What should I do with the iPhone's "ICLOUD storage remaining only"?Sudden notification on the iPhone saying "iCloud storage is limited!"What should I do?How to do not spend money

While using the iPhone, one day, suddenly, a message saying, "There are only a few iCloud storage", and many people are surprised, panicked, and worried about what to do.

The free plan for iCloud is up to 5GB.Now it's much less than free plans such as Google Drive, Photos, and Amazon Prime Photos.

People who shoot a lot of photos on the iPhone, especially videos, are likely to reach the upper limit of the iCloud free plan.Also, if you use multiple iOS devices such as iPhone and iPad in one account, each backup will be stored in iCloud, and the capacity of the free plan of the iCloud will be used at once.

ICLOUD's capacity can be increased relatively inexpensive, but it costs a certain amount of money every month, and if you use it for a long time, it will be a reasonable expense.

iPhoneの「iCloudストレージが残りわずかです」通知 どうすればいい? iPhoneで「iCloudストレージが残りわずかです」と突然の通知!どうすればいいの?お金をかけない対処法

You may want to delete photos and videos, but you don't want to delete important photos, and many people will have to delete photos.

The recommendation is to cancel the automatic upload to iCloud.


After selecting "Settings" from the home screen, tap "iCloud".

After selecting "Photo", turn off the "iCloud Photo Library" and "Upload to My Photo Stream".

If you don't want to upload iPhone photos to iCloud, change the settings.This technique will be useful for those who do not want to upload private photos to the cloud.

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