Learn with 7 keywords 5G (Part 1)

[KEYWORD 1] 2020年 --> 10年ぶりの大進化歴史を振り返れば、移動通信システムは、ほぼ10年ごとに大きな進化を遂げてきた(図表1)。前回は2010年。日本ではその年の12月、当時は3.The LTE service that is now 9G, currently 4G, has started.And now, the 5G (5th generation mobile communication system) is currently promoting standardization activities at a rapid pace, aiming to commercialize in 2020, just 10 years later in 2010.

図表1 移動通信システムの進化の歴史

2020, when the Tokyo Olympics are held, is a special year for Japan. "We have been targeting 2020 in the past, but since the Olympics have been held in Tokyo, the feelings for commercialization in 2020 have increased," said the 5G Promotion Office of the NTT DOCOMO Advanced Technology Research Institute. Takehiro Nakamura speaks. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has also launched a policy to "realize 5G in 2020 ahead of the world", and the 5G commercialization in 2020 can be said to be "national policy." It is not only Japan that targets the "IMT-2020" in 2020 5G commercialization in the ITU. "The United States and South Korea are also trying to start 5g in 2020 or before that," said Nakamura, "Nakamura). For example, Belizon has announced that it will launch a 5G service in 2017. South Korea also conducted a demonstration experiment at the Pyeongchang Olympics in 2018, aiming to commercialize it in 2020. In 2017, it was before the 5G standardization work was completed. I don't know if it can be called 5G in a strict sense, but you'll see that the movement for 5G commercialization around 2020 around 2020 is active. The 5G standard and frequency will eventually follow the recommendation of the ITU-R (the Wireless Communication Division of the International Telecommunications Union, which is the United Nations specialized institution), but the iTu-R is the "IMT-2020". It is called. So what is the 5G that appears in 2020? "Networking Society is, in short, a network for a world where various applications and services are expanding," said Masanori Fujioka of Ericsson Japan CTO. What is needed for a 2020s society is not only for mobile phones / smartphones. 5G aims to be a network that meets the needs of the times when everything is connected.
