Nike and H & M express concerns about Xinjiang's cotton who buys anger in China



Western countries have launched sanctions this week against China.The Chinese government has accused the Northwest Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region that Muslim ethnic minority Uyghur has severely violated human rights.

China states that there is no such criticism.

European and American sanctions include the ban on entry to Xinjiang's authorities and the freezing asset.

In December of last year, the BBC reported on a new investigation that the Chinese government had forced hundreds of thousands of ethnic minorities, such as the Uyghur, in the Cotton field in the Xinjiang district.

Last year's statement is a problem


The two companies in different statements have stated that they are "concerned," saying that the Uyghur tribe is being forced to pick cotton in the Xinjiang area.He said he would not use cotton from the area.

It is likely that the anger of the people has sparked this because the Communist Youth Group, the Chinese Communist Party's organization, has recently taken up in social media.

ナイキとH&M、中国で怒り買う 新疆産綿花に懸念表明

青年団は24日朝、「新疆の綿花の不買についてうわさを広め、その一方で中国で金もうけしようだって? 甘い考えだ!」と、中国のソーシャルメディア・微博(ウェイボ)に投稿。H&Mの声明の画像も添えた。

Since the post, the state -owned media has been developing a campaign to defend Cotton from Xinjiang and criticize the two companies.

"Pay a high price"

CGTN, a Chinese state -owned media, posted a video to Waibo that it was a reality of Xinjiang's cotton picking.Automated devices and the words of Uyghur farmers who are "competing for" this job for high income.




Chinese celebrities, Kohiro King, Huang Suen, and Victoria Sung, stated in a statement that they would end their relationship with the problem.One of them has stated that "national interests are more than anything else."


Robin Brunt Shanghai Correspondent


However, the act of criticizing the country for issues that China is in core domestic issue is unacceptable to the Chinese government.This can be seen from the fact that South Korea and the Philippines have competed in diplomatic skirmishes with China, and their retail chains and fruit exports have fallen.

China uses the influence of trade and retail nationalism to prevent foreign governments and international companies pressure (preferably both at the same time) to prevent human rights violations.


(英語記事 Nike, H&M face China fury over Xinjiang cotton )

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