New colors of the smartwatch "HUAWEI WATCH FIT MINI" are released only for Yodobashi Camera

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Huawei Japan has a classic and beautiful design and a rich healthcare support function, "Huawei Watch Fit Mini", a new color Talopple using full oroerastmar material for the strap, a market assumed price 16,280 yen (tax included).It will be released from February 18 (Fri) only for the consumer electronics retailer Yodobashi Camera.

"HUAWEI WATCH FIT MINI" is a smart watch with the biggest feature of elegant design, which has joined the "Huawei Watch Fit" series, which has been well received with stylish design and multifunctionality since last November.This site also uses reviews used as follows.

[I want to read it together] Huawei Watch Fit Mini Use review.A model of fashion and functionality that is greatly recommended for women!

In addition to the conventional leather strap models to the "Huawei Watch Fit Mini", the newly added fluoroerastmar material strap has made it more comfortable to wear during sports.

Main features of "Huawei Watch Fit Mini"

Elegant rectangular design

With a design reminiscent of a classical watch, the sophisticated appearance creates elegance.The light gold -colored watch case has a smooth roundness.The straps are three colors: Frosty White and Mocha Brown, an elegant leather material that plays an active part in various situations, and his fluorocleweller material.

With a gentle curve design that matches the shape of the wrist and a lightweight aluminum alloy body, "Huawei Watch Fit Mini" fits your form and movement.

Balance of design and functionality 1.Equipped with a 47 -inch AMOLED color touch screen HD display.You can see various data on the screen.

クラシックな雰囲気にマッチするように、アラビア数字の専用ウォッチフェイスをご用意しました。そのほか「HUAWEI Watch Face Store※4」から多種多様なウォッチフェイスのデザインを選ぶことができ、気分に合わせて文字盤を変えることができます。

2 週間持続する強力バッテリー搭載『HUAWEI WATCH FIT mini』は通常使用※3で約 14 日間、ヘビーユース※5で約 10 日間というバッテリー持続時間を実現。また、充電ポートを使ってわずか 5 分の充電で約 2 日間の通常使用※3ができるため、お風呂に入っている時や気が向いた時に充電するだけで使い続けられます。


スマートウォッチ『HUAWEI WATCH FIT mini』 の新色がヨドバシカメラ限定で発売

[Blood oxygen level measurement]



You can easily manage menstrual calendars.As the menstrual day is approaching, we will inform you in a timely manner.

[Heart rate monitoring]

HUAWEI TRUSEEN ™ 4.0 Heart rate monitoring technology is an optical ceremony

A 24 -hour monitoring of the heart rate due to the answer and AI algorithm.When your heart rate exceeds a certain level, an alert is displayed.

[Sleep monitoring]

HUAWEI TRUSLEEP ™ 2.0 detects one of the four different sleep conditions: deep sleep, shallow sleep, REM sleep, and nap.We also identify six major sleep tasks and provide more than 200 advice.

[Stress monitoring]

HUAWEI TRURELAX ™ stress monitoring allows you to monitor the daily stress level.When the stress is increased, the use of the respiratory exercise built into the main unit encourages you to relax and concentrate.

Compatible with 11 types of professional workout mode and 85 custom workout mode.For example, in outdoor running mode, you can record your heart rate and cadence during running.

In addition, it always automatically measures the three activities of steps, the number of activities, and the middle and high -strength activity, so you can see how much you are exercising in your daily life.


※1:常時測定とは一定期間毎の計測値を定期的に表示することを意味しています。※2:AndroidTMのみ対応。※3:通常使用で約 14 日間は、24 時間心拍数モニタリング ON、睡眠モニタリングが ON(HUAWEI TruSleep™ OFF)、メッセージ通知 ON(1 日平均 50 メッセージ、電話 6 回、アラーム 3 回)、1 日に 200 回画面表示、毎週 30 分のワークアウトをした場合のファーウェイラボのテスト結果を参考にしています。※4:Android 6.0 or later and iOS 12.It can be used after 0.Some watch faces require a purchase and cannot be used on iOS.* 5: Heavy use is 24 hours a day heart rate monitoring ON, HUAWEI TRUSLEEP ™ is on, 500 times a day, message notification ON (average 50 messages per day, 6 telephone, 3 alarms), 60 minutes a week.I refer to the test results of Huaweirabo when you work out.* 6: This product is a product for daily exercise and health management, not a medical device.The data of this product cannot be used for medical practice or accurate tasks or specialized measurements.* 7: EMUI 8.Only Huaweyth Martphones equipped with 1 or later are compatible.

HUAWEI Smart Watch Current Main Model Guide

Huawei Watch Fit Mini Use review.A model of fashion and functionality that is greatly recommended for women!