Is the QR code for opening the web page?

It is the appeal and strength of the iPhone that you can understand how to use it without reading the instructions.However, there are things that you know but do not understand correctly.In this corner, I will explain such "why an iPhone that I can't hear anymore" in an easy -to -understand manner.This time, I will answer the question, "Is the QR code for opening a web page?"


The iOS 11 "Camera" has a function to read the QR code.Until now, the reading of the QR code was not supported at the system level, so it has been the power of a third -party application, but since iOS 11 has become a standard system function.

QRコードはWEBページを開くためのものなの? - いまさら聞けないiPhoneのなぜ

The QR code is not for opening a web page.The data capacity is determined according to the number of black -and -white square (cells), which is considered to be the configuration of the QR code, but what kind of information you have is not limited, so you can have various information.

Nevertheless, the QR code often has only hundreds, long, and a thousand characters, and most of them are used to inform the URL and address book data of the website to an unspecified majority.。

The iOS 11 "Camera" is basically designed with short data, but there are many types of data that can be handled.When I actually tried it with a lot of QR code, if the contents are URL, "website QR code", if only sentences (text), "text QR code", "email QR code" if you include e -mail addresses.If you include an address, it will automatically perform the content, such as "Map QR code".

According to this fact, the support of the QR code in iOS 11 is not only for opening a web page.As the QR code itself is, it is positioned as a tool for reading information such as email addresses, addresses, and phone numbers, and works well.Although it has been a technology that has existed for a long time, the user interface is the act of shooting quickly, so it may be more frequently used with iOS 11 support.

The QR code function prepared in iOS 11's "Camera" allows you to read various data such as plain text in addition to the URL.