The Ministry of the Environment adopted the enterprise distribution of the Asyenne Earth100 plan in the "EV purchase 100% Power menu of re-Energy in Auxiliary Business".

Category: products and services

Issuing enterprise: Asyenne

環境省による「EV購入補助事業における再エネ100%電力メニュー」にアスエネ Earth 100プランが採択 企業リリース

-supporting the introduction of EV with renewable energy 100% electricity that can reduce costs-Asergy Co., Ltd. (head office: Tokyo Shinagawa District, Chairman Nishiwada Haoping, "Asineng"), which uses the blockchain to provide 100% renewable energy power services, said: In the Ministry of Environment's "introduction of live zero-carbon lifestyles such as renewable energy power and electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles into the demonstration enterprise" (this undertaking), the renewable energy electricity menu Earth 100plan for which EV (electric vehicles) purchased subsidies was adopted. By applying for the "Earth100" program approved by the Ministry of Environment, legal and individual customers can receive up to 800000 yen for EV, 400000 yen for plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHV) and up to 2.5 million yen for fuel cell vehicles (FCV). Https:// Asyenne: through this cause, for legal persons who want to convert all electricity used into renewable energy (including FIT Electric *), work with the Ministry of Environment to socialize decarbonization by promoting the popularization of renewable energy. The requirement of this project is to purchase "100% renewable power". By applying for the "Earth 100" approved by the Ministry of Environment, you can get up to 800000 yen for EV, 400000 yen for plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHV) and up to 2.5 million yen for fuel cell vehicles (FCV). Asyenne's goal is to achieve a "better world for the next generation" as a vision through the future popularization of cost-friendly and environmentally friendly renewable energy. The following are the details. [contact us] We help you with your environmental efforts by providing renewable power that meets the standards of various environmental initiatives such as RE100,RE Action,CDP,SBT. Even re-energy power can reduce costs, regardless of size and type of business, we have been well received by a wide range of customers. For customers who want to consult, please contact from the following. Contact us (company): application (individual): telephone number 050-3188-4866 (weekdays 10-17:00) [on the Ministry of Environment × Ministry of economy, Trade and Industry EV demonstration cause] request 100% power procurement of renewable energy, assist in monitoring and investigation, etc., the Ministry of Environment will be subject to "electric vehicles" The subsidy of up to 800000 yen for the purchase of plug-in hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicles applies. The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of economy, Trade and Industry cooperate to promote the realization of a green society, introducing expansion at the same time, such as electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, promotion and zero-carbon lifestyle use of renewable power, daily and urgent purposes are to promote the dissemination of charging / discharge equipment / external power sources, which can be used in two cases Electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, etc., re-energy electricity and charge and discharge equipment supporting the introduction of the leading efforts to support the model cause. The Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of economy, Trade and Industry cooperate with the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of economy, Trade and Industry to provide subsidies to individuals, enterprises, local governments and other industries implemented for this purpose. For the requirements and methods of applying for grants, please refer to the Ministry of Environment HP below. Summary of [Ministry of Environment] HP grant business: 's procurement requirements for renewable energy 100% electricity: renewable energy electricity menu list: energy 1 business "re-energy 100% electricity" What was adopted as the Power menu is EARTH100 scheme (adjusted emission factor: 0.000 kg-CO2/kWh). The amount of subsidy for auxiliary vehicles varies according to the type and grade of vehicles. According to the "100% Power menu of re-Energy" identified by the Ministry of the Environment, you can choose from 62 companies, including our company (as of March 18) [main features of Assyenne clean power service] 1. 100% reduction in re-energy and 10% electricity tariffs co-exist in renewable energy with zero CO2 emissions 100% of the average cost of electricity on one side is also achieved, and the impression of re-energy = high is subverted. Using the existing transmission and distribution lines for power supply, the electrical quality is completely unchanged, and the supply can be stable. 2. Upgrade the block chain with corporate image in SDGs and local consumption, and contribute to local energy consumption by selecting the power plant you want. Provide joint press releases to help you improve your corporate image and brand. 3. Through unified management to predict Cantan energy-saving countermeasures in the months and time periods with high electricity charges, energy-saving reminders should be carried out in advance to contribute to the reduction of electricity charges. Environmental contribution can be measured through the visualization of monthly reduction of CO2 emissions. To solve the climate crisis, ESG SDGs's efforts want to actively promote local creation and local consumption, local support, corporate autonomy education facilities desired by environmental brands, and renewable energy electricity recommended by groups and other customers. [company profile] Asyenne will popularize 100% of the renewable energy used in the public block chain, increase the number of customers committed to SDGs legal persons, and accelerate the creation of a sustainable society for the next generation. Company name: Ason Co., Ltd. Business content: 100% energy, land consumption, cost-cutting clean power retail service "Asner" Capital: 82.5 million yen (including capital reserve) Representative: Haoping shareholders: management, Incubate Fund Entrepreneurship: October 2019 Hewlett-Packard: electricity 1FIT refers to solar, wind, hydraulic, geothermal, It refers to the electricity that is generated by renewable energy sources of biomass and purchased from power operators through the fixed price purchase system (FIT). Part of the cost of purchasing FIT electricity is paid for by electricity collected from users, including charges from customers other than ours, in order to claim the value of CO2 emissions as renewable energy, in the national system, we need to use non-fossil certificates. With regard to the CO2 emissions of this power, it is regarded as electricity with national average CO2 emissions of electricity, including thermal power generation, etc. The so-called 100% of re-energy plans to purchase non-fossil certificates through the use of block chain's unique traceability system to provide electricity with a "real re-energy 100%/CO2 emission coefficient of zero". I will report the actual results annually. As the company's unique new traceability technology using a public block chain with non-tampering characteristics, PUB3 will apply for a patent in February 2020. Corporate press release details go to the top of PRTIMES


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