Overseas career roaming SIM that can be bought in Japan

From mid -August to mid -September, a busy day to fly abroad continued.The writers of this corner were together in various places, and they said, "It will continue this year."

Earlier, when I went abroad for work, I wrote that I was renting a mobile Wi-Fi router, but recently, it is often possible to do it by other methods depending on the period and travel.The reason is that the international roaming of each mobile phone company has become a little cheaper, and the number of cases that can be used for more in campaigns has increased.

For example, au's "World Data Statry" costs 980 yen per 24 hours, and au Star members can use it once a month free of charge.Like the IFA 2017 the other day, when an overseas coverage across the moon, it will be substantially free for two days, so I will think that the rest should be done with a flat -rate world data.NTT DOCOMO's "Overseas 1DAY Pake" has a small data communication volume of 30MB per day, but until September 30, the data traffic is unlimited in the campaign, so this was also used in the target area.Speaking of SoftBank, it is limited to the iPhone, but it is indispensable for business trips for US business trips because you can use "all -you -can -eat in the United States".In addition to these, Germany and the United States have long -used prepaid SIM cards, so for the time being, these two countries don't have much trouble in the communication environment.

However, since July this year, the EU has been used in the EU without extra charge, and it has been pointed out that it has become difficult to buy prepaid SIM cards in Germany and other EU countries.You can't buy it at all, you can't activate (open) even if you buy it, or you can buy it, but you can hear it one after another.For this reason, we decided to try out the roaming SIM of overseas carriers that can be purchased in Japan for continuous business trips from August to September this year.


まず、1つめはKDDIが米国の携帯電話事業者「AT&T」の回線を借り受け、米国で提供しているMVNOサービス「H2O Wireless」。音声機能付きSIMサービスとデータ専用SIMサービスが提供されていて、料金は毎月課金のほかに、その都度、入金するプリペイドの2種類が提供されている。データ通信量は2~10GBまでで4段階あり、基本料金は30ドルから10ドル刻みで60ドルまで。音声通話はアメリカ国内が無制限であることに加え、日本を含む50カ国の固定電話宛ての国際電話も無制限にかけられる。プリペイドは入金後、30日まで利用できるという。

The services provided overseas are originally necessary to purchase a prepaid SIM kit when traveling in the United States or procure at the store where you are traveling, but H2O Wireless is handled by Japanese sellers.The procedure can be done easily.This time, we performed on a web page called "KDDI Mobile X H2O Wireless" provided by Locus Telecommunications, LLC.The SIM card can be purchased from the company's page, and it is also available at au Online Shop, but I found it sold at Amazon in Japan (only 181 yen!), So I bought it there.



For the procedure after purchasing the SIM card, the easy -to -understand "Usage Guide" is released on the web page of KDDI Mobile X H2O Wireless.As for the flow, first create an account, follow the "ActFast Code" etc. on the purchased SIM card, and issue a phone number.All you have to do is apply for a monthly fee or a billing fee each time.However, the price plan is limited to 30 days from the date of purchase, and the expiration date of the phone number is limited to 60 days from the date of the price plan purchase, so it would be better if you follow the procedure before traveling.Speaking of greed, if the expiration date of this phone number is about one year, it will be saved ...

For setups, in the case of Android smartphones, after arriving in the United States, if you insert a SIM card in the area, APN etc. will be set automatically.In the case of the iPhone, it is necessary to install the profile, just as when using the SIM card of each MVNO company in Japan, so if you want to install it after traveling, you can use Wi-Fi at the airport or other terminals.I have no choice but to temporarily use tethering.

Regarding the actual usage status you are worried about, there is almost no dissatisfaction with both New York and September San Jose in September.As described on the web page, the communication speed is only about a few Mbps because the reception is 8Mbps up to 8Mbps and 4G (HSDPA, etc.).That said, I didn't see the video streaming, so I didn't have much dissatisfaction.

8月半ばに開通させたので、有効期限は9月17日まで。1年くらい電話番号を保持できるサービスがあると、うれしいんだけどなぁ米国で通信速度を計測したところ、告知されている上限程度の速度が得られたAISのSIM2FlyはSIMカードだけが送られてきた。挿せば、すぐに利用開始。HUAWEI P10 Plusは市販のカバーをつけて利用中

一方、H2O Wirelessとは別に、もうひとつ海外の携帯電話事業者のローミングSIMカードを試してみた。タイの携帯電話事業者「AIS」が提供する「SIM2Fly」というパッケージだ。対象エリアの違いにより、3つのパッケージが用意されていて、それぞれにデータ通信量や期間が異なる。「Europe USA&Other」は899バーツ(約3057円)で4GBを15日間、「Asia&Australia」は399バーツ(約1357円)で4GBを8日間、「More than 50 Contries」は199バーツ(約677円)で100MBを30日というラインアップ。今回はドイツと米国なので、「Europe USA & Other」がターゲット。

Well, where do you buy this?When I went to Thailand, I can buy it at the AIS counter, but this time I was taken care of by Amazon in Japan.The price was 3490 yen, but it is a parallel imported product, so it can be said that it is a reasonable price.

SIM2FlyのSIMカードは端末に挿すと、自動的にアクティベートされて、すぐに使えるようになるとのことなので、今回は8月29日に乗り継ぎでドイツ・フランクフルトに到着したときにスマートフォンの電源をON。しばらく経つと、SMSが届いて、開通完了。APNも自動的に設定されるので、一覧から選ぶだけ。ちなみに、「Europe USA & Other」には日本も対象に含まれているため、渡航前に日本でSIMカードを挿してしまうと、その段階から日数もデータ通信量もカウントが始まってしまうので、注意が必要だ。

The actual speed was not as expected, it was about 1 to 3 Mbps at the time of reception, and in some places it did not reach 1Mbps.That said, if you only check SNS and web pages, it is enough, and above all, the data communication capacity is as large as 4GB, and it is as long as 15 days, so it is convenient for traveling traveling.

By the way, in order to extend the expiration date of the SIM card, it is necessary to charge the balance, but Japanese credit cards cannot be used in the AIS web page.So, when I gathered information on my predecessor's blogs, there was a site called "Mobile TopUP in Thailand", which seemed to be able to use Japanese credit cards and PayPal.The only thing I tried was, and after about 50 baht (about 170 yen), I was able to extend the expiration date until late October.I don't think I'm going to go abroad for a while, but it's not bad to repeat the charging with chimchima, extend the expiration date, and order the package online as needed.
