Birth of "PICKFLIP", a system that turns garbage collection into smart DX! (Patent pending)


■ What is "PICKFLIP"? PICKFLIP is a system that turns garbage collection using RFID into smart DX. Waste generators attach PICKFLIP RFID tags with information on waste generators, waste types, and volumes to waste or recyclables before discharging. While the collection and transportation company is loading the bag onto the vehicle, the special reader automatically processes it, and "visualizes" information such as "who", "what", and "how much" was discarded. In addition, this data can be linked to JW-NET* and automatically registered as an electronic manifest. Starting with this simple process, DX conversion eliminates the need for on-site confirmation work, eliminates complicated slip work, and improves work efficiency. By digitally managing waste and recyclables, we will provide benefits to both waste generators and collection and transportation businesses, and through DX, we will contribute to the development of a decarbonized, resource-recycling society and future urban development. ■ Proof-of-concept testing has started at various locations such as the Echika Omotesando commercial facility inside the station and the Jiyugaoka Shopping Street. Demonstration experiment started. In addition, from January 2022, it has been decided to start demonstration experiments in various places such as "Jiyugaoka Shopping Street"* and "Shinjuku Nichome", and it is already attracting attention within the industry. ■How to use "PICKFLIP"

How to use PICKFLIP

System that transforms garbage collection into smart DX

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Benefits of "disposal companies"Benefits of "collection and transportation companies"
・Disposal ・Pickflip instantly processes conventional analog clerical work such as filling in slips with IT
・Because the amount of emissions is immediately managed as digital data, it is also useful for efforts to reduce waste emissions and recycle resources・Up to "1/1 of normal It is expected that the amount of work will be reduced by 2 to 1/3 * The correct answer rate of the dedicated leader is about 97%
Now that environmentally friendly management is required, As a first step toward a decarbonized, resource-recycling societyEfforts by waste generators can also be used as proposals for streamlining

■ Kei Hiramatsu, Representative Director, Kozocom Co., Ltd. Comment

“There are many areas of everyday work that, if digitized, could be made more efficient and more valuable. The waste industry is one of them. The people who take out, collect and dispose of the waste keep our lives and businesses going.Through PICKFLIP, we are making the waste industry cool and efficient while conserving resources. We would like to spread the driving force toward a circular and decarbonized society through the convenience of IT, and fulfill our responsibility to connect the earth to the next generation.”

Kei Hiramatsu, representative of kid com

―――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― *1 RFID: An abbreviation that takes the initials of "Radio Frequency Identification Device," which is "automatic recognition technology using short-range wireless communication." About. Information is read by communicating electromagnetic waves between an RFID tag with a built-in memory and a reading device that is only a few millimeters in size. *2 JW-NET: A nickname for the electronic manifest system stipulated in the Waste Disposal Law (a system in which three parties, namely, the waste disposal company, the collection and transportation company, and the disposal company, communicate via a network via an information processing center) *3 This demonstration The experiment will be conducted within the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's 2021 "Model Project for Diversification of 3R Routes for Business Waste", which was applied for and adopted by Dynax Urban Environmental Research Institute.ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー