Thank you for your support for a long time!Looking back on the history of the "Hardware Menu Button", which loses the significance of existence in Android 4.4 Kitkat [Eiichi Yoshikawa's "Smartphone's"

Thank you for your support for a long time!Android 4.4. Review the history of the "hardware menu button" that loses the significance of existence in Kitkat

2014年03月11日10:55 posted by えどlist
画面内容に応じたメニューを表示する「メニュー」ボタンは、Androidスマートフォンユーザーにとって馴染みの深いものではないでしょうか。Androidの初期は画面外に専用のハードウェアメニューボタンが存在していましたが、Androidのバージョンアップとともに画面内のボタンへと姿を変えていき、Android 4.4(開発コード名;KitKat)ではついにその存在意義を失う見通しです。そこで今回の連載「スマホのちょっと深いとこ」では、では、メニューボタンの変遷を通してAndroidの歴史をたどっていきたいと思います。新旧メニュー表示の操作、あなたはどちらが好きですか?

Originally, for models equipped with Android, there are three (menu buttons "that return to the home screen," return button "that returns to the previous screen, and" menu button "that displays the menu (often below the screen).It was prepared as a button (*1).In some devices, a touch sensor was used instead of a physical button, but it is essentially the same in the sense that a button is placed outside the screen (*2).This specification is Android 2.It continued to 3 (Development code name: GingerBread).

Thank you for your support for a long time!Android 4.4. Review the history of the

*1: In addition, there were other "search buttons".

*2: This "button using a touch sensor outside the screen" is also described in this article as a "hardware button".

Xperia arc(写真=上)とIS03(写真=下)のメニューボタン。いずれも画面外に配置

Although this specification has the advantage of providing additional menus without breaking the screen design, it has the disadvantage that it is difficult to inform users the existence of the menu.If you are an old Android user, you may have experienced that if you press the menu button somehow, you will see a menu of function you did not know before.


After that, Android 3, which is positioned as a tablet.0 (Development code name: Honeycomb) and later, Android for smartphones.0 (Development code name: ICECREAM SANDWICH) can now display the menu button on the screen instead of a hardware menu button.This new menu button (the name "Action Overflow" is systematically ") is displayed on the screen, making it easier for users to determine the presence or absence of the menu.On the other hand, in conventional models with a hardware menu button, the operation method to display the menu with the hardware button has been carried over.At this point, the Android menu display is divided into two patterns depending on the model even if it is the same OS (*3).

*3: There is also a terminal that displays a button equivalent to a hardware menu button at the bottom of the screen without having a hardware menu button.In this case, the menu is displayed at the bottom of the screen like the hardware menu button.

Action overflowを表示する「GALAXY Nexus」(写真=左)と、ハードウェアメニューボタンを用いる「GALAXY SII」(写真=右)。同じメニューでも表示場所が異なる

The latest version of Android 4, which was released in 2013 and is expected to increase the number of models in 2014.In 4, it is expected that the menu will be unified to the Action Overflow, and the Action Overflow button will be displayed even on a terminal with a hardware menu button (*4).With this change, the hardware menu button will effectively make no meaning, and in the future, Android 4.It is expected that the hardware menu button will be abolished for models that are released with 4.For example, Samsung Electronics's 2014 model smartphone "Galaxy S5" announced the abolition of hardware menu buttons.

*4: However, it cannot be said that the terminal manufacturer does not put his hand in the Android itself and display it as before.

GALAXY S4(写真=上)でメニューボタンだった場所に、GALAXY S5はタスク切り替えボタンが配置されている(写真=下)

This time, I have seen the changes in the menu button with the OS version of Android.It is not unusual for the OS to be upgraded not only for Android, but it is not unusual for those who are used to the traditional hardware buttons to be forced to use Action Overflow.It may be a little hard until you get used to it.

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