With the appearance of a student group, to change the rattling train of commuters into "hell" to "hell"?Dissatisfaction of commuters to students who do not know manners

A crowded train does not occur only during commuting hours.

The elderly who retired from travelers.On the way home of my husband, a wife's group without knowing it.And students returning from club activities."Group customers" who do not know when they will appear will also make a rattle train.

If you next to the vehicle to ride...。Many readers sent such a scream.

However, it seems that falling into this situation is not just a luck.Let's look at the post for now.


First of all, let's see a post from a company employee I (a woman in her 40s) who lives in Tokyo, who can not hide anger at junior and senior high school students who have a large bag.

"Even if you are an empty train, you will not have luggage on a crowded train on a commuter train, and will try to protect the circle in any case."

It's not hard to imagine.There are still many trains that are packed with unexpected trains.

"I use the JR line in the countryside of Nagano Prefecture every day."

The staff N (male in their 40s), who lives far from full of full, also says that they are also suffering from high school students.

"I get on the train every day from a station near my home to get to work, but at this time, I'm very crowded with high school students in school. But there are only two vehicles, and it's very hard to ride with BOX seats.High school students do not know the manners of the train, keep their backpacks on their backs that they think they had in the textbook, and are sitting near the entrance.

There are also BOX seats, so there are only three people who can sit on four people but only one side of the window and only three people.Perhaps because of the BOX seat, it has solidified near the entrance without going to the passage.It is common to get on and off while tackling

ガラガラ電車が学生集団の登場で「地獄」に 通勤客の不満 ガラガラ電車を「地獄」に変える? マナー知らずの学生集団に通勤客の不満爆発

"I forced to get on and off while tackling"...。J Town Net said, "Kicked the elbow and tackle intense tackle....Martial arts anymore?The story of the tackle is covered by the "Strong Trouble Experience of the crowded train".Will the crowded train cause a negative chain?...。

Mr. M (a man in his late 30s) who works for a retail store living in Osaka Prefecture usually uses the Kintetsu Nara Line.The period of "group guests" is said to be in May or September and October.The reason for anger is on the excursion of a nearby elementary school.

"Most of the destinations for the excursion are Nara Park at Nara Station, the end point, or the land of Heijokyo at Yamato Saidaiji Station in front of two stations."

How are you an educational elementary school student?Mr. M also understands that excursions are necessary, and does not show any difficulty in using public transportation for movement.However, it seems to be a Hatena mark for the ride method...。


"Elementary school students are in two rows and are on board in the direction of travel. Even if the seat is rattled....。Even though you have a rucksack, other passengers can move if you turn to the window, but it is not easy to move with two rows of columns. "

You can see how elementary school students are aligned.However, it is a rattling train, so I should sit down.Mr. M asked the leader if he could not sit down.Then,

"I am teaching the students so that other passengers can sit down, as they may be in trouble with the seats and inconvenience!"

I was told.Mr. M also said, "If the students stand in large quantities, they cannot move and cannot go to the vacant seat."

Speak with tears.It is a state where even hanging leather does not have to be held.As a result, every time the train shakes, it will be an avalanche.

"When multiple schools overlap, the passage in the rattling seat is packed with sushi elementary school students.


Was stated.It's a good opinion.Have you ever encountered an unexpected "group customer"?

We are looking for "Frustrated experiences of crowded trains"

How was it?At an unexpected moment, the train may be full.J -Town Net is looking for readers' frustration experiences for crowded trains.

Reader post form or official Twitter direct message, e-mail (TOKO@J-TOWN).From Net), the name of the train that was on board, the specific episode (about 500 characters, such as what I was irritated), the prefecture where you live, the age (20s, 30s, etc.) Please send it by specifying gender and occupation.We will keep the secret strictly.