Why APP made in China must be excluded

 Australia has also been considering similar measures, and has been reported in Japan that the LDP rules strategic strategic strategies have been complaining to the government to prohibit the government.

 In the United States, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated on July 6 with the protection of the United States' national security and the protection of American information to the Chinese Communist Party, and the United States was a video.He has revealed that he is considering banning Chinese apps, including posting apps, Tiktok.

 And on August 6, US President Donald Trump issued a Chinese company and Americans in China's "Ticktock" and the message application "WECHAT" (Chinese LINE) (August 6).An administrative order (EXECUTIVE ORDER), which is banned 45 days later, has been launched.

The US -China conflict over "information and communication equipment and technology" is becoming increasingly stricter.

 The United States has eliminated products from Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturers, such as Huawei, from the US market, saying that there is a possibility that a back door may have a back door.

 This time, we are trying to eliminate apps operated by Chinese companies from the market.

 The theme of this paper is why Chinese apps must be excluded from the United States and others.

 In the following, the risks of using a Chinese app are first described, and the reason why Chinese apps are eliminated from countries such as the United States and India.

 Finally, we will describe why Chinese companies cannot refuse the demand for data submission from the government.

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1.Risk when using a Chinese app

(1) The smartphone has a large amount of user information (including personal information and privacy information).

 The smartphone has both a small PC and a conventional mobile phone.And you can freely install and use the apps you want to use.

 The use varies greatly depending on the individual and generations.

 Young people tend to spend a lot of time on SNS, video viewing, and games.In addition, from the 30s to the 50s, it is often used for communication such as online search, shopping, banking, and for elderly people, extending mobile phones and communication such as email.

 What is common in all ages is the use of cameras.

 The files of the photo taken with the location information of the smartphone turned on the location information of where and when and when.

 If you post this on SNS, etc., the approximate location information at home will be revealed if your actions or shooting locations are at home.

 In this way, a wide variety of applications are used for smartphones used for various purposes, which preserves a wide range of user information.

 A large amount of user information stored on a smartphone is the main part of the big data.

(2) Utilization of big data

 Big data refers to a huge amount of data obtained from location information and behavior history through smartphones and the Internet, information on viewing and viewing homepages and television.

 In addition, the evolution of IT technology has improved an environment that can be saved, managed, analyzed, shared, and utilized, at a much lower cost, high -speed, and faster than so far.

 Furthermore, due to the development of machine learning and deep learning, especially among AI, it has become possible to manage and analyze vast amounts of data that were not possible in the past.

 In the business field, new value has been created by the use of "big data" and AI.

(3) How to use big data in the field of intelligence

 Here, we will introduce how to use big data in the intelligence field.

 The following two cases were an interesting program that was once developed by the US and Defense Higher Research Planning Bureau (DARPA) but was canceled on the way.

 These programs have been canceled by government agencies, but their ideas have been taken over by the private sector.It is also speculated that intelligence and law enforcement agencies in the United States, including the United States and other countries, are executing more advanced programs similar to these programs.

�.Kaga Life Log Program

 In the DARPA plan, it collects all elements that can be grasped in personal life, preserved them in a database, connect them, and follow their relationships, events, and experiences.

 As a result, they take all actions, such as emails sent and received, photographed photos, browsing web pages, calls, watched TV programs, and read magazines, to track the "entertainment" in personal life.

 This makes it easier to identify individuals and monitor their individuals if they obtain unique behavioral patterns, such as daily routine, human relationships, and habits.

 However, as soon as the program was published in May 2003, it was canceled at the end of January 2004.

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 It is a data mining system that detects traces leading to the information of the terrorists developed by DARPA and tries to elucidate them before terrorism.

 Specifically, you can find a pattern that emerges from passport application, visa, labor license, driver's license, rental car use record, airline purchase record, arrest history, credit card history, educational background, medical care and residence record, etc.It was to predict a terrorist attack.

 In 2003, the plan was canceled due to the opposition of the US Congress.

 The above two DARPA programs were canceled at the time as infringing personal privacy.

 However, following the 9.11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the United States gave priority to security over individual privacy and greatly alleviated communication requirements.

 The FISA AMENDMENTS Act of 2008, which was established in July 2008, legalized telephone and e -mails such as telephone and e -mail without a court.

(4) Conclusion

 As mentioned above, a large amount of user information is stored on the smartphone.In some cases, the app operator accesses them, acquiring user information without sufficient explanation, and sending them to the outside.

 Developed countries have strictly restricted access and use of user information stored in the app from the viewpoint of personal information and privacy protection.

 On the other hand, in China, which has low human rights awareness, it seems that there is no regulation like developed countries as described later.

 Therefore, it is presumed that all user information stored on a smartphone has leaked to the Chinese government agency, and it is thought that the Chinese government uses that information for political purposes.

 This is the risk of using a Chinese app.

2.Why Chinese apps are excluded due to rice stamps, etc.

(1) China's specificity

 In China, the handling of personal information and the protection of "information on privacy rights" is different from other countries as follows.

| 羚颪。。。。。。。。。。。。。。For this reason, it seems that all information is flowing to the law enforcement agency.

 Advanced countries such as the United States, the United States, the English, the Germany, the Buddha, the Ka, and the Ide are fully equipped with a legal system for telecommunications, which stipulates strict requirements from the viewpoint of personal information protection, and based on the law.Is requesting the app operator to provide information.

 It is unknown whether similar laws have been established in China.Even if it was, it would be a famous innocent law.

�In China, there is a provision for personal information protection for telecommunications carriers, but app operators will not be able to refuse to submit data from government agencies.

 In China, the provisions of personal information on the Internet are stipulated by two documents, "The National People's Council of the National People's National Tournament on Network's Enhancements of the Network" and "The provisions on telecommunications and personal information protection of Internet users".It is being.

 The provisions of personal information protection in the above two documents are almost the same as the provisions of foreign countries.The latter imposes several obligations to telecommunications carriers.Next, a part of it is enumerated.

・ Establish and publish the provisions of collection and use of user information

・ Do not collect or use user personal information without obtaining the consent of users

・ Clearly notify the user of the purpose of collecting and using personal information, methods, range, information in inquiry and changes, and refusal to provide information.

・ Do not collect the personal information of users other than the information required to provide the service, and do not use information for any purpose other than providing services.

 As mentioned above, in China, we must not collect and use user personal information without obtaining the consent of users, and do not use information for purposes other than providing services. ing.

 In an interview with the Japanese media, Huawei's founder and CEO (the highest executive officer) said in an interview with the Japanese media, "Temporarily submit the inconvenient data from the government).When there is a request, we will act faithfully to our values. Values are faithful to customer interests and do not contradict the interests.However, it is to reject (Nikkei Business 2019/1/18).


 However, it is incredible to refuse government agencies in China, a single party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party.

 Therefore, it is natural that all personal data collected by telecommunications carriers is flowing to government agencies.

I see that the information collected collected from the ▲。 羚颪 ▲ ▲ 咼 咼。。 � � � �。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

 Every country makes use of the collected information for terrorism measures.However, in the case of China, the boundary between terrorism measures and opposition is ambiguous.

 For this reason, it is not doubtful that the collected information is mainly used for repression and human rights infringement of opposition.

(2) Conclusion

 Due to the above -mentioned Chinese specialty, India and the United States are trying to eliminate Chinese apps from their countries for the following reasons.

 It is incredible to refuse government demands in China, a one -party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party.Therefore, it is natural that all personal data collected by telecommunications carriers, etc. will come to the Chinese Communist Party administration.

 Even if it is common information, it will be worth it if you collect a large amount.That means that the Chinese Communist Party government is known to know the weaknesses of "(self -state)".

 For this reason, India and the United States, which are in conflict with China, may be eager to eliminate Chinese apps.

 There is no doubt that China is using information to crack down on the opposition (Tibet free, Falun Gong, Uyghur Independent Movement, Hong Kong Democratization Movement).

 Therefore, many Chinese residents and India and the United States, which have political asylum from China, will try to eliminate apps operated by Chinese companies to protect those people.

3.Reasons why the Chinese government cannot be rejected

 The author has already mentioned that it is incredible to refuse government demands in China, a single party dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party, but there are two bases: the National Information Law and the internal control mechanism of Chinese companies.

(1) National Information Law

The Xi Jinping Administration, which promotes the "national rule", emphasizes the development of the national safety system, anti -spy (enforced 2014.11.1), the National Safety Law (2015.7.1 enforcement), and anti -terrorism method.(2016.1.1 enforcement) and many new laws such as Cyber Security Law (2017.6.1 enforcement) have been established.

 As one of these series of national safety -related legislation, the national information law on the national information activities, its implementation system, information agencies, and personnel rights of the personnel, were enforced on June 28, 2017.

 The law stipulates the following as "the duty of the people".

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� The National Information Activities Agency (the Ministry of National Security, the Ministry of Public Security and the Information Division in the Army) will construct a cooperative relationship with related individuals and organizations based on the national relevant provisions, and outsource related activities.Can be done (Article 12).

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 Regarding the National Information Law, it is pointed out that "if the state ordered information, whether it is a Chinese corporation or an individual, it is a law that information must be disclosed to Chinese authorities."

 However, the author believes that each of the regulations of the National Information Law is basically a statement of conventional information activities in China.

 It is unlikely that the enforcement of this law has changed significantly to the coordination of the nation's nation.The author believes that the internal control mechanism of Chinese companies described in the following section has a greater impact.

(2) Internal control mechanism for Chinese companies


 The promotion of the stock system of state -owned companies in China has also changed to the company's internal control mechanism.

 The “Old Sankai”, a “old party committee” (Communist Party Committee), a “Kogyo and Institute of Tournament” (Employee Representative Tournament), and “Engineering Association” (Trading Association), which have been in the state -owned corporate era, are surviving.The "Shinzo -kai", which is the "Togo Games" (General Assembly), the "Dong Association" (Board of Directors), and the "Auditors Association" (Audit & Supervisory Committee) under the stock system。

 As far as these functions of the "New Sanbai" are seen, there is no different from the corporate management system of the leading capitalist country.

 On the other hand, China's unique "Geri Sansai" was once the highest power mechanism of the state -owned company.The protagonist in the company was regarded as an employee, and the mechanism for employees to exercise control to companies was the “Kogyo Representative Tournament” and the “Engineering Association”.

 After the introduction of the stock system, the “Kogyo Representative Tournament” was almost integrated into the shares with employees, but the company said that companies could not interfere with or restrict unions in the “engineering association”.It is stipulated that there is no legal obligation to establish a union.

The largest stakeholder in the "Geri -Sankai" is the "party committee".

The "Party Committee" is important, such as enthusiasts and national policies in the company, participating in important decision -making, guidance on ideas and political aspects, and coordination of organizations such as construction associations and adjustments.It has played a role.

 Therefore, there is no legal obligation to establish a party organization at the company terminal organization after the introduction of the stock system, but many companies establish a "party committee" due to its importance.(Source: Josai International University's "Reform of Chinese state -owned companies (1980-2010)")

stomach.Actual situation of the community community organization

 A major Chinese car manufacturer in China, a leading partner of Toyota Motor Corporation, China, suddenly changed the articles of incorporation of the company in April 2016, saying, "The Board of Directors and Business Conference make serious decisions and human resources.When deciding, the Communist Party Committee in the company has added a claim that the party has the right to submit the opinions and proposals to the management side.

 Similar movements are spreading not only to the first trains, but also to Chinese state -owned companies.

 The creepy that companies take the initiative in the party's involvement.Why isn't it a problem?

 The answer jumped out at the end of 2016 as the ruling remarks.

"We will strengthen the guidance of the party against the management of state -owned companies."The remarks are the leaders of the National Asset Supervision Committee, the leader of the National Asset Supervision Committee, who manages the state -owned company.

 In addition, Mr. Chu continued to say, "I will completely review the same person as the same person," for the top management of the top management (CEO) and the top of the party committee.

 By the way, Chinese companies have a unique organization.It is the Chinese Communist Party Committee called the "Party Committee."

 The organizational rate (Communist Party Committee members / all employees) are more than 90 % of state -owned companies and over 50 % for private companies.

 In the country where the party teaches even the government, the party committee has effectively affected corporate decisions, including human resources in the company.

 The Communist Party has called for the establishment of a party in an organization with three or more members.

 Private companies representing China, such as Huawei, have a party committee.The party committee also spreads to foreign capital, including Japanese companies.

 The Xi Jinping leaders aiming for an organizational rate "99.9 %".The Party Committee's Terms of the Party, saying, "I will not guide business activities", and it has been in front of the company that we will not intervene in management.

 However, in fact, the leaders of the party are often served as the leaders of the party, and corporate management is also influenced by the party.

 If it is a state -owned company, the human resources of the management team are directly linked to the personnel affairs of the party, and the party dominance has been stronger (Source: "The Convention of the CC Communist Party Committee's decisions is left and right self -righteous traps (3)" 2017/11Newspaper electronic version).

 By the way, out of about 13 million companies in China as a whole, about 300,000 state -owned companies are 2 %.However, it is said that "2 % of state -owned companies move 20 % of the Chinese economy", and the foundation of the Chinese economy is still said to be held by state -owned companies (Source: Nikkei Shimbun 2017/7/12).

(3) Conclusion

 As described above, party domination for state -owned and private companies has been increasing.

 The Chinese Communist Party has not disclosed which companies are established because private companies also seek the establishment of the party, but if they are more than a certain company, considering the relationship with the government.It should have established the "Party Committee".

 In addition, the CEO Non -Way, a major telecommunications device, the founder of the founder of the founder of Alibaba, a major online mail order, and the top of the major IT company Tencent, the horses (Pony Ma), are all Communist Party members.。

 It is unlikely that the top of China's representative companies will not become party members in China, which is dominated by the Chinese Communist Party.

 Therefore, it would be difficult in China to not follow the guidance of the party, regardless of the size of the company.

 In such a situation, it is unlikely that companies will refuse government data submission requests.

in conclusion

 On August 7, US Secretary of State Pompeo announced a "clean network" concept to eliminate Chinese companies from US telecommunications networks to protect American data from unreliable vendors.

 In order to form a "clean network", the United States has launched a policy of across "clean companies" and is calling for participation in each country.

 However, details have not been disclosed for specific methods of these initiatives.

 The US Department of State has already published the "Select 5g Clean Telecommunication Companies" on the website.

 For 5G, 31 telecommunications companies have been selected as "clean communication companies" (as of August 31).

 Japanese companies have selected four companies, NTT, KDDI, Rakuten and SoftBank.Many countries and companies are now standing at the crossroads of "Choosing China or the United States."

 Finally, Michael Green of the U.S. Institute for US Strategic International Affairs (CSIS), who is familiar with Asian diplomacy, won which President Trump or former Vice President Joe Biden won in the US presidential election in November.He also said that the current hard -line stance to China would be maintained (current affairs dot com news August 3, 2020).

 I agree.The currently ongoing US -China conflict is a fateful battle for hegemony, the United States, and emerging and China.The hegemony struggle will continue until a certain settlement is reached.

 He also said, "The pursuit of strategic ambiguity (which is not attached to the United States), such as Korea and Singapore, is the worst way.Abe says that China thinks that his pressure is working. Prime Minister Abe has a clear signal to China to China, and the US -Japan alliance is sacred and never separate. "He evaluates it as a flag.

 I have exactly the same opinion.

I: Kyozo Yokoyama