Why Huawei Requires Employees to “Fulfill the Mission”

--Please tell us about Huawei's overall personnel strategy and personnel evaluation system.

Personnel evaluation is conducted mainly from the three perspectives of ability, performance, and implementation of core values. The performance management process consists of four stages: goal setting, implementation and guidance, final evaluation, and feedback. Through the process, with sufficient two-way communication, managers and employees agree on the most important goals that employees must achieve over a period of time (usually half a year).

Once the goals have been set, employees will strive to achieve them while managing themselves. Managers are obligated to support and guide them in achieving their goals. Huawei's personnel evaluation system adopts "relative evaluation for overall contribution". In other words, we comprehensively evaluate the achievement status of targets set by employees based on their responsibilities, the status of fulfillment of their responsibilities, and whether they have contributed or made efforts beyond their responsibilities. We conduct relative evaluations of employees in the same rank and field of expertise, and this is called the "Responsibility and results principle."

――What kind of capabilities does Huawei emphasize?

Huawei values ​​people who can contribute to the realization of the company's vision and mission. In the selection and acquisition of human resources, we believe that all employees who can fulfill their responsibilities and contribute more than cost are excellent human resources, regardless of their field of expertise or position. I will prepare Huawei believes that the company creates value based on intellectual labor and entrepreneurship, and prioritizes investment in human capital over increasing financial capital.

In acquiring human resources, we accept diverse human resources with a global perspective. Hiring global talent will increase the number of unique employees, make the team more creative, and foster an atmosphere that embraces diversity.

Why does Huawei give employees a mission Do you want to fulfill your mission?

Huawei also recognizes that, beyond Chinese talent, we must bring together talent from around the world to continue to lead the industry. For this reason, we have established research and development bases around the world where highly specialized human resources gather, and have adopted the strategy of "Where there are human resources, there is Huawei." In recent years, we have established dozens of competency centers in Moscow, Paris, London, New York, Düsseldorf, Milan, Bengaluru (Bangalore), Seattle, Tokyo, etc., and utilize local researchers to develop cutting-edge technologies in the ICT field. We are committed to research and basic research.

--About Huawei's compensation system. What kind of "strugglers" that your company emphasizes?

Huawei, which started with a capital of 20,000 yuan, had no resources to rely on. Huawei has come this far as a result of the continuous efforts of each and every employee. One of the most important qualities that Huawei must possess as a “struggler” is to “fulfill its mission”.

In the early days, Huawei lacked technology, talent, and funds, and had no choice but to work hard. The development of Huawei's first successful digital telephone switch, the C&C08, was also extremely difficult. In some cases, they were even unable to pay their employees in full. Even so, the employees worked hard on the development while staying overnight in the laboratory.

Today, Huawei has grown into a company with abundant technology, funds, and human resources. I think it is necessary to “keep fighting”.

--Please tell us about the average age, job change rate, etc.

The average age of the entire company is around 37, but Huawei Japan averages around 40. Huawei's job turnover rate is lower than the industry average, as talent in the telecommunications and high-tech industries moves relatively quickly.

――Are you promoting the use of AI in personnel evaluations?

Huawei's talent evaluation system does not use AI technology. Accurate evaluation of a single person is a very difficult task. Huawei has a system in which performance evaluations are conducted mainly by direct superiors and management teams with the support of the Human Resources Department. If necessary, I may interview employees in the same workplace, but I have not yet considered AI tools.