When you want to unlock LINE hidden and display the talk room again

If you hide a friend who doesn't talk much when the number of friends is too many and organize, the list will be refreshing.But I'm in trouble when I want to contact me again.In such a case, if you unlock the hidden setting, it will be restored.Of course, you can also unlock the talk room and timeline.

Unlock your friends hidden settings

Friends who set hidden can be released from the hidden list.By the way, it is not known to the other party to hide the friend and unlock the hidden setting.


Display "Hide list" from "Friends" in "Settings" on the friend screen.So tap "Edit" on the right side and select "Rede display".This will now be displayed in a list of friends who set hidden settings.

Unlock the talk room hidden

There is no hidden list for talk rooms with friends.However, if you send a message to the other party by LINE, it will be displayed again on the talk screen.Tap the partner you want to redeemed the talk room from the friend screen and select "Talk".If you send a message in the talk room, the talk room will be redesigned to the talk screen.By the way, even if you do not send a message from yourself, if you receive a message from the other party, the talk room will be redesigned.

Unlock the timeline hidden

If you set all your friend's timeline posts hidden, you can unlock the hidden settings from the timeline hidden list.However, the previous post will not be displayed on the timeline, and will be displayed from the following posts after the hidden is canceled.

Search for "Timeline" in "Settings" on the friend screen, and select "Timeline Hide List".Next, if you tap "Hide Display" on the right, the hidden setting will be released and you will be able to see the timeline post.


IT journalist / smartphone safety advisor.He wrote articles about familiar IT, such as SNS and smartphones.He is familiar with teenage smartphoneculture and goes to high school girls and Purikura.My hobbies are very cute iPhone cases.He has authored more than 20 books, including a book that uses a smartphone and net to be learned by parents and children.