The memory of the Showa that the smoking rate of men 50 years ago was "fashionable" in the 80 % super Showa, the memory of Showa, where the cigarette "tobacco is cool".

50 years ago, "smokers are cool."The photo shows that John Lennon smoked in the 1960s (photo: Afro)

現在の男性のタバコの喫煙率は3割以下ですが、50年前はなんと8割以上もありました。喫煙者が多くいた当時は、街中のいたるところでタバコが吸えたそうです。いったい、どんな時代だったのか? コラムニストの服部淳氏が解説します。

On July 28, 2016 (Heisei 28), it was reported that the Japanese tobacco Society (JT), a national tobacco smoker rate survey, which was announced every year, was less than 30 %.Total smoking rate is also 19.It was 3 % to 3 % (17 in the 2018 survey).9 % to 9 %).

If you are a smoker, you may know that you can permeate it, but today Japan is smoking even in urban areas, let alone indoors such as transportation, workplaces, restaurants, etc.If it's a time, smokers who have lived in the Showa era will be lamenting that they have become a very narrow shoulder.

This smoker rate survey began in 1965 (at that time by the former Japanese tobacco industry, a monopoly corporation surveyed), and the peak of smokers to date was the year after the survey started.1966 (Showa 41).The male smoking rate is 83.87 for the highest in the 40s, which is as high as 7 % and is the highest in the 40s by age..It is no exaggeration to say that most men who have no health problems were smokers, 3 %.On the other hand, the average smoking rate for women is also peaked in 1966 at 18..0 %.2018 is 8.It was 7 %, so there is not much difference.

The reason why many smokers had so far was that "tobacco has a negative effect on health" was generally known.Even in the United States, which was a healthy country, the public health bureau first issued a "smoking and health report" that complained of the dangers of cigarettes in 1964 (Showa 39).

And the social environment where cigarettes could be smoked everywhere would be a factor in the smoker rate.There was almost nothing I wanted to do with smoking.It was so much in Japan that I didn't care about my surroundings when smoking).

In 2019, the old type 700 series of the Tokaido / Sanyo Shinkansen will retire, so it is likely that smoking vehicles will be abolished, but in 1964 (Showa 39), when the Shinkansen opened, all cars were smoking vehicles.While non -smokers and children were riding, the inside of the Shinkansen, which could not open the window, was smoked (in 1976, the first non -smoking car was set on the Shinkansen.Only both).In addition, on the middle -distance train of JR (JNR before 1987) such as the Tokaido Main Line and Sanyo Main Line, there was an ashtray on the front box seats, except for some sections.

Not only medium and long -distance trains, but also smoking cessation, but some people smoked in the car even on commuter trains.In the video (fiction) of "Children is watching" published by the Nippon Science Film Manufacturing, a man on a side -by -side trains (such as the Yamanote Line in Tokyo, the Osaka Land Line, etc.), which is not a box seat).There is a scene where you are smoking a cigarette while reading the newspaper.

From the 2nd project of the National Federation of Viewing Education Education Federation "Children are watching"

Next to it is the male girl sitting, telling the child's thoughts.

"My dad is a very good dad, but on the train, there is a speaker when smoking is said to be smoking, but I smoke cigarettes. I think this is not the case."

50年前の男性の喫煙率は8割超 昭和では「おしゃれ」だったタバコ 「たばこはカッコいい」が通用した昭和の記憶

The content of the video is to stop this because it is a manner violation, but since there are people who actually smoke, they are taking up such situations.

Of course, if I could smoke on the train, I could smoke at the station.Until a smoking area was formed and restricted, the entire station platform was replaced ashtray.The smokers did not feel guilty about the littering of cigarettes, and when the train approached, threw the butts on the track as a matter of course.Although it was a rush hour, when I got off the train, I lit a cigarette, went down the stairs and passed the ticket gate.In addition, he went down to the subway station.

Airplanes also had smoking seats on both international and domestic flights.I remember that the air was dry in the cabin, and if I slept in the smoking seat, I often had my throat.Many airlines around the world started smoking cessation from around 1998 (Heisei 10).It's surprisingly recent.

In movies and dramas in the Showa era, there are scenes where smoking with plumps during work comes out.It was also cool (especially a criminal drama), and it was drawn well, and the young people longed for their appearance.It was fashionable to smoke cigarettes, and it was bad to be able to smoke as much as tobacco.

In elementary school, there was a teacher who smoked cigarettes in the classroom.On the contrary, some teachers gave classes in cigarettes.It depends on the school, but the staff room was smoking with cigarettes.In retrospect, it can be said that it was an environment that was not very good for education.

The restaurants and coffee shops had no smoking cessation seats as they are now, and they smoked cigarettes calmly at the sushi restaurant counter seats.I also hear that there was an ashtray in the hospital's waiting room, and there was a doctor who consulted while smoking.

Some people smoked while watching the movie in the cinema (although it was a smoking cessation), and when it was terrible, the screen seemed to smoke.In short, it was a time when cigarettes could be sucked almost anywhere, except for the risk of fire, such as gas stations.

Another reason for the smoking rate was that it was incredibly tolerant of minor smoking.It was in an environment where everyone could buy cigarettes.Some of the Showa raised may have been asked by parents to buy cigarettes.

When I was a child, I had a box of cigarettes as a birthday gift for my father, but even if I went to a nearby cigarette shop to buy it alone, it was sold normally (conversely.He was praised for "great."

It was not only a small child, but also a few shops that sold me even in junior and senior high school students.Not just when buying.It can be said that adults other than police are almost indifferent to minors smoking in the town.

Even school teachers often pretended not to see.It was normal that relatives' uncles and neighbors could recommend cigarettes, and minor smoking = evil and adults were strictly captured.

Unfortunately, no data from the Showa era is found, but the "Chuo Investigation Society" has published data on minor smoking experience from 1996 (Heisei 8) to 2010 (Heisei 22).。

Compared to junior high school boys, 34 in 1996.5 % smoking experience was 10 in 2010.It has fallen to one -third of 2 %.Looking at the adults who are pushed into a narrow smoking room and smoking, they will lose their longing for minors.