Review the "IS" series of au smartphone reversal offensive, INFOBAR and Windows Phone also

Au's first smartphone, the E30HT. Early smartphones were for commercial use, so the colors were mostly black.

auのスマートフォンを振り返る 反転攻勢の「IS」シリーズ、INFOBARやWindows Phoneも

 Commemorate the 20th anniversary of ITmedia Mobile and review the plans of terminals operated by large operators. After DoCoMo's smartphone, this time we will pick up au's smartphone. [photo] au's first Android smartphone

Au, which lags behind because of smartphones, is in hot pursuit in the dedicated brand "IS" series.

 Searching for keywords such as "au's first smartphone", ITmedia Mobile's article "au's first smartphone" E30HT, released on May 1st-- also for personal sale "is hugely popular. This is an article published on April 27, 2009. E30HT is the terminal produced by HTC in Taiwan, and OS adopts Windows Mobile 6.1Professional Edition. The display is about 2.8 VGA (480 × 640 pixels) LCD, which can communicate up to 3.1 Mbps downlink and 1.8 Mbps uplink. Although it is a legal person-oriented terminal, like the usual au terminal, it can be purchased in au stores and so on. At that time, Softbank Corp. as the only operation carrier to push iPhone,DoCoMo was already operating Android mobile phones. Compared with these, au started relatively late in smartphones. Mr. Takahashi, who was executive at that time, also admitted it. The communication specification CDMA2000 adopted by Au takes time and so on is the main reason for the delay. The terminal of Au's mobile phone brand "IS Series" was released in March 2010. At the same time, two smart books with Android, "IS01" and Windows Phone's "IS02" were released. However, IS01 is a smart "book" with a keyboard that makes laptops smaller. In addition, IS02 is the Windows phone second only to E30HT. Android phones like this began with Sharp's IS03, which went on sale in November 2010. Equipped with 3.5 (640x960pixel) touch screen, it supports classic Japanese functions such as wallet phone, single-line mobile phone, infrared communication and carrier email (@ It has been put on the market as the "main smartphone". KDDI came up with the keyword "Android au" when IS03 was released to reverse the offensive. By the way, "IS04" is "REGZA Phone", "IS05" is a small Android phone made by Sharp, and "IS06" is "SIRIUS α", which is made by Pantech in Korea.

次ページは:iPhoneの取り扱い開始!「INFOBAR」や「Windows Phone」も

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