Held a seminar by a subsidized NPO in Iwate / Miyagi "Huawei East Japan Earthquake IT Reconstruction Support Project"

NPO Able Art Japan (Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture), which introduces online tools and prepares an environment where everyone can participate in seminars, has implemented Soupnoakademia, a place of Manabi, a person with disabilities. Held seminars on themes such as "Body Mental", "Living and Society", and "Culture and Art". For those who have a disability over the age of 18, 56 people have participated in three times since July, including the operating volunteers. Yumiko Shibasaki, President of NPO Able Art Japan, pointed out that the outings of disabilities have dropped extremely due to the new colon virus. She says she has achieved a great result because she was able to introduce an online tool with a subsidy. Those who couldn't go out of their home for months, but were able to interact with everyone at the venue and enjoy art if they wanted to participate online. Participated in the area that uses IT skills to participate in the NPO corporation raising the bottom (Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture) from Hokkaido, Iwate, Tokyo, etc. (Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture). Held an online seminar for young people who want to be involved. 14 young people from Hokkaido, Iwate, Miyagi, Yamagata, Fukushima, and Tokyo participated. At the seminar, a flyer design course was held to lead to NPO's public relations activities. Mr. Hiroaki Yabe, President of the NPO corporation, said that it was difficult to travel due to corona, and that using online, it was possible to connect young people in various places. The ICT utilization seminar will be held four times, and a total of 41 people participate in the NPO Atmarkurius NPO Support Center (Kamaishi City, Iwate Prefecture) to strengthen the business and management base of the NPOs in the disaster area, and facilitate the business. Supports and utilize ICT tools. At the seminar held in September, NPOs from Kamaishi, Ofunato, and Rikuzentakata participated online on the theme of information dissemination through the website. Junichi Kano, the representative director of the NPO At Marklius NPO Support Center, also filmed drones to introduce activity programs, and talked about the accompanying support plan to meet individual needs.

岩手・宮城で助成NPOによるセミナー開催 「ファーウェイ東日本大震災IT復興支援プロジェクト」

Photo provision NPO corporation Able Art Japan

Photo Provision NPO Atmarklius NPO Support Center