Wall Street Journal Japanese version of the folding smartphone competition, will each company participate in the race?

 Smartphone makers believe that such innovation (technical innovation) is needed to stop the deceleration of the terminal due to the long -term reduction of the terminal.With the improvement of software, display quality, and camera functions year by year, consumers have not felt much of the need for replacement in recent years.

 In addition, the development of a display that is large but does not take much space with bags and pockets is urgently needed.It is expected that the provision of wireless lines using the next -generation communication standard "5G" will increase the consumption of highly visual media such as videos and virtual reality (VR).

 But smartphone makers must first overcome some issues.One is the development of a flexible terminal that can fold halfway without sacrificing the quality and durability of the display.There are also issues such as lack of supply of necessary materials and rising assembly costs.The ultimate question in commercial is whether consumers want such a smartphone.

"I need something new"

 "The smartphone market is a few years to convince consumers when these foldable smartphones are the benefits of these folding smartphones, and it will take several years to convince consumers if they are more advantageous,"Is mature and needs something new. "

 According to the research company IDC, the number of smartphone shipments decreased by 1 % to 1,477 billion units in 2017, which turned to negative for the first time a year.



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 Since the first generation "iPhone" was released in 2007, the performance and software of the terminal have evolved significantly, but the basic appearance has not changed.Innovation, such as the top models such as "iPhone X (iPhone Ten)", does not change the basic design.

 This situation is in contrast to the beginning of mobile phones.Mobile phones have a variety of models and size models, from slide type to opening and closing type, and keyboard mounted type.

 Last year, China Nakako (ZTE) launched a folding smartphone connected with two displays called "AXON (Axon) M".But sales were not good and criticism was criticized.

 According to the patent application, smartphone makers are trying to achieve this technology with different designs.In March, Huawei applied for a smartphone patent with a hinge like a book.Apple applied for a patent for multiple folding terminals, including a design that can be folded in a Z -shaped shape.Apple's spokeswoman refrained from commenting.

There are only a few companies that can be manufactured

 China has applied for a local government for a patent for a terminal that is closed like a book or a bill in a book or a renbo (Lenovo) in China in the Changnic European European Mobile Movement (OPPO, Oppo), a vivo, and the Lenovo (Lenovo).According to the information that officials familiar with the circumstances told the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) in July, Samsung plans to announce a folding device as early as next year.

 OPPO and Vivo spokeswoman refrained from commenting.Lenovo's spokeswoman explained, "Details cannot be disclosed.""I can't talk about future terminals at this time," said Samsung's spokeswoman.

 Currently, there are a limited number of companies that can manufacture foldable displays that require advanced technology.According to Annabel Shoe, an advanced investigation manager of IDC, Samsung's Display Manufacturing Division, LG Display, and Kyohoku Science Group (BOE).

 According to stakeholders who are familiar with the circumstances, BOE is collaborating on Huawei and the company's folding terminals.

 Folding smartphones require different displays from most smartphones.According to industry analysts, most smartphones have liquid crystal displays (LCDs), but they are likely to use a highly flexible active matrix -type organic EL (Amored) display for foldable terminals.AMOLED has already been adopted in iPhone X and Samsung's "Galaxy S", but is more expensive than LCD.

The first generation is around $ 2000

 The material is also difficult to procure.According to IHS Hong, 95 % of the Amored display currently used for smartphones is supplied by Samsung's Display Manufacturing Division.

 The foldable display is also required to be durable that can withstand repeatedly open and closing.In addition, it is also necessary to make a major rework of hardware inside the terminal due to a considerably large battery and design change.

 There is also a price problem.Many dealers may no longer be able to hit a $ 1,000 -performance smartphone, but Hong says that the first -generation folding terminals will be sold at nearly twice that price.

 Large displays are already widely used as tablets and tablets, so it is unknown how much marketing smartphone has a market.In addition, concerns about terminal dependence are increasing, and it is not known whether consumers will continue to want a terminal that will make the gaze as gorgeous and gaze.

 Steven Temple, a visiting professor at the University of Sally University and has been designing a mobile phone for many years, says:"The company will try various things until someone finds the right answer."
