Softbank Corp. Mobile Wilcom new product launch "2012 Summer"

Softbank Corp. Mobile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Softbank Corp. Mobile") and Wilcom (hereinafter referred to as "Wilcom") held a new product launch event "2012 Summer" on Tuesday, May 29th, 2012, announcing 12 new goods and services that will be available from the summer of 2012.

The Platinum band aims at "connected Softbank Corp.".

Softbank Corp. Mobile and Wilkang jointly held the new product launch "2012 Summer" for the summer business war for the first time. Son Masayoshi, a representative of Softbank Corp. Group, who came to power to introduce new products, said at the beginning: "shortly after the earthquake last summer, the large-scale press conference was self-restrained, and I am very glad to be able to display new goods and services in front of everyone this year."

ソフトバンクモバイルとウィルコムの2012年夏商戦向けラインアップは、世界初※1の放射線測定機能搭載スマートフォンをはじめとする新商品12機種。そのうち、ソフトバンクモバイルの携帯電話は、効率よく広範囲までカバーできる「プラチナバンド(900MHz帯)」に全機種が対応しています。孫は、「日本におけるスマートフォンの先駆者はソフトバンクと自負していますが、ネットワークの『つながりやすさ』については課題がありました」と述べました。ネットワークの満足度を「つながりやすさ」と「速さ」の2点と定義した孫は、「ソフトバンクWi-Fiスポット」の設置や、ソフトバンクモバイルが提供している高速通信サービス「SoftBank 4G」「ULTRA SPEED」など、ネットワーク改善のためのこれまでの取り組みを説明しました。そして、2012年3月に総務省より認可されたプラチナバンドを利用したサービスが、2012年7月25日(水)にいよいよ開始されることを受け、孫は、「一日でも早く、お客さまにプラチナバンドのつながりやすさをお届けしたい」と、意気込みを語りました。

ソフトバンクモバイル・ウィルコム新商品発表会 「2012 Summer」

ソフトバンクモバイルの「プラチナバンド」対応機種は、「AQUOS PHONE Xx(ダブルエックス) 106SH」「AQUOS PHONE 102SHII」「PANTONE® 5 107SH」「THE PREMIUM9 WATERPROOF 109SH」「かんたん携帯108SH」(以上シャープ製)、「ARROWS A(エース) 101F」(富士通モバイルコミュニケーションズ製)、「COLOR LIFE3 103P」(パナソニックモバイルコミュニケーションズ製)の7機種。そのうち「AQUOS PHONE Xx 106SH」「ARROWS A 101F」の2機種については、下り最大42Mbps※2の高速通信が可能な「ULTRA SPEED」にも対応しています。ソフトバンクモバイルでは、このほかにも、「SoftBank 4G」に対応するモバイルWi-Fiルーター「ULTRA WiFi 4G 102HW」(Huawei製)と「ULTRA WiFi 4G 102Z」(ZTE製)を用意しており、「スピード」にこだわった充実のラインアップとなっています。 孫は、「大事なのは『スピード』と『エリア』です。次世代高速通信サービスは、広いサービスエリアで展開します」と述べ、「SoftBank 4G」のサービスエリアは、今年度中に政令指定都市を100%カバーする予定であることを発表しました。また、併せて高速通信サービスをより楽しんでいただくため、スマートフォン向けの新サービスとして、動画配信サービス「スポーツLIFE」の提供と、「ムービーLIFE」のコンテンツ拡充を今夏より開始すると発表しました。

Release of PHS and 3G smartphone "DIGNO DUAL WX04K"

Next, in Wilcombe's new product introduction, as "the effect of Wilcombe joining Softbank Corp. Group becomes a concrete form of the first memorable work" (Sun), released the new model "DIGNO DUAL WX04K" (made by Kyocera). The "DIGNO DUAL WX04K" is a dual channel that supports PHS and 3G, and it is the first smartphone in Wilcom to be equipped with Android phones. "Wilcombe's advantage lies in voice calls, but he lags behind other companies in terms of communication speed," Sun said. However, "DIGNO DUAL WX04K" supports Softbank Corp. Mobile's "ULTRA SPEED".

In other words, both Wilcom's cheap and sound-quality voice calls and Softbank Corp. Mobile's advantages of high-speed data communications can be used, which is the combination of the advantages of the two companies. And, as a new model showing the synergy between the two companies, the PHS "PANTONE ®WX01SH" (made by Sharp) based on Softbank Corp. Mobile's classic "PANTONE ®mobile phone" and the "Casablanca WX05K" (made by Kyocera), which is easy to see and hear each other's voice when talking to the elderly, are introduced.

The world's first smartphone with radiation measurement function

The launch of Softbank Corp. Mobile PANTONE ®series is "PANTONE ®5 107SH". Although it has evolved from a traditional mobile phone to a smartphone, it is compact and easy for women to carry, with colors expanded to eight colors, making it a new model that inherits the features of the PANTONE ®series. Sun Tzu said, "the box is lovely, too. This is the box you want to decorate, "PANTONE ®5 107SH" is a product that pays great attention to the details of packaging. In addition, the actress who starred in the new CM of "PANTONE ®5 107SH" also arrived and was surprised by the richness and ease of use of "PANTONE ®5 107SH".

Finally, Sun Tzu changed from the smiling atmosphere before, tightened his expression and said, "finally, I have one more thing to announce." "the earthquake in East Japan is really sad and painful. And there was a nuclear accident. The radiation threat caused by the nuclear power plant accident is making too many people feel uneasy because it is invisible. Especially when I think of a mother with a child in her arms, I feel very nervous. Moreover, after the nuclear power plant accident, taking the tweet from Sun Tzu's Twitter as an opportunity, he began to develop a smartphone with radiation measurement function. Then, Sun Tzu recalled, "when a request is made on Twitter, I will express my determination to 'let's do it', but only about the radiation meter, I can't give a simple answer." The model equipped with this radiant energy measurement function is the PANTONE ®5 107SH. Only long press the special button to measure the radiation, the operation is very simple. We provide this feature in the popular PANTONE ®line to ensure that mothers with children can confirm the radioactivity they care about while using smartphones in fashion. Sun Tzu said, "this is a unique product of Softbank Corp., and it is made with my strong ideas." We meet your need to measure the radiation dose at the desired location by building features into your portable smartphone. " Finally, he said: "in order to provide joy to more guests, we will continue to carry out communications in the future." and concluded the press conference.

In addition, for details of the new products published in "2012 Summer", please refer to the following.

Under the business philosophy of "making people happy through the information revolution", Softbank Corp. Group contributes to the development of mankind and society through its cause, and constantly creates a new way of life. Look forward to it.

(date of posting: 15 June 2012)