The theme of the online project "Girls Shokudo" on February 11th is Tamura City

 The "trigger cafeteria", which considers the stricken area of the Great East Japan Earthquake through food, will be held online online on February 11 at 7:00 pm on Tamura City, Fukushima Prefecture.It surrounds three people in the capitals that work hard for reconstruction and touches the charm of the region.

2月11日にオンライン企画「きっかけ食堂」 田村市都路町がテーマ

 In the metropolitan town, the evacuation area was temporarily set in the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident.On the 11th online project, he returned to the town after the evacuation was lifted, and opened the "Aii -Kan" and Mrs. and Mrs. Mrs. and Mrs. and Mrs. and Mrs. Mrs. and Mrs. Tomoyo Imaizumi and the waffle mobile store "KOKAGE KITCHEN".Kuda Oshima, a brewer at the craft beer manufacturing company "Hop Japan", will appear.

 Listen to the three people while enjoying the "Metropolitan Road Set" packed with "kankan potatoes", "ginseng", and hop Japan beer.

 Participation fee is 4000 yen (including shipping) with metropolitan road set, free of Tokyo's road set.Order the set until February 6th.The capacity is 20 people.

 It is hosted by the NPO Cafeteria (https://kikkake in the application form (https: // / mqrfirPR3QQFTNR18).