Softbank revisions to the provision of "half -price support" -Itable even after the line cancellation

Softbank announced on January 27 that the provision of "half -price support" will be revised and will allow users who canceled the line contract to be used after cancellation after March 16.

"Half -price support" is a campaign that accepted subscriptions until September 12, 2019.If you use 48 installments at the time of the terminal purchase, collect the device after 25 months and change the model, it is a service that does not require a maximum amount of the old terminal.Currently, the successor service is provided with "new support".

ソフトバンク、「半額サポート」の提供条件を改定 - 回線解約後も利用可能に

In the "half -price support", it is necessary to continue the SoftBank line contract at the time of benefits (changing the model after purchasing the terminal), but the SoftBank line contract after March 16th.If you cancel, you will be able to use benefits even after cancellation.The condition that the replacement of the target model at SoftBank and the collection of old terminals are required remains unchanged.

The use of "half -price support" benefits after the cancellation of the line contract will be accepted only at the store of SoftBank dealers.In that case, it is necessary to declare the IMEI or sales contract number of the old terminal.