14 ways to extend the battery life of the iPhone

14 ways to extend the battery life of the iPhone

14 ways to extend the battery life of the iPhone

古いiPhoneを持ってる人、新しいiPhoneなのにバッテリーの減りがなぜか早い人、そんな人には朗報です。14 ways to extend the battery life of the iPhoneどんな状態のiPhoneでも、バッテリー需要を伸ばせる方法はたくさんあります。これで、毎日お昼の休憩にバッテリーが切れる心配をする必要はありません。今回は、iPhoneのバッテリー寿命を伸ばすのに大いに役立つ、様々な機能や設定をご紹介しましょう。目次1.Customize low power mode 2.Use the optimization of charging 3.When the battery is charged 80%, sound an alert 4.Check the app in question 5.Do not use widgets on the home screen / restriction 6.Disable location information tracking 7.Do not process the background as much as possible 8.Turn off unnecessary notifications 9.Disable app automatic updates and downloads 10.Do not use siri 11.Disable automatic email reception 12.You can save a little battery even in dark mode 13.Disable sleep release 14.If none of them work, replace it with a new battery

Customize low power mode

Regarding the battery life of the iPhone, low power mode is a really salvation god. Thoroughly shut down the background processing, the battery will not decrease much. However, low power mode usually operates only when the normal iPhone battery is reduced to 20 %. Here is the appearance of the convenient Apple automated application "Shortcut". If the battery is reduced to 30 %, 40 % or the percentage you set, you can set an "automation" that automatically turns on low power mode. The setting method is as follows. Open the "Shortcut" app and switch to the "Automation" tab. Tap the upper plus button, go to "Create a personal automation> Remaine to the battery", move the desired percentage, decide, and tap "Next". Here, search for "low power mode" and add an action of "Change low power mode to turn on". If you tap "Next" and disable "ask before execution", the shortcut will be executed automatically. Tap "Complete" to save the settings. Now, if the battery level is reduced to the percentage where the battery level is set, it will automatically be in low power mode, so that the battery display can be delayed before the battery turns red. 


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