When I deleted the photo from the iPhone, the free space does not recover!?

Speaking of the iPhone use, the application on the phone, and the camera.The convenience that can be taken at any time and the improvement of the performance of the image sensor / lens / lens performance improvements, gaining the support of the end user, and now it is impossible to talk about the iPhone without the camera.

iPhoneから写真を削除したのに空き容量が回復しない!? とアセったときには

On the other hand, the frequency of use of the camera accelerates the lack of space for the built -in storage.The camera of the iPhone several generations ago did not consume 1 megabytes per photo, but in the current iPhone 11 series, which increased the number of pixels to 12 million, 2 mega and 3 mega photos per sheet are commonplace.If you fire continuously, you will consume hundreds of mega per day.It is not unusual for the built -in storage to be exhausted in a few months after buying the iPhone.

The only way to recover the built -in storage space is to delete photos on the iPhone.For photos that you do not want to delete, suck up photos with a cloud service such as a personal computer or "iCloud photo", and then delete it using the iPhone's "Photo" app.

However, even if you delete the photo with the "Photo" app, the storage of the storage will not be restored immediately.The deleted photo is moved to the "trash can" and is actually deleted after 30 days.It is a mechanism to enable the operation, but conversely, if you do not wait for 30 days, it will not be completely deleted and the storage of the storage will not recover.

If you can't wait for that much or want to recover the storage of storage in a hurry, open the screen in the order of "Settings" → "General" → "iPhone storage", and tap the deletion button for "recently deleted items" album ".will do.It is easier to understand than performing the same operation with the "Camera" app, allows you to completely delete photos quickly, and quickly restore storage.

Easy explanation of the operation procedure