The side button of the iPhone X turns into a home button


Updated at 10:00 on November 23, 2017

Sentence ● Speedy Sueoka / ASCII editorial department

The home button on the iPhone was the best work in the world, but it was no longer iPhone X.Instead, a new work called a side button has been added to the iPhone X.

 iPhone Xのサイドボタンはホームボタンに変わる万能選手

Various functions are assigned to the side buttons in combination with other keys.This time, I would like to summarize the functions using the side button.

Unfortunately, any function cannot be assigned to the side button.

Frequently used functional sleep on and off

Probably the most used function.Press once to release the sleep or move to sleep.The release of the sleep itself has other actions such as "tap and sleep" and "tilt in front of you" from the settings.

Turn off the power when not in use for a long time

Some people may have been in a hurry if the power cannot be turned off because of the iPhone X.I am one of them.Press and hold the power button and the side button to turn on the power supply.After a while, the slide displays the power off.If you press from the side button first, the siri will start (only if you set it), so press the volume button as soon as possible.

Forced restart when the iPhone stops working

Forced restart used in an emergency, such as freezing or running out of the iPhone.The method is to press the volume button once, one at the bottom, and then press the side button.Then the iPhone restarts.If this is the case, consult a dealer.

Screenshot shooting to take a picture of the screen

For screenshots, press the side key on the volume button and the side key at the same time.Note that it is not a long press.Shooted the moment the button is released.It is a function that will take care of our media people.


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