The red circle in the upper right corner of the app icon does not disappear!?

One of the charms and strengths of the iPhone is that you can understand how to use it without reading the manual. However, even if you think you know it, there must be something you don't understand correctly. In this corner, we will explain in an easy-to-understand manner "why the iPhone can't be asked now". This time, I will answer the question "I can't get rid of the red circle on the top right of the app icon!?"


The red circle on the upper right of the app icon is a "badge" that indicates the number of notifications. It will not disappear unless the specified requirements are met, but since many applications assume that the notification is confirmed when it is launched, it will disappear just by launching it. If the badge is an eyesore, launch the app anyway.

The red circle on the top right of the app icon has disappeared. Hmm!? - Why can't I ask about my iPhone now?

The App Store is another app whose badge is hard to remove. If you update the app that received the update notification, the number of the badge will be reduced accordingly, and if you update everything, the badge can be erased, but if you have many apps installed, there is a good chance that you will encounter an update. To do. Basically, the purpose is to improve the functionality of the app and solve problems, so it should be welcomed, but it will be difficult to maintain the status without the badge unless you update it very frequently.

Emails and Messages will stay lit if you leave them unread. If the number of badges exceeds 3 digits, it will take a lot of effort to eliminate unread messages, so you may want to consider disabling the badge.

To disable the badge, tap "Settings" → "Notifications" → "○○○ (target app name)" and turn off the "Show badge on App icon" switch (green → white). Change to. However, some apps such as "Settings" are exceptions and cannot disable badges because they do not have switches themselves.

The "badge" displayed on the upper right of the app icon may not disappear even after launching the app