International News: AFPBB NEWS China, 5G user penetration rate is over 20 %

ニュースライフFrom China Xinhua News 発信地:中国[中国中国・台湾]

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[October 19 Xinhua NEWS] Chinese communication equipment giant, Huawei (Huawei) Senior Managing Director and Network Business Group for telecommunications businesses has recently been the United Arab Emirates (UAE).A keynote speech was held in the "Global Mobile Broad Band Forum 2021" held in Dubai, and the fifth -generation mobile communication system (5G) user has already exceeded 20 % in China, South Korea and Kuwait, and communication.Businesses have stated that they have entered a new spiral development structure of an increase in the number of users, business returns, and network construction.

国際ニュース:AFPBB News 中国、5Gのユーザー普及率が20%超に

 Mr. Ding pointed out that if the 5G user penetration rate increased, it will always be reflected in profits.Once more than 20 %, it indicates that 5G will enter the rapid growth stage, and in China, South Korea, Kuwait, etc., telecommunications carriers who have been focusing on investment in 5G have already made great profits.I revealed.

 According to the Chinese Industrial and Intelligence Services Department, "Correspondence Industry Economic Management Status in January -August 2021", the number of 5G terminals, including Chinese smartphones, is 419 million, the number of mobile phone contracts for three major national telecommunications companies.As of the end of August, it was 1,626 million.

 High -quality 5G networks promote a rapid increase in wireless data traffic.Huawei predicts that in 2030, the monthly mobile data traffic (DOU) per contract will be 600 gigabytes (GB).If the energy efficiency of the wireless network does not change, there are concerns that the energy consumption of the entire network will be several tens of times.Mr. D, "Power supply, distribution, distribution, distribution," in the construction of a 5G network, in order to achieve the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the information and communication technology (ICT) industry by 45 %.He proposed to build a 5G network (environmentally friendly) that is excellent for both performance and energy saving by continuing to innovate in four aspects of power use and bit management.(C) Xinhua News/AFPBB NEWS

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