What is an "in -camera" -I can't hear anymore smartphone terms

Smartphones have both mobile phones and computers.So, if you look at the specifications, you can't compare with the jargon ...In this corner, we will gently explain such smartphone -related terms.This time is about "in -camera".


Most of the current model smartphones are equipped with two cameras.One is mounted on the back and the other on the LCD panel, so you can shoot both the scenery you see and the front direction without changing the direction of the smartphone.

「インカメラ」とは - いまさら聞けないスマートフォン用語

The main purpose is the "in -camera" camera that shoots in the foreground in the foreground, with video calls and selfie (selfie).Basically, it is a camera that should be able to shoot at a reasonable level, and compared to the camera (out camera) on the back side that requires beautiful pictures of landscapes and people, the specifications are inferior.It has been done.

Specifically, the out camera tends to have a higher resolution and the Lens's F -number is low (smaller).There are almost no flashes for out cameras on the in -camera.A stick (self -portrait stick) with a mirror attached is sold, which is a mechanism for selfie with an out -camera with excellent image quality.

However, as the demand for selfies increased, the performance/image quality of the in -camera became emphasized.Overseas, where selfie popularity is established earlier than in Japan, the tendency is remarkable, and many Android devices have an in -camera with the same number of pixels as out cameras.

Selfie demand in Japan is increasing, and domestic manufacturers have begun to move.Sony Mobile's new model "Xperia C5 ULTRA" (domestic release undecided) announced in August uses a "Exmor RS for Mobile" sensor with the same number of pixels for both in/out, and then the in -camera side.Equipped with autofocus function and flash.There is also a survey that many consumers are dissatisfied with the image quality of the in -camera, so it is likely that new products that emphasize the performance of the in -camera will increase in the future.

"Xperia C5 Ultra" with the same 13 million pixel sensors for in/out camera (domestic release undecided)