[IWJ bulletin March 21] Summary of tweets related to the situation in Ukraine! President Biden's approval rating is 43%, exactly the same as on February 23, just before the Russian invasion! Even if 1.7 trillion yen is poured into Ukraine aid, the American people will not dance at all! | IWJ Independent Web Journal

IWJ tweets about the situation in Ukraine on its Twitter account "IWJ_Sokuho". We report on the situation in Ukraine from various angles, including information that is not broadcast on TV, resource issues such as oil and natural gas, and the actual situation in Ukraine. Please take a look.

*IWJ Bulletin @IWJ_Sokuho

It's been almost a month since Russian troops invaded Ukraine on February 24th. During this time, the Biden administration of the United States has appealed to the “unified West” centered on the EU and NATO countries, has imposed sanctions on Russia one after another, and has provided enormous support to Ukraine, including murder suicide drones.

The US people are also willing to raise gasoline prices if it is for the sake of Ukraine. 15, Pew Research Center).

*Public Expresses Mixed Views of U.S. Response to Russia's Invasion of Ukraine (Pew Research Center, March 15, 2022)

However, on the other hand, as of March 15, support for President Biden has not changed at all from February 23, just before the Russian army invaded. On March 8, the approval rating rose to 45%, the highest level in the last month, but fell to 43% on the 15th.

* [Breaking news 2131] According to Reuters, President Biden's approval rating is 43% support and 53% disapproval as of March 15. Since February 23rd, just before the Russian invasion, the numbers have been exactly the same as once. The approval rating peaked at 45% on March 8, but fell again.

U.S. President Biden announced on March 15 that the 2022 fiscal year (October 2021-September 2022) will include $13.6 billion to help Ukraine and neighboring Eastern European countries. month), and the budget was enacted.

U.S. President Biden announced on the 16th that additional support of $800 million will be provided, totaling approximately 1.7 trillion yen.

Ukraine support is being carried out with a huge budget, but the possibility of recovering the approval rating by the autumn midterm elections, which President Biden is glaring at, is not yet visible.

*U.S. provides additional $800 million to Ukraine, providing anti-aircraft systems and drones (Reuters, March 17, 2022)

President Zelensky, who continues to appear in the media all over the world every day, responded to an interview with the US media "CNN" on the 20th.

President Zelensky told CNN's Farid Zakaria that he was "ready to negotiate" with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but if they failed, "this would mean World War III." I will,” he said in a threatening tone.

"World War III" is a term President Biden has used repeatedly. President Biden has said that if the United States were to enter the war, it would be "World War III" and therefore the United States would not enter the war. The United States is a superpower, and the entry of the United States into the war means almost automatic entry into the war of member nations, such as NATO member nations with the right to collective self-defense and Japan under the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. It is not over to say that it will be a great war.

However, President Zelensky is the president of Ukraine, which is not even a member of NATO. Why can it be said that if President Zelensky fails to negotiate with Russia, it will become a “World War III” involving the United States and NATO countries? Thinking about it calmly makes me want to shake my head.

On the 18th of last week, President Putin pointed out that the Ukrainian side is trying every possible way to slow down the negotiation process and is making increasingly unrealistic proposals.

*Russian president tells German Chancellor that Ukraine is delaying negotiations (Bloom Berg, March 18, 2022)

President Zelensky has repeatedly repeatedly stated that Ukraine wants to proceed with the “withdrawal of Russian troops and ceasefire negotiations,” but behind the first round of ceasefire negotiations (February 28), the EU Signing the application form for membership and spreading the photo on SNS is a new behavior in the memory. His words and actions do not match.

President Zelensky said on the 20th:

"I think we need to take every form, every opportunity to have the possibility of negotiation, the possibility of talking to Putin. But if these attempts fail, this is the third world." means war."

"I am ready to negotiate with him [Putin]. I have been ready for the last two years. I don't think we can end this war without negotiations."

“We have always emphasized negotiations. Restoration of integrity, real security of our country, real protection of our country."

"Now, especially to the people of Moscow, listen to me. Now is the time to meet. It's time to speak. It's time to restore territorial integrity and justice in Ukraine."

"Restoring Ukraine's territorial integrity and justice" is a claim that it will not compromise on the separation and independence issue of the eastern region, which is expected to be the most difficult negotiation with Russia.

* [Breaking News 2128] CNN: President Zelensky said on Sunday (20th) that he was "ready to negotiate" with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but if he failed, he said, "This is the third world. It means war," he warned.

President Zelensky also addressed his relationship with NATO in the same interview. While pretending to give up on joining NATO, it seems that he still has regrets.

"If we were members of NATO, the war would not have started."

"I want security for my country, for my people. If NATO members are ready to welcome us into their alliance, please do so now."

"Because people are dying every day"

* [Breaking News 2140] CNN: President Zelensky said in an interview with CNN on the 20th: "If we were members of NATO, the war would not have started."

President Zelensky, who is Jewish, made a video speech at the Israeli parliament on the same day.

"Everyone knows Israel's missile defense system is the best. You can definitely save the lives of the Ukrainian people, Ukrainian Jews."

"Why can't we accept weapons from you? Why aren't we imposing strong sanctions on Russia and putting pressure on Russian companies?"

President Zelensky said as above and requested the export of Israel's proud missile air defense system "Iron Dome" to Ukraine. Rather than "always emphasizing negotiations," it sounds like they're always emphasizing the continuation of the war.

President Zelensky's inconsistencies aside, Turkey's Foreign Minister Mevryut Cavusior, who claims to be a mediator between Russia and Ukraine, said on the 20th that the ceasefire talks between Russia and Ukraine are progressing and are nearing an agreement. He expressed his view.

Ibrahim Kalun, a spokesman for the Turkish presidential office, told the local newspaper Huriyet that both sides (Russia and Ukraine) are committed to the "neutralization, demilitarization and security of Ukraine, the so-called 'de-Nazification'". , the elimination of barriers to the use of the Russian language in Ukraine, the status of the eastern Donbass region, and the status of the Crimea peninsula, which was annexed by Russia in 2014.

The four items that Turkey has made progress are: 1) the neutralization of Ukraine and a statement that it will not join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO); 2) demilitarization and guarantees of mutual security; 4) Lifting restrictions on the use of the Russian language.

On the 17th, President Putin spoke with President Erdogan by phone. Kalun said talks would focus on eastern Donbass (some of which already claim to be Russia) and the status of Crimea. It is incompatible with the "restoration of territorial integrity" that President Zelensky spoke of in an interview with CNN.

※ [Breaking News 2149] AFP, 21st: Turkey's presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalun told the daily newspaper Huriyet that both sides are working on the neutralization, demilitarization and security of Ukraine, the so-called "de-Nazification". ",(Continue)

"The war in Ukraine is devastating, with 10 million people internally displaced or living as refugees abroad," said Filippo Grandi, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. That's a quarter of the 42 million Ukrainians.

* [Breaking News 2155] WSJ, 20th: Filippo Grandi of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said on Sunday (20th), "The war in Ukraine is devastating, and 10 million people will be displaced inside the country." , living abroad as refugees," he said.

According to the United Nations, some 3.4 million people, mostly women and children, have left Ukraine since the Russian offensive began on February 24, heading for Poland. The United Nations estimates the number of refugees could reach 4 million.

On the other hand, according to figures compiled on the 18th by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the number of internally displaced persons reached 6.48 million as of March 16th.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Grandi tweeted the following on the 20th.

"The responsibility of those who wage war is the suffering inflicted on civilians forced to flee their homes anywhere in the world. The war in Ukraine is extremely devastating." 10 million have fled either internally or as refugees abroad.”

※[Breaking news 2159] Filippo

(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi): It is the responsibility of those who wage war to recognize the suffering inflicted on civilians forced to flee their homes anywhere in the world. be.

In Poland, which has the largest number of refugees with 2.05 million people, public assistance is not in time, such as citizens accepting refugees in their own apartments for free.

※ [Breaking News 2164] FNN, 21st: Mr. Jarek, who lives in Warsaw, has taken two families who fled Ukraine into his apartment free of charge. With an eye on the long-term evacuation, he appeals for the need for public support.

The transport of aid, including weapons, to Ukraine and the acceptance of refugees is a heavy burden for Poland.

In response to the U.S. request for the provision of fighter jets to Ukraine via Poland, he said, "Why should Poland take such a risk alone? If you want to send it that much, go ahead." , and the United States gave up on the idea of ​​sending fighter planes through Poland.

*Poland, who was told by the United States, "Send fighters to Ukraine and make up for the shortfall with our fighters," is out of luck! "Don't impose the risk of retaliation from Russia only on our country! All fighters will be sent free of charge to US military bases in Germany, so send them as 'NATO'! announced! Cracks in President Biden's self-praised 'unified West'! 2022.3.15

President Biden will travel to Europe on March 23 and attend a meeting of the EU, NATO, and the G7 in Brussels on the 24th. The White House announced on the 20th that President Biden will visit Poland on the 25th and meet with President Duda on the 26th about the Ukraine crisis.

The two leaders will discuss the United States' response to "human rights and humanitarian crises" in light of the influx of Ukrainian refugees into Poland.

* [Breaking news 2199] Reuters, 21st: The US White House announced on the 20th that President Biden will visit Poland on the 25th and will meet with President Duda on the Ukraine crisis on the 26th.

According to 'RT', Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has again accused foreign powers of trying to pressure Pakistan to cut ties with Russia, urging sovereignty to serve the best interests of his country and its people. pledged to continue to make sound policy decisions.

Prime Minister Khan explained why he refused to join the international chorus denouncing Russia for the attack on Ukraine at a public rally in Pakistan's Dargai district on the 20th, and complied with the request. also said Pakistan would get nothing.

Prime Minister Khan cited the US-led global war on terrorism as an example of policy decisions forced by the West, which he said had only brought pain to Pakistan.

"We became part of America's war on terrorism in Afghanistan and lost 80,000 people." He again condemned foreign powers that tried to exert pressure and vowed to continue making sovereign decisions in the best interests of his country and its people.

Behind the economic sanctions against Russia, smartphones made by Chinese manufacturers are "stupid selling" in Russia.

In Russia, immediately after the start of the conflict with Ukraine, there was a rush to buy smartphones such as Apple and Samsung in South Korea, and prices soared.

In particular, the sales of Chinese manufacturers have shown remarkable growth in the past half month, with Huawei quadrupling, OPPO and Vivo three times each, ZTE twice, and Realme 80%. A growth rate of 10% was recorded.

* [Breaking news 2219] 36Kr Japan, 18th: In particular, sales of Chinese manufacturers have shown remarkable growth in the past half month, with Huawei quadrupling, OPPO and Vivo each triple, and ZTE. (Zhongxing Telecommunications) doubled, and Realme recorded an 80% increase.

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), on Monday (21st) the average gasoline price in the United States hit a record high of about $4.32 per gallon (about 3.8 liters). 134 yen).

Among the major European economies, Germany had the highest gasoline price as of the 21st, at $8.23 per gallon (about 970 yen, about 255 yen per liter). For Germany, which is not an energy resource country like the United States, the sanctions against Russia are coming down on itself.

Gasoline prices were cheap in North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, and Russia. In Algeria, the recent gasoline price is about $1.2 per gallon (about 140 yen, about 37 yen per liter), and in Russia about $1.4 (about 170 yen, about 45 yen per liter).

* [Breaking News 2226] ForbesJapan, 21st: According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), this Monday, the average gasoline price in the United States hit a record high of about $4.32 per gallon (about 3.8 liters) ( 510 yen).

Russia consistently claims that ``the United States is involved in the research and development of biological weapons in Ukraine,'' but Western countries all say that it is ``disinformation,'' and that Russia He criticized it as a "false flag operation" to use biological (or biochemical) weapons.

On the 21st, Russia claimed that Ukrainian nationalists (extreme right group) carried out a "false flag operation" using ammonia, although it is not a bioweapon.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov reported on the 21st that Ukrainian nationalists carried out a chemical "false flag" operation in the city of Sumy on the night of the 20th.

Ammonia was leaking from the Smy Kimprom chemical plant, according to the Sumy regional administration, but spokesman Konashenkov said the leak did not pose a risk to the city's inhabitants as the ammonia air mass left the city. rice field.

Spokesperson Konashenkov said on March 19 that the Russian Defense Ministry had warned that Ukrainian nationalists had planted landmines at a chemical plant to provoke and accuse Russia of alleged use of chemical weapons. He said at the conference that he would like us to remember

"Information about the location of all facilities and toxic substances on Ukrainian territory was obtained by Russian forces when they seized combat documents of the 4th brigade of the Ukrainian parliamentary guard," Konashenkov said. "The Russian military has not planned or carried out any attacks on Ukrainian facilities that manufacture or store toxic chemicals," it said.

※ [Breaking News 2246] TASS, 21st: Russian Defense Ministry Spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said last night Ukrainian nationalists in the city of Sumy staged a chemical false flag operation that Russia had previously warned about. said.

Journalist Akira Saito, former director of the Yomiuri Shimbun American General Bureau, discusses the state of Ukraine after the ceasefire in "WEDGE Infinity." Saito, citing an article published in Foreign Affairs, an American diplomatic and security journal, argued that Ukraine would be best suited for a “fortress neutralization” modeled after Switzerland and Finland.

Mr. Saito cited an emergency ceasefire proposal titled "On the Neutralization of Ukraine" by Mr. A. Wes Mitchell, who served as Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia.

・Ukraine promises not to join NATO in the future and to deny the presence of foreign troops in the country, and chooses "neutrality" like Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Finland, etc.

・For Ukraine, the most helpful thing is "fortress neutralization" to maintain strong military power like Switzerland and Finland.

・Ukraine can commit to non-membership in international security organizations and maintain a strong military supported by weapons and advanced training that NATO continues to provide.

Mr. Saito also points out the challenges that must be overcome in the "fortress neutralization" of Ukraine.

* [Breaking news 2252] Mr. Akira Saito, WEDGE Infinity, 21st: "In order to realize an early ceasefire in the intensifying Ukrainian war, Ukraine's 'fortified neutrality' in exchange for the withdrawal of Russian troops ( Continue)

In response to this, Yasumi Iwakami tweeted a rebuttal, saying that "neutralization" is necessary and realistic, but "fortification" of heavy armament is unrealistic.

"Ukraine's 'neutralization' is a realistic option, but militarized 'fortress neutralization' seems impossible. I think it's an empty theory that ignores Ukraine's economic reality too much. Ukraine is a granary. Although it has a zone, it is not as rich in energy resources as Russia, and the economic burden is too heavy for it to be heavily armed enough to be fortified.”

※ Yasumi Iwakami @iwakamiyasumi

"Continued. This 'fortress neutralization' theory is based on a paper published in Foreign Affairs, but the average monthly income of Ukrainian citizens is 20,000 to 30,000 yen. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it fell to the level of the poorest country. If you don't rely on Russian weapons, you will have to buy more expensive American weapons."

※ Yasumi Iwakami @iwakamiyasumi

"Continued 2 Where will the money for such a high purchase of weapons come from? Natural gas has also been dependent on Russia for many years. If we do not import energy from Russia, where will we import it from? Can we buy it at international prices?”

※ Yasumi Iwakami @iwakamiyasumi

"Continued 3.Even if you try to make Ukraine a weapon colony of the United States, the Ukrainian economy can't stand it.I think it's an empty theory that doesn't consider the household budget of the Ukrainian people at all.Immediate ceasefire, non-aligned neutrality, that It would be realistic to tackle economic reconstruction with only lightly armed forces.”

※ Yasumi Iwakami @iwakamiyasumi

Finding a compromise between Russia and Ukraine has become a global challenge. The choice of arbitrarily stepping on the accelerator to "World War III" is absolutely unacceptable.

[Breaking News 2128] CNN: President Zelensky said on Sunday (20th) that he was "ready to negotiate" with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but if he failed, "This is World War III." means," he warned. (0:14 am Japan time March 21, 2022 5:14 pm Kiev time 20th)

[Breaking News 2129] CNN: President Zelensky said, "I am ready to negotiate with him (President Putin). I have been ready for the last two years. Without negotiations, we will end this war." I don't think you can," he told CNN's Farid Zakaria. (0:14 am Japan time March 21, 2022 5:14 pm Kiev time 20th)

[Breaking News 2130] CNN: President Zelensky said, "I think we need to take every form, every opportunity to have the possibility of negotiation, the possibility of talking to Putin. But if these attempts If it fails, this means World War III." (0:14 am Japan time March 21, 2022 5:14 pm Kiev time 20th)

[Breaking news 2131] According to Reuters, President Biden's approval rating is 43% support and 53% disapproval as of March 15. Since February 23rd, just before the Russian invasion, the numbers have been exactly the same as once. The approval rating peaked at 45% on March 8, but fell again. (0:24 am Japan time March 21, 2022 5:24 pm Kiev time 20th)

[Breaking News 2132] The Russian Ministry of Defense has announced that it has newly bombed the fuel storage base of the Ukrainian army using the hypersonic missile "Kinzhar", a state-of-the-art weapon. (3:30 am Japan time March 21, 2022 8:30 pm Kiev time 20th)

[Breaking news 2133] On the 20th, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that it attacked the military's large fuel storage base in Mikolayu, southern Ukraine, from the Crimean airspace with the hypersonic missile "Kinzhar". (3:30 am Japan time March 21, 2022 8:30 pm Kiev time 20th)

[Breaking news 2134] According to the Russian military, this fuel base is the source of fuel used by the Ukrainian army's armored vehicles, and a cruise missile launched from the Black Sea destroyed the Ukrainian army's armored vehicle repair shop. I'm doing it. (3:30 am Japan time March 21, 2022 8:30 pm Kiev time 20th)

[Breaking News 2135] Mainichi: Doubts have emerged about the announcement that the Russian Ministry of Defense destroyed the "Kinzhar" on the 19th. After examining a video of the impact released by the Russian Ministry of Defense on SNS, it became clear that the shooting location was believed to be an agricultural area in eastern Ukraine. (3:30 am Japan time March 21, 2022 8:30 pm Kiev time 20th)

[Breaking News 2136] Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba tweeted that in Kherson, where Russian forces allegedly took control, brave residents peacefully retreated two Russian trucks. (3:40 am Japan time March 21, 2022 8:40 pm Kiev time 20th)

[Breaking News 2137] Foreign Minister Kureba Dmytro

: The brave Ukrainians of Kherson continue to protest against the Russian invaders. Peacefully and fearlessly. They literally (continued) (3:40 am Japan time March 21, 2022 8:40 pm Kiev time 20th)

[Breaking News 2138] Foreign Minister Kureba Dmytro

: (continued) Two giant Russian trucks were simply forced back by their peaceful pressure. These people are Ukraine. Their spirit of freedom is truly unbreakable."

[Breaking News 2139] LENTA.RU: US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said in an interview with CBS TV about Russia's use of hypersonic missiles in Ukraine, "This [hypersonic weapon] itself is a situation I don't think it will fundamentally change the (3:48 am Japan time March 21, 2022 8:48 pm Kiev time 20th)

[Breaking News 2140] CNN: President Zelensky said in an interview with CNN on the 20th: "If we were members of NATO, the war would not have started" (5:02 pm Japan time March 21, 2022 10:02 am Kiev time)

[Breaking news 2141] CNN: Mr. Ze "I want security for my country and my people. If NATO member countries are ready to welcome us into their alliance, so soon I want you to do it." (Japan time 5:03 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:03 am)

[Breaking News 2142] CNN: Ze said, "Because people are dying every day," adding that he was grateful for the help NATO has provided since the invasion began. (Japan time 5:03 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:03 am)

[Breaking News 2143] CNN: Mr. Ze "We have always emphasized negotiations. We have always proposed dialogue and presented solutions for peace. Termination, security, sovereignty, restoration of territorial integrity, true security of our country, true protection of our country.”

[Breaking News 2144] CNN: Mr. Ze "Now, especially to the people of Moscow, listen to me. Now is the time to meet. It's time to speak. It's time to restore Ukraine's territorial integrity and justice." Noda" (Japan time 5:03 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:03 am)

[Breaking News 2145] CNN: When President Putin said the Ukrainian government was full of neo-Nazis, President Zelensky said, "(Putin) may take very terrible measures." (Japan time 5:04 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:04 am)

[Breaking news 2146] CNN: Mr. Ze "If he (President Putin) seriously said this, it means that this is not a game for him, and he will take very terrible measures. There is a possibility" (Japan time 5:04 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:04 am)

[Breaking News 2147] AFP, 21st: Turkish Foreign Minister Mevryut Cavusior said on the 20th that the ceasefire talks between Russia and Ukraine were progressing and that they were close to an agreement. (Japan time 5:04 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:04 am)

[Breaking news 2148] AFP, 21st: Chavsior: "Of course it's not easy to come to a compromise when civilians are being killed in war, but it shows that (negotiations) have momentum." I would like to say" "Both countries are close to an agreement" (5:04 pm Japan time March 21, 2022 10:04 am Kiev time)

[Breaking News 2149] AFP, 21st: Turkey's presidential spokesman Ibrahim Karun told the daily Huriyet that both sides are working to neutralize, demilitarize and secure Ukraine, the so-called "de-Nazi". , (continued) (Japan time 5:05 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:05 am)

[Breaking News 2150] AFP, 21st: (Continued) Talks over six points: removal of barriers to the use of Russian in Ukraine, status of eastern Donbass region, status of Crimea peninsula annexed by Russia in 2014 said it does. (Japan time 5:05 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:05 am)

[Breaking news 2151] Sankei, 21st: Four items that Turkey has made progress are the neutralization of Ukraine and the statement that it will not join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) ▽Demilitarization and mutual security guarantees ▽ “De-Nazi” ▽ Lifting restrictions on the use of the Russian language. (Japan time 5:05 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:05 am)

[IWJ Bulletin March 21] Summary of tweets related to the situation in Ukraine!President Biden's approval rating is 43%, exactly the same as on February 23, just before the Russian invasion!US people don't dance at all even if 1.7 trillion yen is poured into Ukraine aid!|IWJ Independent Web Journal

[Breaking News 2152] BBC, 18th: Telephone talks with President Erdogan, who spoke with Putin on the 17th. Kalun said talks would focus on eastern Donbass (some of which already claim to be Russia) and the status of Crimea. (Japan time 5:06 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:06 am)

[Breaking news 2153] President Zelensky strongly appeals for "restoring territorial integrity" in an interview with CNN on the 20th. (Japan time 5:07 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:07 am)

[Breaking News 2154] WSJ, 20th: Russia's attack on Ukraine has displaced more than 10 million people from their homes, the United Nations said. The scale of the humanitarian disaster shows no signs of easing as Moscow continues to attack with missiles and artillery, they said. (Japan time 5:36 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:36 am)

[Breaking News 2155] WSJ, 20th: Filippo Grandi of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees said Sunday (20th) that the war in Ukraine is devastating, with 10 million people internally displaced or I live abroad as a refugee." (Japan time 5:36 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:36 am)

[Breaking News 2156] WSJ, 20th: Mr. Grandi: "This (10 million displaced people) means that almost a quarter of the pre-war population has been wiped out. (Japan time) 5:37 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:37 am)

[Breaking News 2157] WSJ, 20th: About 3.4 million people, mostly women and children, have left Ukraine for Poland since the Russian offensive began on February 24, according to the United Nations. The UN says the number of refugees could reach 4 million. (Japan time 5:37 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:37 am)

[Breaking News 2158] CNN, 21st: According to figures compiled on the 18th by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the number of internally displaced persons has reached 6.48 million as of March 16th. (Japan time 5:38 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:38 am)

[Breaking News 2159] Filippo

(United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi): It is the responsibility of those who wage war to recognize the suffering inflicted on civilians forced to flee their homes anywhere in the world. be. (Japan time 5:38 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:38 am)

[Breaking News 2160] Filippo

: The war in Ukraine has been so devastating that 10 million people fled internally or as refugees abroad. (Japan time 5:38 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:38 am)

[Breaking news 2161] Current affairs, 21st: According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the number of people who fled Ukraine on the 19th is about 3.39 million. The neighboring country to the west, Poland, has the largest number of people with 2.05 million, followed by Romania with 520,000 and Moldova with 360,000. (Japan time 5:39 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:39 am)

[Breaking News 2162] WSJ, 20th: U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said on Sunday (20th) that Russia's military had intentions as Putin's operations stalled in the face of an effective defense and counterattack from Ukraine. It said it was targeting densely populated areas. (Japan time 5:39 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:39 am)

[Breaking News 2163] FNN, 21st: Approximately 3.4 million people have fled the country from Ukraine, and Poland is providing free apartments. (Japan time 5:39 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:39 am)

[Breaking News 2164] FNN, 21st: Jarek, who lives in Warsaw, is hosting two families who have fled Ukraine into his apartment free of charge. With an eye on the long-term evacuation, he appeals for the need for public support. (Japan time 5:39 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 10:39 am)

[Breaking News 2165] CNN, 21st: Nearly 1.5 million children have fled Ukraine since Russia began aggression, putting them at risk of trafficking, UNICEF said on 19th I reported that I was facing a situation. (5:40 pm Japan time March 21, 2022 10:40 am Kiev time)

[Breaking News 2166] CNN, 21st: It is reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense asked the city authorities of Mariupol in southern Ukraine to surrender by 5:00 am on the 21st (11:00 am Japan time on the same day). (RIA Novosti) (Japan time 6:24 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 11:24 am)

[Breaking News 2167] WSJ, 20th: The Russian Ministry of Defense said on Sunday (20th) that the (Ukrainian side) defense forces in the city of Mariupol, which suffered the worst civilian casualties of the war, will be attacked by Monday morning. gave permission to surrender and evacuate civilians. (Japan time 6:25 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 11:25 am)

[Breaking News 2168] WSJ, 20th: According to Interfax, Senior General Mikhail Mizhintsev of the Russian Defense Ministry's National Defense Control Center said, "All units of the Ukrainian army, territorial defense battalions and foreign mercenaries In response, I urge them to cease their military activities and lay down their weapons." (Japan time 6:25 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 11:25 am)

[Breaking News 2169] WSJ, 20th: Mizhintsev said Kiev must respond to Russia's proposal by 5 a.m. Moscow time on Monday. (Japan time 6:26 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 11:26 am)

[Breaking news 2170] Asahi, 21st: (Regarding the surrender of Mariupol) Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Vereshchuk told local media, "There can be no talks about surrender or disarmament. We have already informed the Russian side." He showed an attitude of not accepting the proposal. (Japan time 6:26 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 11:26 am)

[Breaking news 2171] CNN, 21st: According to the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, 4 out of 7 routes of the "humanitarian corridor" for evacuating from Mariupol are open as of the 20th, and about 7,300 people are evacuated. (Japan time 6:27 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 11:27 am)

[Breaking news 2172] CNN, 21st: General Mizhintsev stopped fighting on the route agreed with the Ukrainian side between 10:00 am and noon on the 21st, and after noon at the same time food, medicine, He said he would allow humanitarian convoys carrying the essentials to pass through. (Japan time 6:28 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 11:28 am)

[Breaking News 2173] CNN, 21st: The Mariupol City Council accused on the 19th that thousands of residents were forcibly deported to Russian territory. (Japan time 6:28 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 11:28 am)

[Breaking News 2174] CNN, 21st: Senior General Mizhintsev, Head of the National Defense Control Center, "The horrific thugs responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent people are calling themselves representatives of the city." (RIA Novosti) (Japan time 6:28 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 11:28 am)

[Breaking News 2175] CNN, 21st: General Mizhintsev claimed that nearly 60,000 residents deported from Mariupol are now in "perfect safety" in Russia. (Japan time 6:28 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 11:28 am)

[Breaking News 2176] CNN, 21st: An art school where about 400 people were evacuated was bombed by Russian forces and the school building was destroyed, the city council of Mariupol said. An aide to the mayor said in the morning of the 20th that the number of survivors was unknown. (Japan time 6:29 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 11:29 am)

[Breaking News 2177] CNN, 21st: Four days ago, a theater used as a shelter was bombed in Mariupol. Up to 1,300 people may have taken refuge in the building. However, the number of survivors is still unknown, and the information of 130 survivors has not changed for the past few days. (Japan time 6:30 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 11:30 am)

[Breaking News 2178] CNN, 21st: An art school where about 400 people were evacuated was bombed by Russian forces and the school building was destroyed, the city council of Mariupol said. An aide to the mayor said in the morning of the 20th that the number of survivors was unknown. (Japan time 6:30 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 11:30 am)

[Breaking news 2179] TBS, 21st: President Zelensky "Russian military planes bombed a school in Mariupol. 400 people are buried alive" (6:30 pm Japan time March 21, 2022 Kiev time 11:30 am)

[Breaking News 2180] Reuters, 20th: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on the 19th that time will tell China is on the right side of history over the Ukraine crisis, a position shared by most countries. He indicated that he agreed with his wishes. (Japan time 7:00 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:00 pm)

[Breaking News 2181] Reuters, 20th: Mr. Wang said, "China will never accept external coercion or pressure, and oppose baseless accusations and suspicions against China." (Japan time 7:00 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:00 pm)

[Breaking news 2182] Asahi, 21st: China's State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on the 20th, regarding the situation in Ukraine, "If unilateral sanctions are strengthened, the global supply chain will be disrupted. Citizens of each country will be hit," he reiterated his stance against sanctions against Russia by the United States and Europe. (Japan time 7:01 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:01 pm)

[Breaking news 2183] Asahi, 21st: (Mr. Wang) said, "Not a few countries, including China and Algeria, abstained from voting on the resolution condemning Russia adopted at the United Nations General Assembly on the 2nd. War and sanctions will lead to conflict. It means that we do not agree to a solution, and it is a responsible attitude." (Japan time 7:01 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:01 pm)

[Breaking news 2184] Today is the 72nd birthday of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, and the Russian Arms Control Delegation in Vienna gave a congratulatory speech (Russian Arms Control Delegation in Vienna)

) (Japan time 7:02 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:02 pm)

[Breaking News 2185] Reuters, 20th: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky delivered a video address to the Israeli parliament on the 20th, calling for the provision of missile defense systems to Ukraine and the imposition of sanctions on Russia. (Japan time 7:02 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:02 pm)

[Breaking news 2186] Mr. Zelensky, who is Jewish, likened the Russian army's invasion of Ukraine to the Holocaust (genocide of Jews) by Nazi Germany and requested stronger support. (Japan time 7:02 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:02 pm)

[Breaking news 2187] Reuters, 20th: Zelensky, who is Jewish, said, "Everyone knows that Israel's missile defense system is the best. You are definitely Ukrainian people, Ukrainian Jews We can save people's lives," he said. (Japan time 7:03 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:03 pm)

[Breaking news 2188] Reuters, 20th: Mr. Ze "Why can't we receive weapons from you? Why aren't we imposing strong sanctions on Russia and putting pressure on Russian companies?" (Japan time 7:03 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:03 pm)

[Breaking News 2189] Asahi, 21st: Mr. Zelensky touched on Israel's missile air defense system "Iron Dome" and said, "You can definitely save the lives of Ukrainian people and Ukrainian Jews." and asked for export to Ukraine. (Japan time 7:03 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:03 pm)

[Breaking News 2190] CNN, 20th: The Ukrainian Embassy in Israel said in a statement on Facebook, "Russia committed a genocide of Ukrainians, while the Israeli government evacuated all Ukrainians. They are investigating people with thorough methods," he criticized. (Japan time 7:04 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:04 pm)

[Breaking News 2191] CNN, 20th: The head of Israel's population and immigration authority told a local newspaper that the world is full of problems, but that doesn't mean welcoming people indefinitely. He argued that the country's gates could not be opened to anyone. (Japan time 7:04 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:04 pm)

[Breaking News 2192] CNN, 20th: Under Israeli law, if at least one grandparent is Jewish, you are entitled to citizenship in the country along with your family. According to this law, the number of Ukrainians who can enter the country is unlimited. (Japan time 7:04 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:04 pm)

[Breaking News 2193] CNN, 20th: Israeli officials were preparing for a flood of up to 100,000 Ukrainians and Russians under the law. (Japan time 7:05 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:05 pm)

[Breaking News 2194] CNN, 20th: Israeli citizens also have the right to apply for entry permits for non-Jewish Ukrainian family members regardless of quotas. (Japan time 7:05 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:05 pm)

[Breaking News 2195] CNN, 20th: Apart from those eligible for the two rights (due to their Jewish kinship), the Israeli government will not allow entry for Ukrainians who have no family-related factors. Set an upper limit of 5000 people. (Japan time 7:05 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:05 pm)

[Breaking news 2196] Yomiuri, 20th: Prime Minister Kishida met with Prime Minister Hun Sen of Cambodia in Phnom Penh on the evening of the 20th (night of the 20th Japan time). (Japan time 7:08 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:08 pm)

[Breaking news 2197] Yomiuri, 20th: (Prime Minister Kishida and Prime Minister Hun Sen) Concerning Russia's invasion of Ukraine, with the recognition that "anywhere in the world, we will not accept a unilateral change of the status quo by force." They agreed and confirmed that they would continue to work closely together at international conferences. (Japan time 7:08 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:08 pm)

[Breaking news 2198] Yomiuri, 20th: (Prime Minister Kishida and Prime Minister Hun Sen) Cambodia has a close relationship with China, but with China in mind, "Increase tension in the South China Sea and do not take unilateral action We ask the countries concerned to do the same.” (Japan time 7:09 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:09 pm)

[Breaking News 2199] Reuters, 21st: The US White House announced on the 20th that President Biden will visit Poland on the 25th and meet with President Duda on the Ukraine crisis on the 26th. (Japan time 7:17 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:17 pm)

[Breaking news 2200] Current affairs, 21st: (Presidents Biden and President Duda) are facing a "human rights and humanitarian crisis" in light of the fact that a large number of Ukrainian refugees are flowing into Poland due to the Russian military invasion. Discuss the US response. (Japan time 7:17 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:17 pm)

[Breaking news 2201] President Biden went to Brussels on the 23rd, attended the NATO, EU, and G7 summit on the 24th, moved to Poland on the 25th, and met with President Duda on the 26th. (Japan time 7:17 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:17 pm)

[Breaking news 2202] British Prime Minister Johnson asked China to condemn Russia for invading Ukraine in an interview with the Sunday Times on the 20th. (Japan time 7:17 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:17 pm)

[Breaking News 2203] Mr. Johnson emphasized, "As Russia's barbarity piles up, it is getting harder to allow Putin to invade." He urged us to be critical of Russia. (Japan time 7:17 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:17 pm)

[Breaking news 2204] Asahi, 21st: Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Oliha Stephanishina (36) responded to interviews with Asahi Shimbun reporters in western Lviv on the 20th. He requested that Japan "call on other Asian countries to participate in sanctions (against Russia)." (Japan time 7:17 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:17 pm)

[Breaking news 2205] Asahi, 21st: Deputy Prime Minister Stephanisina "Although there are long queues at the border, the EU is now open to Ukraine. There is a strong sense of solidarity (between the two)" (Japan 7:18 pm March 21, 2022 12:18 pm Kiev time)

[Breaking News 2206] RT: Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has again denounced foreign powers that tried to pressure Pakistan to cut ties with Russia, citing sovereignty in the best interest of his country and its people. pledged to continue to make sound policy decisions. (Japan time 7:24 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:24 pm)

[Breaking news 2207] RT: Prime Minister Khan "For the past three and a half years, we have only tried to promote the prosperity of Pakistan" (at the public meeting held in Dargai on the 20th) (7 pm Japan time: 24 March 21, 2022 12:24 pm Kiev time)

[Breaking News 2208] RT: PM Khan explains why he refused to join international chorus denouncing Russia for attacking Ukraine, says Pakistan gains nothing by complying with demands Stated. (Japan time 7:24 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:24 pm)

[Breaking News 2209] RT: Prime Minister Khan cited the US-led global war on terrorism as an example of policy decisions forced by the West, and said that in the end it brought only pain to Pakistan. (Japan time 7:24 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:24 pm)

[Breaking news 2210] RT: Prime Minister Khan "We became part of America's war on terrorism in Afghanistan and lost 80,000 people" (Japan time 7:24 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:24 pm)

[Breaking News 2211] Sankei, 20th: Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi, who is visiting the Middle East, visited the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the 20th and served as CEO of Abu Dhabi National Oil Company Javel Industry and Advanced I met with the Minister of Technology. (Japan time 7:39 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:39 pm)

[Breaking news 2212] Sankei, 20th: Mr. Hayashi said, "It is necessary to confirm cooperation amid concerns about the risk of destabilizing the energy market." , I would like to strongly support Japan, including efforts toward decarbonization.”

[Breaking News 2213] Bloomberg, 21st: Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi, who visited the UAE, asked the UAE to expand crude oil exports. Several major oil importers are increasing pressure on OPEC to help keep oil prices down. (Japan time 7:40 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:40 pm)

[Breaking news 2214] Reuters, 20th: According to the January-February crude oil import statistics released by the Chinese Customs General Administration on the 20th, Saudi Arabia regained the top position with 14.61 million tons. Russia, which overtook Saudi Arabia in December last year, fell by 9% year-on-year to 12.67 million tons. (Japan time 7:40 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:40 pm)

[Breaking news 2215] Reuters, 20th: Chinese authorities are cracking down on tax evasion and illegal trading of import quotas over Russia's main oil ESPO, reducing demand for independent oil refiners bottom. (Japan time 7:40 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:40 pm)

[Breaking News 2216] Kyodo, 21st: Saudi Aramco, the state-owned oil company of Saudi Arabia, announced on the 20th that it plans to increase its oil and natural gas production capacity. Respond to the demands of consumer countries for stable supply. (Japan time 7:40 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:40 pm)

[Breaking news 2217] Kyodo, 21st: (Saudi Aramco) will expand oil production capacity from the current 12 million barrels per day to 13 million barrels per day by 2027, and natural gas by 2030 Aiming for an increase of 50% or more. (Japan time 7:40 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:40 pm)

[Breaking News 2218] 36Kr Japan, 18th: Immediately after the start of the conflict with Ukraine in Russia, there was a rush to buy smartphones such as Apple and Samsung in South Korea, and prices soared. (Japan time 7:40 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:40 pm)

[Breaking news 2219] 36Kr Japan, 18th: In particular, sales of Chinese manufacturers have shown remarkable growth in the past half month, with Huawei (Huawei) quadrupling, OPPO and Vivo each triple, ZTE ( Zhongxing Communications) doubled, and Realme recorded an 80% increase. (Japan time 7:41 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:41 pm)

[Breaking News 2220] Bloomberg, 16th: Saudi Arabia is reportedly considering denominated some of its crude oil sales to China in yuan, but currency strategists have expressed political skepticism about the United States. I see it as nothing more than a restraint. (Japan time 7:41 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:41 pm)

[Breaking News 2221] Bloomberg, 16th: Guillaume Tresca, Senior Emerging Markets Strategist at Generali, said: “The Saudi side is trying to do what they can in a time when the geopolitical order is moving. It's just a signal sent to the United States that they want to." (Japan time 7:41 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:41 pm)

[Breaking News 2222] Bloomberg, 16th: Witold Burke, senior macro strategist at Nordea: “Many attempts in recent years to end the dollar system have failed. I think it's just one of those failures." (Japan time 7:41 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:41 pm)

[Breaking News 2223] Bloomberg, 16th: The fact that the Saudi currency, the Riyal, is pegged to the dollar is also one of the reasons why the Saudis are simply a bluff. Potential dollar weakness bounces back to Saudi Arabia. (Japan time 7:42 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:42 pm)

[Breaking News 2224] Bloomberg, 16th: Matthew Weller, head of research at Forex.com: “In a few years we may see two parallel global financial systems, but ) (Japan time 7:43 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:43 pm)

[Breaking News 2225] (continued) This move by Saudi Arabia alone is not a critical turning point. Not a game changer" (Japan time 7:43 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:43 pm)

[Breaking news 2226] ForbesJapan, 21st: According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), this Monday, the average gasoline price in the United States hit a record high of about $4.32 per gallon (about 3.8 liters). 510 yen). (Japan time 7:46 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:46 pm)

[Breaking news 2227] ForbesJapan, 21st: Germany had the highest gasoline price among the major European economies as of the same day, at $8.23 per gallon (about 970 yen). (Japan time 7:47 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:47 pm)

[Breaking news 2228] ForbesJapan, 21st: Hong Kong had the highest gasoline price in the ranking, at $ 10.72 per gallon (about 1270 yen). (Japan time 7:47 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:47 pm)

[Breaking news 2229] ForbesJapan, 21st: Cheap gasoline prices in North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia, Russia, etc. Gasoline prices were recently around $1.20 a gallon in Algeria and about $1.40 in Russia. (Japan time 7:47 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:47 pm)

[Breaking news 2230] CNN, 20th: The major US hamburger chain "Burger King" is seeking to suspend operations in Russia by the 20th, but business operators affiliated in the country refuse to close. revealed what was happening. (Japan time 7:52 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:52 pm)

[Breaking News 2231] CNN, 20th: (Burger King's) partner is businessman Alexander Korobov, who refuses to close 800 restaurants. He retains operational and administrative authority over day-to-day operations. (Japan time 7:53 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:53 pm)

[Breaking News 2232] ForbesJapan, 21st: Desperate drivers are bringing food to the destroyed city to help the Ukrainian people stranded by a military attack by Russia. (Japan time 7:53 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:53 pm)

[Breaking News 2233] ForbesJapan, 21st: Ukrainian MHP, the sixth largest chicken exporter in the world, delivers 330 tons of chicken daily to thousands of citizens in Kiev, Kharkov and Mariupol. (Japan time 7:53 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:53 pm)

[Breaking News 2234] ForbesJapan, 21st: MHP drivers bypass blown bridges, pass checkpoints and avoid potholes while trying to maintain supply chains. (Japan time 7:53 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:53 pm)

[Breaking News 2235] ForbesJapan, 21st: MHP lost 3,000 acres of land in the Russian invasion, but still secured over 900,000 acres. (Japan time 7:53 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:53 pm)

[Breaking News 2236] ForbesJapan, 21st: One of MHP's largest chicken storage facilities outside Kiev was completely destroyed, burning $8.5 million worth of frozen chicken. (Japan time 7:54 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:54 pm)

[Breaking News 2237] On the 20th, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reported from the Ukrainian side that about the number of employees who had been working at the northern Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which the Russian military had taken control of immediately after the invasion of Ukraine on February 24th. Half of them announced that they had taken turns and were able to go home. (Japan time 7:55 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 12:55 pm)

[Breaking news 2238] TBS, 20th: The Russian Ministry of Defense announced on the 20th that it destroyed the Ukrainian military's fuel storage facility in Mikolaiv Oblast in southern Ukraine with a hypersonic missile "Kinzhar". (Japan time 8:01 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:01 pm)

[Breaking news 2239] TBS, 20th: In addition to destroying a repair shop for military vehicles in northern Ukraine with the sea-launched cruise missile "Kalibr" from the Black Sea, (continued) (Japan time 8:02 pm 2022 March 21, 13:02 pm Kiev time)

[Breaking news 2240] (continued) A high-performance missile attacked a training facility in Zhytomyr province near the capital Kiev, and announced that it had killed more than 100 special forces and foreign mercenaries. (Japan time 8:02 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:02 pm)

[Breaking news 2241] Current affairs, 21st: Swiss think tank expert Dominika Knertva told the BBC that the number of Kinzhal deployments is not large and the accuracy of the attack is questionable. (Japan time 8:02 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:02 pm)

[Breaking news 2242] Current affairs, 21st: AFP introduces the opinion of a military analyst that ``It does not fundamentally change the battlefield, but it has a psychological or propaganda effect that scares people.'' bottom. (Japan time 8:02 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:02 pm)

[Breaking news 2243] Current affairs, 21st: The British Ministry of Defense announced on the 19th that the Russian military has not gained air superiority over Ukraine, and that it is possible to attack "stand-off weapons" from relatively safe Russian airspace. He pointed out that it is becoming more dependent. (Japan time 8:02 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:02 pm)

[Breaking news 2244] Current affairs, 21st: According to the Sunday Express dated 10th, University College London (UCL) Professor Emeritus Mark Galeotti, who is familiar with Russia's military policy, said, "Putin (Russian President) (Continued) (Japan time 8:05 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:05 pm)

[Breaking News 2245] (continued) We need favorable negotiation materials for the Ukrainian side. We should expect it to escalate (attacks) this week, which may include the use of chemical weapons." (Japan time 8:05 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:05 pm)

[Breaking News 2246] TASS, 21st: Russian Defense Ministry Spokesperson Igor Konashenkov said last night Ukrainian nationalists in the city of Sumy staged a chemical false flag operation that Russia had previously warned about. Stated. (Japan time 8:25 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:25 pm)

[Breaking News 2247] TASS, 21st: In the city of Sumy, Ukrainian nationalists staged a pre-planned provocation by the Russian Ministry of Defense that was forewarned days ago. Ammonia was leaking from the Smy Kim Prom chemical plant, according to the Sumy regional administration. (Japan time 8:25 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:25 pm)

[Breaking News 2248] TASS, 21st: Spokesman Konashenkov said the leak did not pose a risk to the city's inhabitants as the ammonia air mass left the city. (Japan time 8:25 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:25 pm)

[Breaking News 2249] TASS, 21st: Spokesperson Konashenkov said on March 19th that the Russian Ministry of Defense had decided to open a chemical plant to provoke and accuse Russia of alleged use of chemical weapons by Ukrainian nationalists. He said he would like to remember that he warned that he had planted landmines in (Japan time 8:26 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:26 pm)

[Breaking News 2250] TASS, 21st: Konashenkov Spokesperson "Russian military is not planning or conducting any of the following attacks on Ukrainian facilities that manufacture or store toxic chemicals" (Japan time) 8:26 pm March 21, 2022 13:26 pm Kiev time)

[Breaking News 2251] TASS, 21st: Spokesperson Konashenkov: “Information on the location of all facilities and toxic substances on Ukrainian territory was obtained when Russian forces seized the combat documents of the 4th Brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard. (8:26 pm Japan time March 21, 2022 13:26 pm Kiev time)

[Breaking news 2252] Mr. Akira Saito, WEDGE Infinity, 21st: "In order to realize an early ceasefire in the intensifying Ukrainian war, Ukraine's 'fortified neutrality' in exchange for the withdrawal of Russian troops (continued ) (Japan time 8:36 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:36 pm)

[Breaking news 2253] Mr. Saito: (Continued) A compromise proposal in which both sides came together was presented in a leading US magazine ("Foreign Affairs"), and is expected to arouse great interest and debate internationally in the future. (Japan time 8:36 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:36 pm)

[Breaking News 2254] Mr. Saito: Among the claims of both sides, the two points of "neutralization" and "demilitarization" have become the biggest conflicts, and so far no agreement has been reached. (Japan time 8:36 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:36 pm)

[Breaking News 2255] Mr. Saito: Mr. Mitchell's proposal is to some extent "neutralization" in line with Russia's claims, while at the same time allowing Ukraine to continue to "militarize" to secure defense. (Japan time 8:36 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:36 pm)

[Breaking news 2256] Mr. Saito: We are advancing the argument based on the judgment that there is room for compromise for both sides. (Japan time 8:36 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:36 pm)

[Breaking News 2257] Mr. Saito: (Regarding Ukraine's "neutralization") In the past, in Europe, a country that chose "neutrality" to avoid annexation by a powerful neighboring country, and today has prospered as a member of the European Community. There are several Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Finland, etc. (Japan time 8:37 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:37 pm)

[Breaking news 2258] Mr. Saito: For Ukraine, the most helpful countries are Switzerland and Finland, both of which maintain the "fortress neutralization" policy. (Japan time 8:37 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:37 pm)

"Ukraine's 'neutralization' is a realistic option, but militarized 'fortress neutralization' seems impossible. I think it's an empty theory that ignores Ukraine's economic reality too much. Ukraine is a granary. Although it has a zone, it is not as rich in energy resources as Russia, and the economic burden is too heavy for it to be heavily armed enough to be fortified.”

※ Yasumi Iwakami @iwakamiyasumi

"Continued. This 'fortress neutralization' theory is based on a paper published in Foreign Affairs, but the average monthly income of Ukrainian citizens is 20,000 to 30,000 yen. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, it fell to the level of the poorest country. If you don't rely on Russian weapons, you will have to buy more expensive American weapons."

※ Yasumi Iwakami @iwakamiyasumi

"Continued 2 Where will the money for such a high purchase of weapons come from? Natural gas has also been dependent on Russia for many years. If we do not import energy from Russia, where will we import it from? Can we buy it at international prices?”

※ Yasumi Iwakami @iwakamiyasumi

"Continued 3.Even if you try to make Ukraine a weapon colony of the United States, the Ukrainian economy can't stand it.I think it's an empty theory that doesn't consider the household budget of the Ukrainian people at all.Immediate ceasefire, non-aligned neutrality, that It would be realistic to tackle economic reconstruction with only lightly armed forces.”

※ Yasumi Iwakami @iwakamiyasumi

[Breaking News 2259] Mr. Saito: Former NATO Secretary-General Jaap Dehopsheeffel said that Ukraine could take a position similar to Finland's in the future. (Japan time 8:37 pm March 21, 2022 Kiev time 13:37 pm)