President DOCOMO Ii, the new fee is "a compelling competitive strategy"

On December 3rd, NTT DOCOMO announced "Ahamo", which allows 20GB of data communication for 2,980 yen per month as a new rate plan for the main brand.At the presentation held on the same day, President and CEO of NTT DOCOMO responded to questions from the media.Here we report the contents.

Is AHAMO due to a government request?

According to President Ii, "I have been vulnerable to young people in their twenties so far. There is no perfect plan without a perfect plan.Was a situation that was taken by other companies. So I wanted to make a competitive plan. "

"Rather than the government's request, we have issued this plan in a competitive strategy. It is our compact competition strategy, so we set it to a price that can beat other companies.The situation of the third place continues for a long time.

Don't you do sub brands?

Regarding the reasons for not making a sub brand, "the brand is the one that determines the value of the brand. The main and sub are the main plans for those in their 20s. This is the main plan for those in their 20s.Yoshizawa had a policy of not doing sub brands.

The existing plan is "considered in the direction of lowering the price"

Asked about the future of the existing plan, "The goodness of Gigah, Giga Light, which was launched in June 2019, was a step -shaped plan that costs as much as used without any surplus data capacity.While leaving this goodness, we will review it to a more advantageous price in line with the new normary life, that is, we are considering the lower price. "

What is your enthusiasm for becoming a new president?

When asked about his enthusiasm for the new president, Mr. Ii responded as follows.

"I don't want to be said to be 3rd, and I want to return to the top. I will provide low -quality services while increasing sales and profits rather than share. It is whether I can fulfill this. This time. We focused on the price plan, but we will expand our portfolio, such as added value services and solutions to companies in corporate sales. In the future, the population will decrease, so communication charges tend to decrease, but in different fields such as IoT. While increasing the communication of this. As a customer service, we will accelerate the efforts of video content and other efforts. I am thinking".


Where do you get a profit?

The new rate plan is negative for revenue, but it is said that the revenue of communication charges is reduced, but how to fill in another added value service. It is responsibility as a business owner.I'm going to come. "

Plan and details that cooperate with MVNO?

DOCOMO will also consider a "small capacity" and "super -low" Economy (economy) plan in collaboration with MVNOs.

When asked about this Economy (Economy) plan, he said, "It is still in the study stage. It is the price plan that the main priority is not to use packets and the price is low.I am. How can I cooperate there? For example, MVNO can use d points. I guess the convenience will increase. I have such an image. I have no plans yet and the timing is undecided.. I will think about how to promote use with MVNOs. "

Ahamo first appeals to his 20s

When asked about AHAMO in the docomo shop, he said, "I think that can happen."

"The basic concept of (Ahamo) is that it can be crisp on online and web only. I think that it is seriously creating a system required in a new remote society, but those who can't do that have to help in some form.. I want to think about it. The basic concept is "remote" without bra.By clarifying the target, the concept is clear.First, we will launch how to attract the 20s. "

Isn't 20GB less in 5G communication?

According to the point that the 20GB capacity is small in using 5G communication, "We will expand the area of 5G in the future. We will increase users. In the era of enjoying large -capacity data communication at 5G.We think that it is necessary to review the specifications. We will tune the needs of that era. It is a strategy that should be there. I want to raise it according to the usage of those in their 20s.

Can MVNO survive?

The question of whether MVNO can survive (with a cheap plan with a cheap career), "The way of segments will change with the times. The purpose of Ahamo is not the pressure of MVNO.Because there are some people, it is our duty to provide capacity to such MVNO operators, and I think we should consider how to coexist. "

Does AHAMO lower the line quality of DoCoMo?

Ahamo answered whether a network of exactly the same quality as the existing plan can be used, "The same conditions will not cause disadvantages, there will be a completely different service."

How do you segregate with the existing plan?

DOCOMO is already offering "Gigaho" and "Gigalight", but there are "cover from data small to unlimited", "Family use", "full support at real stores" Premier (We will continue as a premium (premiere) price plan.

When asked about the segregation between the Premier (Premier) Plan and Ahamo, "Gigalight is mostly 3GB or less. If you want to use more, there is an unlimited capacity Gigaho, but there is no medium capacity.Ta. So we created a new AHAMO with the target layer. "

Ahamo and a new terminal, iPhone also eligible?

AHAMO can be purchased on a line (SIM) alone, but a terminal set is also planned.

Regarding the terminal lineup, whether it handles the popular iPhone for young people, the response of ESIM is that "I am assuming that my 20s will pay both communication lines and terminals with my salary, so to some extent.I want to handle popular models with cheap terminals. I want to narrow down models that match the concept. "

If you can't get your 20s now, you'll be losing

Regarding the reason why the announcement of the new rate plan was at this timing, "If you are in your 20s, you will be in your 30s in 10 years and 20 years later. I will continue to lose in the future. I have a sense of crisis. I can't help but say that I left it in the past, so I want to incorporate that age as a docomo user. there is".

What are the measures for seniors?

On the other hand, when asked about measures for seniors, "Seniors have a high ratio of docomo. It is at the stage of how to shift from 60s and 70s to 3G, and how to move from Garakae to smartphone.I think it is a strategy for corresponding to all layers to tune the specifications, specifications, and fees properly so that they can use them as the main plan for each target. "

Is AHAMO proposal from young employees?

Ahamo asked if it was a proposal by a young employee, "I have been thinking about an emergency plan to regain people in my 20s for more than a year, but I have already thought of it in the company for more than a year.I don't even say that the elderly say that they are awesome.I want you to do it. That was today's announcement. "

Regarding the time of the presentation, he explained that it was a little backward, as the infection of the new Corona spread and the response to remote was urgently required.


Born in 1977, graduated from Waseda University.He worked for a publisher and became a freelancer.She is active in the telecommunications industry and the digital industry, and has recently appeared in sports and healthcare fields.She also loves interviews in various places in Japan.Her hobbies include cameras, travel, musical instruments.She has also enjoyed shooting and editing videos.