International News: AFPBB News Huawei, sales and profits increased in 20 years R & D expenses increased significantly

[April 2 Xinhua News] According to the FY12 / 20 results announced by Huawei, a major Chinese telecommunications equipment company, on March 31, sales increased 3.8% year-on-year to 891.4 billion. The yuan (1 yuan = about 17 yen) and the net profit increased by 3.2% to 64.6 billion yuan. Chairman Ken Fu said that the company is actively taking measures to diversify its supply and that it has been investing in technological innovation for several years, which is also an important reason for its growth in business performance.

R & D spending investment is 141,893 million yuan, Baidu (Baidu), Alibaba, Tencent (Tencent), Keito Group ( four companies that represent China called "BATJ" Exceeded the total of. It has increased further from the previous year, and its share of sales remains at a high level of 15.9%.

国際ニュース:AFPBB News ファーウェイ、20年は増収増益 研究開発費大幅増

All three major businesses have grown positively. The business for telecommunications carriers was supported by the rapid development of the 5th generation mobile communication system (5G) network in Japan, and sales increased by 0.2% to 302.6 billion yuan. The enterprise business seized the opportunity for digitalization and smartness, and sales increased by 23% to 100.3 billion yuan. In the consumer business, sales increased 3.3% to 482.9 billion yuan due to the development of smart life strategies such as PCs, tablets, smart wearable terminals, and smart screens, and although growth slowed significantly, it still has the largest revenue. At the source, it accounted for 54.2% of the total.

By market, sales in the domestic market increased by 15.4% to 584.9 billion yuan, accounting for 65.6% of the total.

Mr. Hu said that sustainable innovation investment has seized several key opportunities such as large-scale construction of 5G networks and accelerated digitization of the industry in 2020. We have thoroughly implemented a policy of investing more than 10% of annual sales in research and development, and the total investment amount in the last 10 years has exceeded 720 billion yuan. It announced that it will continue to introduce core technologies such as mobile services (HMS) and artificial intelligence (AI).

"There have been a lot of rumors these days. It's not true that Huawei may enter the pig farming business. We're still focused on information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure and full-scene smart solutions. Nothing has changed. "

He also emphasized that the theory of entering the automobile market, which has attracted attention in the market, has not changed its position as an important component supplier for smart cars. In the future, we will create competitive products in some important and basic sub-fields of smart electric vehicles (EVs) such as car internet, car cloud, smart cockpit, autonomous driving, power management and smart power systems. He showed his desire to go. (c) Xinhua News / AFPBB News