If you put out adrenaline, the exercise will be addictive and you will feel refreshed.So what should I do?

I felt like I was attacked by Hihi in the wilderness.

In the winter vacation, which tends to be busy and lacking exercise for the amount of eating, it is already sick if you inadvertently look directly at your own body of drinking parties and drinking parties.But I'm exercising!Even if you think, it is difficult to continue, and it tends to be more self -hatred.

However, the human body has an exercise effect and a long lasting, and if you use it well, you can improve your body shape and relieve stress.The trick is the mechanism of adrenaline secretion.If you can control the adrenaline well, you will become an exercise addiction, and you will be able to exercise even if you are tired.

Adrenaline is one of the hormones made of organs and adrenal glands next to the kidneys.By the way, the adrenal gland is one on the kidneys, so there are two on the body.This is a reaction to specific stimuli and pours various hormones into blood flow, but adrenaline is secreted according to some stress.

Adrenaline is generally a hormone that leads to struggle and escape reflection, so it has played a major role in surviving humanity.In the case of dangerous situations, the adrenal gland flows adrenaline into the blood flow at once.This has several effects to save human life.

First, spread blood vessels, and the path of oxygen.This not only increases oxygen in the brain and improves attention, but also increases blood flow in the muscles (which causes a lot of oxygen) to enhance the power, and temporarily explodes physical performance.。So, when you come across a wildly wild bay, in the wilderness, it is useful for action such as struggling with Hihi or fled at full speed by erupted adrenaline.The stupid power of the fire is.But because I don't go much in the wilderness or nowadays, adrenaline is useful in realistic situations when doing hard exercises.

Adrenaline also has a secondary effect.When Adrenaline reaches the brain, substances such as endorphin, dopamine, and noradrenaline come out.According to PSYCHOLOGY TODAY, endorphin has the effect of relieving pain like morphine, and the effect of a noradrenaline is like a speed (stimulant), and dopamine is the same substance as using cocaine.In other words, when adrenaline comes out, it is as if you are consuming cocaine, speed and heroin, and is as strong as drugs.So you need to be careful when handling.

When you start exercising, adrenaline will work for your own engine.Imagine that when jogging endlessly and kutakuta, the thug suddenly sprinkled his ax and chased.Perhaps the energy blows out from a hidden warehouse of the body as the kutakuta blows away, and it will escape as much as possible.Thanks to the drug -like effects I wrote above, I don't feel much fatigue.When adrenaline comes out, you can fool your body.

But more importantly, you can use dependence.I think many people are accumulating adrenaline in the form of stress every day.Tired of work, hiyari hat while driving a car, fighting with a lover, etc.These are all recognized by the body as stress and causes the release of adrenaline.But at that time, if you don't do anything in your office chair, in a car, or a sofa at home, your adrenaline will remain.This is not good, and the reason is explained:

When you exercise with some kind of strong exercise, you can secrete a substance that makes you feel good.Just as you escaped from Hige and returned to the cave, you can feel a sense of security.The brain feels that the danger is over, and the body reward system comes out a substance that feels euphoric and peaceful.So if you exercise properly, you can not only relieve the stress of the day, but also be ecstatic.


It is important to note that the brain requires more and more substances in the reward system, and begins to remember that if your body exercises violently, you will get a pleasant substance afterwards.The more the brain connects these substances with intense exercise, the more and more attractive.So, at the end of the day, even if you think, "Oh, I'm tired, it's hard to exercise," I can't help exercising.


Another thing to avoid is not to use adrenaline and use it effectively.The stored adrenaline (another cortisol, which is stressed by the adrenal gland), causes continuous frustration and stress, causing various side effects.In such a situation, you think your body is in a situation where you live or dies, and suppresses unnecessary and urgent bodies to get out of it.Food digestion is one of the first shuts down, and the immune system is also suppressed.Then it is difficult to sleep, and your heart rate and blood pressure are still rising.

So, if this condition continues, it will not be healthy.So exercise, the right exercise, is essential to maintain health.Even if you think that sports that have adrenaline are unrelated to yourself, adrenaline accumulates just because you are doing ordinary boring and stressful work.


Extreme sports and other names are truly extreme (extreme), such as Sky Diving and Base Jumping, while others are popular, such as surfing and snowboarding.There are many people who are called adrenaline junkies in the Extreme Sports world, and those that are too intense are not suitable for maintaining health.For example, Sky Diving would have an adrenaline, but it doesn't use much muscle, so it accumulates, so it's short, so you can't burn fat and not improve your body type.When your heart rate is backback for a few minutes, you can't consume much calories.


It is not recommended to choose a sport because you can just feel afraid of adrenaline.If the excitement is more motivated than that, you will not even be conscious of "exercising."


Adrenaline is for getting out of tough scenes, so we don't recommend jogging long and slow.Strong and intensive exercise is good.

I think there are many people who can imagine interval training that alternate between tight exercises and loose exercises.Because exercise at a certain pace is much easier.However, interval training is suitable for diverging stress or wasteful adrenaline, and the effect of exercise comes out quickly.If you do interval training, the brain reward system will be operated and you will feel refreshed.

Regarding interval training, any exercise is fine.If you like running or cycling, imagine that you are chased by something during the work interval.In the case of weight training, you will be fighting bears, or when you swim, you feel like you are chased by sharks.

The only thing to note is to start slowly at first.If adrenaline is secreted, exercise will be possible more than necessary.But it takes time to build solid muscles, and tendons and ligaments are more slow because of the low blood flow.So if you don't start slowly without panic, there is a danger that you will hurt somewhere.


There is no need to continue to increase your exercise to improve your body type, or you don't have to exercise more dangerously.If the feeling of working with the same exercise fades, let's change something a little.The brain is afraid of unknown things, so try something new or try it in a new place to help adrenaline secretion.You can ski in a mountain you don't know, or try swimming instead of running.


[PSYCHOGY TODAY, Image Credit: ShutterStock/Bikeriders London]

Brent Rose (original text / miho)