it cannot be installed. Applications for these public services cannot be installed, which is a bit strict.

 In addition, although the newly signed SIM card for Softbank Corp. 's 5G line is now used, the "MySoftBank" used to manage Softbank Corp. 's line is limited to browsers because the application cannot be used.

標準で設定されている「Softbank 4G シンプルスタイル」というAPNとは別に、MMSの情報などを追加した「SoftBank 5G」という項目を作成した

 Softbank Corp. 's service and Yahoo! "PayPay", which is indispensable to the service, cannot download the application, so it is not available either.

 Although we know that we don't support GMS and can't use a variety of applications, it's a bit of a pity that we can't use public services, or major services and contract-related applications of mobile phone companies.
