International News: AFPBB NEWS FBI Local Office Investigate China's economic spy activities Senate

[January 30 AFP] Chief of the Federal Bureau (FBI), Christopher Wrayy, said on the 29th at a foreign threat opened by the Senate Select Comittee on Intelligence.He said that almost all of the 56 FBI regional offices in the United States are investigating China's economic spy activities.

国際ニュース:AFPBB News FBI地方事務所、ほぼすべてで中国の経済スパイ活動を捜査 上院公聴会

"China, which conducts information on the United States, is clearly the most serious threat we are facing," said Ray, stating that the impact of Chinese spy activities on US business is serious.。The number of economic spy -related investigations has doubled in the past three to four years, mostly related to China.

On the 28th, the day before the hearing, the U.S. Department of Justice charged a Chinese telecommunications equipment giant, Huawei, from a US mobile phone major T-Mobile (T-Mobile).Ray and other information agencies, who testified in public hearings, stated that China was the most potential threat to the United States, military, military, and economically, and its threat level was increasing.

According to Robert Ashley, the US Defense Information Bureau (DIA), said, "Huawei will cooperate with the Chinese government or work as an independent company."There is a problem," "The problem is not to the Huawei, but to the CCP and the President of Xi Jinping."

The annual report of the Worldwide Thread Assessment, which was announced on the 29th, will perform spy activities and information theft targeting the United States if it is difficult to develop important technology in the Chinese government.He said, "We are concerned about the possibility that Chinese information and defense agencies may use Chinese IT companies as a platform for daily and systematic spy activities aimed at the United States and their allies."。(C) AFP